3. “Green” Xiamen

Drawing a new picture of Ludao

“Xiamen Practice” of Xi Jinping’s Ecological Civilization Thoughts

Xinhua News Agency reporters

Xia Xia shelters guests from five continents, and its doors are open to thousands of hectares of waves.

Walking in Xiamen, people will always encounter beautiful scenery unexpectedly: the egrets dancing in Yuandang Lake, the green trees and red tiles of Gulangyu Island, the sea and sky of Wuyuan Bay are one color...

“Looking up is the fresh blue, looking around is the pleasant green.” General Secretary Xi Jinping is full of affection for Xiamen and cherishes every grass and stone here. Back then, when he came to work in Xiamen City, then served as the leader of Fujian Province, and then later worked in the central government, Comrade Xi Jinping made a series of arrangements for Xiamen’s ecological and environmental protection, which have yielded fruitful results.

As an important nurturing place and pioneering practice of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization, for more than 30 years, the children of Ludao have kept in mind the instructions and adhered to “one blueprint to draw to the end”, systematic management, long-term success, and high-level marine ecological restoration to promote high-quality development , depicting a vivid picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Anchor long-term goals: adhere to “one blueprint to be drawn to the end”

International Garden City, United Nations Habitat Award, National Forest City... these reputations all belong to Xiamen. But the beauty of Xiamen has not always been like this.

In 1985, the State Council approved the expansion of the Xiamen Special Economic Zone to the entire island. In the summer of this year, Comrade Xi Jinping left Zhengding, Hebei, and went south to Xiamen to take up his new post as member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive deputy mayor.

Although Xiamen was a coastal city at that time, its appearance was very old. Some people described Xiamen as “like a beautiful girl wearing shabby clothes.” The seriously polluted Yuandang Lake has posed a difficult problem for Xiamen people: how to handle the relationship between development and protection? Does economic development have to come at the expense of the environment?

Comrade Xi Jinping has a clear understanding of this issue after in-depth research and thinking: “I come from the north, and I feel that every piece of grass and stone in Xiamen is very precious.”

“Can we use partial destruction to carry out other aspects of construction? I think it is very clear that Xiamen cannot exchange for other aspects of development at this price.”

The direction is clear, economic development cannot be at the expense of the environment——

“What I love most is that after the tide, the river is full of fishing fires.” Yuandang Lake was originally a fishing port in the inner bay of Xiamen Island. “Yundang Fishing Fire” is one of the eight scenic spots in Xiamen’s history.

But in the 1970s and 1980s, after reclaiming land from the sea and building embankments to encircle the lake, Yuandang Port turned into a nearly closed Yuandang Lake. A large amount of industrial and domestic sewage was discharged into the water body, turning the water black and smelly, and the surrounding people complained endlessly. “When will Yuandang Lake cease to be black and smelly?” Local people called for governance of Yuandang Lake.

“Yundang Lake needs to be managed, intercepting sewage, dredging, and building a sewage treatment plant. What are the hard skills? At that time, Xiamen had just established a special economic zone. I wanted to break a penny in half and spend it. It was so difficult!” 81-year-old Zhang Yihe is One of the people who witnessed the management of Yuandang Lake witnessed the great changes in Yuandang Lake from sewage overflow, fish and shrimp extinction to the gathering of gulls and herons, and the restoration of glory.

On March 30, 1988, Comrade Xi Jinping presided over a special meeting with the theme of strengthening the comprehensive management of Yuandang Lake.

At this meeting, Xiamen City established a leading group for the management of Yuandang Lake, which clarified that “the mayor will personally manage the lake” and “the municipal finance will allocate 10 million yuan each year this year and next”, and creatively summarized the lake management strategy as “ The 20-character policy is to regulate lakes in accordance with the law, intercept and treat sewage, dredge and build banks, revitalize water bodies, and beautify the environment.

“What is the concept of investing 10 million yuan? This was equivalent to one-tenth of Xiamen’s annual infrastructure investment at that time.” Zhang Yihe sighed, “The management of Yuandang Lake has begun to take serious action!”

