1. Xi chairs deepening reform meeting

Xi Jinping chairs fourth meeting of Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reforms

Enhance the ability of land elements to guarantee high-quality development in advantageous areas

Further improve grassroots emergency management capabilities

Li Qiang, Wang Huning and Cai Qi attended the meeting

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 19 – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and Director of the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission, presided over the fourth meeting of the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission on the afternoon of February 19, and reviewed and approved the “About Reform” Opinions on enhancing the land management system’s ability to guarantee high-quality development in advantageous areas”, “Opinions on promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development”, “Opinions on further improving grassroots emergency management capabilities”, “Opinions on accelerating the formation of a foundation to support comprehensive innovation”, “Opinions on the System”, “Summary Report on the Work of the Central Commission for Comprehensive Deepening Reforms in 2023”, and “Key Points of Work of the Central Commission for Comprehensive Deepening Reforms in 2024”.

When presiding over the meeting, Xi Jinping emphasized the need to establish and improve a land management system that is more efficiently connected with macro policies and regional development, improve the accuracy of land element allocation and utilization efficiency, and promote the formation of a spatial development pattern with effective main function constraints and coordinated and orderly land development. , and enhance the ability of land elements to guarantee high-quality development in advantageous areas. Promoting comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development is the basic strategy to solve resource, environmental and ecological problems. We must adhere to comprehensive transformation, collaborative transformation, innovative transformation, and safe transformation, and take the “double carbon” work as the guide to collaboratively promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, and expansion. Green and growth, the concept of green development runs through all aspects of the entire process of economic and social development. It is necessary to further improve grassroots emergency management capabilities, promote emergency management efforts to sink, protect downwards, and move barriers forward, effectively prevent and resolve major safety risks, handle various disasters and accidents in a timely and effective manner, build a solid safety floor, and keep the safety bottom line. We must closely focus on the outstanding issues that restrict the deep integration of science and technology and economy, focus on what innovation should do, who will organize innovation, and how to support, encourage and protect innovation, continue to deepen reform and tackle key problems, and accelerate the construction of a basic system for comprehensive innovation.

Li Qiang, Wang Huning and Cai Qi, members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and deputy directors of the Central Commission for Comprehensive Deepening Reforms, attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to coordinate the regional economic layout and land space utilization, refine the land management policy units based on the functional positioning and resource endowments of each region, improve the level of resource development and utilization, and better play the demonstration and leading role of advantageous areas. It is necessary to strictly implement the boundaries of land and space control, strictly observe the three control lines of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, ecological protection red lines, and urban development boundaries, and strengthen supervision during and after the event. Some exploratory but very urgent reform measures must be studied in depth and advanced steadily.

The meeting emphasized that to promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, we must focus on key areas of economic and social development, build a green, low-carbon and high-quality development spatial pattern, promote the green transformation of industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure, urban and rural construction and development, and accelerate the formation of resource-saving and production methods and lifestyles that protect the environment. It is necessary to seize the key links in promoting green transformation, promote comprehensive conservation, accelerate consumption transformation, and strengthen green technological innovation and the promotion and application of advanced green technologies. It is necessary to improve the fiscal, taxation, financial, investment, price policies and related market mechanisms that support green and low-carbon transformation, and provide policy support and institutional guarantees for green transformation.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to straighten out the management system, strengthen the party’s leadership over grassroots emergency management work, give full play to the comprehensive advantages of the emergency management department and the professional advantages of relevant departments and parties, connect the responsibility chain of “prevention” and “rescue”, and improve the overall safety Great emergency framework. It is necessary to improve the working mechanism and promote the formation of closed-loop management of hidden danger investigation, risk identification, monitoring and early warning, and timely disposal, so that prevention comes first, discovery is early, and disposal is small. Improve the guarantee mechanism, increase basic investment, and allocate strong emergency rescue forces based on factors such as regional population, economic scale, disaster and accident characteristics, and safety risk levels. It is necessary to strengthen the education and training of grassroots cadres and enhance the public’s risk prevention awareness and self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities.

The meeting emphasized that accelerating the formation of a basic system to support comprehensive innovation is an important measure to deepen the reform of the science and technology system and promote the realization of high-level science and technology self-reliance and self-reliance. It is necessary to improve the system of centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee on science and technology work, improve the new national system, and focus on the subject. Address outstanding issues in coordination, factor allocation, incentives and constraints, openness and security, etc., and make up for the shortcomings of the system. According to the different laws of scientific research, technological development, and industrial innovation, system design should be strengthened by classification, and major reform pilots should be carried out first. It is necessary to strengthen system integration and conduct policy orientation consistency assessments on newly introduced measures and newly formulated systems to ensure that efforts are made in the same direction and synergy is formed.

The meeting pointed out that in the past year, we have fully implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deeply grasped the new requirements for comprehensively deepening reforms in promoting Chinese-style modernization, scientifically planned reform work from a new starting point, made precise efforts, coordinated efforts, and sustained The effort provides motivation and vitality for the start of the new journey. Promote the implementation of the reform tasks deployed by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, study and adopt a number of important reform documents, and focus on solving outstanding problems that are urgently needed for high-quality development and that the people are anxious about. Organize and implement the reform of party and state institutions, improve the party’s leadership system, optimize the allocation of institutional responsibilities in key fields such as science and technology, and finance, and basically complete the reform tasks at the central level. Strengthen the coordination and promotion of key reform tasks and supervise their implementation, and promote the implementation of reforms to achieve results.

This year is another important year for comprehensively deepening reforms. The main task is to plan for further comprehensively deepening reforms. This is not only a practical sequel to comprehensively deepening reforms since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, but also a new chapter in the new era of promoting Chinese-style modernization on a new journey. We must persist in using reform and opening up as a key strategy to solve development problems and deal with risks and challenges on the way forward. We must continue to implement reform measures that are conducive to expanding domestic demand, optimizing structure, boosting confidence, ensuring people’s livelihood, preventing and defusing risks, and focus on solving the most critical and urgent issues. It is necessary to scientifically plan major measures to further comprehensively deepen reforms, focus on the institutional obstacles that hinder the smooth advancement of Chinese-style modernization, clarify the strategic focus, priorities, main directions, and promotion methods of reforms, highlight the orientation of reform issues, and highlight key reform tasks in various fields. Reform measures must have a clear direction and be aimed at solving the most prominent problems. They must have a strong flavor of reform and sufficient quality. It is necessary to fully mobilize the enthusiasm for reform in all aspects, further build consensus on reform, mobilize the efforts of the whole party and the country to promote and implement major reform tasks, listen extensively to opinions and suggestions from all sides, promptly summarize the fresh experience created by the grassroots and the masses, and inspire the majority of party members, Cadres take on their responsibilities and promote the formation of a strong reform atmosphere that encourages innovation, hard work, and pioneering progress.

Members of the Central Commission for Comprehensive Deepening Reforms attended the meeting, and responsible comrades from relevant departments of the central government and state agencies attended the meeting as non-voting delegates.