Interception and treatment of sewage to eliminate the “root cause” - all industrial enterprises around the lake have been shut down or relocated, sewage treatment plants have been built and projects such as sewage interception around the lake have been implemented, and diverted sewage pipes, sewage pumping stations and many flood drainage ditches have been transformed Mizoguchi to improve the water quality of the lake area.

To invigorate water bodies and unblock the “meridians” - technicians adapted to local conditions and created the technology of “inducing tides and activating water”. Through the construction of the west embankment gate and diversion embankment, the natural tidal range will be used to divert seawater from the west sea area into the lake and invigorate the water body.

Dredging and building banks will cure the “stubborn disease” - pollutants have been deposited over the years, the silt is unclear, and it is difficult to guarantee water quality. Large-scale dredging of Yuandang Lake began. After the silt was processed, banks were built and islands in the center of the lake were built. This not only improved the water quality, but also greatly enhanced the flood control capability.

In 1992, a long-lost dragon boat race took place on Yuandang Lake. “That day, Xiamen citizens gathered on both sides of Yuandang Lake, not only cheering for the competition, but also applauding the effectiveness of Yuandang Lake management.” Zhang Yihe recalled.

For more than 30 years, successive Xiamen municipal committees and municipal governments have followed the work guidelines established by Comrade Xi Jinping and successively carried out five rounds of comprehensive improvement work on Yuandang Lake, with a total investment of approximately 2 billion yuan.

Today, Yuandang Lake has clear green shores and a shallow bottom with fish swimming in it. It is known as Xiamen’s “city living room”. Citizens and tourists linger around the lake to watch migratory birds and enjoy the beauty of the ecology.

Yuandang Lake is the first ripple of Xiamen’s ecological environment changes. Since that special meeting on comprehensive management that year, in the past 36 years, Xiamen has gradually launched comprehensive improvements in bay areas such as the West Sea Area, Wuyuan Bay, Huandong Sea Area, Xinglin Bay, and Maluan Bay, as well as coordinated management of river basins such as the Jiulong River, starting from the top of the mountain. Go to the ocean to carry out ecological restoration of the whole area, and spread out a “picture of Xiamen” as a modern and international city with high quality and good appearance.

The path is clear, develop while protecting, protect while developing——

“According to the general secretary’s instructions, we persisted in greening and afforestation on the mountains, which is why we have the green waters and mountains now.” Talking about Comrade Xi Jinping’s two visits to the military camp village, the 71-year-old Gao Quanguo still has fresh memories.

Junying Village, Lianhua Town, Tong’an District, is located in the most remote northwest of Xiamen City, with an altitude of nearly 1,000 meters. It was once one of the poorest villages in Xiamen. In the 1980s, in order to fry tea and develop the tea industry, villagers went to the mountains to cut down forests one after another, turning the mountains into patches of bare “plague”.

In 1986, Comrade Xi Jinping came to this mountain village. After an in-depth investigation, he proposed to the local area the requirement to grow a variety of tea and fruits to prevent soil and water loss.

What Gao Quanguo didn’t expect was that after 11 years, Comrade Xi Jinping, who had already served as the provincial leader, came to this remote mountain village again and further proposed: “Grow a variety of teas and fruits, and don’t forget forest greening. We must develop the mountains. ‘Hat’ on the mountain.”

“Wearing a hat on the mountain” means to restrict man-made deforestation, while “development under the mountain” uses the local high mountain geographical conditions to develop a variety of characteristic ecological agriculture.

Adhere to greening and afforestation and use green resources as development resources. The ecological environment in the village has improved, the quality of the mountain tea is better, and there is no need to worry about sales. Farmhouses and B&Bs have been opened in the village, and starry sky camps, expansion bases, etc. have been developed. The life of the villagers has become more and more prosperous.

Today’s military camp village has gurgling streams passing through the village and green tea gardens on the mountains. It has become an “Internet celebrity village” where tourists rush to check in.

From managing Yuandang Lake in Xiamen, to proposing the construction of an “ecological province” while working in the province, and later proposing that “lucid waters and lush mountains are mountains of gold and silver”... Along the way, Comrade Xi Jinping’s thinking on the relationship between man and nature has gradually Deepen and take root and bloom in the land of China.

“I have deep feelings for the mountains, rivers, plants and trees here. After leaving Fujian, I have been paying attention to Fujian. Some of my thoughts and explorations while working here are still being thought about and deepened in my later work. Some of them are It has been practiced on a larger scale across the country.” During his inspection in Fujian in 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping said emotionally.

Looking to the future and planning long-term development with historical responsibility——

While working in Xiamen, Comrade Xi Jinping presided over the preparation of the “Xiamen Economic and Social Development Strategy from 1985 to 2000”. This development strategy is the earliest economic and social development strategic plan spanning 15 years prepared by local governments in my country. In it, Comrade Xi Jinping deeply thought about the sustainable development of this city.

This strategy, formulated nearly 40 years ago, has a special topic on ecological and environmental issues, and makes good ecology an important goal of Xiamen’s development strategy, which is the first of its kind in the country.

Plan for long-term trends and implement long-term strategies.

While working in Xiamen, Comrade Xi Jinping attached great importance to the theory and practice of ecological civilization construction and put forward a series of concepts that are still very advanced today.

After working in the province, Comrade Xi Jinping was still concerned about the construction of ecological civilization in Xiamen, and clearly proposed that Xiamen should implement a cross-island development strategy and become a vanguard in the construction of an ecological province.

After working in the central government, Comrade Xi Jinping has always been full of affection and high hopes for Xiamen. He has issued a series of important instructions and instructions, which provide fundamental guidance for Xiamen’s ecological civilization construction and point the way for changes in Xiamen’s development concepts and development methods.

A blueprint is drawn to the end, one task after another.

Over the past 36 years, Xiamen has made long-lasting strategic efforts to coordinate the promotion of economic and social development and ecological environmental protection, jointly build a shared ecological city, and explore a practical path for ecological civilization that promotes harmony between people and the sea.

Adhere to the system concept: continuously improve the efficiency of ecological and environmental governance

The city is on the sea, and the sea is in the city.

Xiamen is a typical bay city with a land area of ​​1,699 square kilometers and a sea area of ​​only 333 square kilometers. In particular, Xiamen Island carries nearly half of the city’s population with an area of ​​158 square kilometers. For a long time, the market situation of “less land and more people” has determined that Xiamen’s marine resources and environment are under heavy pressure, and various sea-use conflicts such as shipping, breeding, and tourism have become prominent.

In 2002, Comrade Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and governor of Fujian Province, clearly proposed the idea of ​​transforming Xiamen’s urban planning from an island type to a bay type.

To implement this important instruction, Xiamen City has successively carried out comprehensive renovation and development projects in five bay areas since 2002, including Haicang Bay (Western Sea Area), Wuyuan Bay, Xinglin Bay, Tongan Bay, and Maluan Bay, to create a bay area surrounding Xiamen. “Beautiful Blue Bay”.

The city’s marine aquaculture has withdrawn from 258,000 acres (approximately 172 square kilometers), promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional fishery production, providing more space for high-quality development of the marine economy, and achieving good ecological and economic benefits.

Over the past 36 years, Xiamen has adhered to systematic management to create a beautiful bay living environment. Based on the characteristics of “a bay within a bay” of the city’s sea area, the city was the first to propose the concept of comprehensive bay area improvement in coastal areas in China, investing a total of 105.6 billion yuan in marine ecological protection and restoration to build a bay-shaped city where man and nature coexist harmoniously.

Every weekend, in the Maluan Bay Ecological Three Island Park and the South Bank Linear Park, located at the northwest end of Xiamen’s West Sea, there is an endless stream of surrounding residents who come to relax. Some of them had a picnic on the ground, and some let fly kites. Occasionally, a fish will jump out of the water, and its tail fin will create sparkling waves, which will cause photographers to click their shutters.

In the Maluan Bay Area, similar “pocket parks” are not uncommon, with a total green area of ​​more than 4 square kilometers. The shoreline around Maluan Bay has formed a beautiful landscape of “ten thousand poinciana trees, thousands of meters of flower corridors, hundreds of views, and ten miles of flower paths”, and an urban natural system with both ecology and landscape has gradually formed.

It is hard to imagine that this beautiful bay area, with people in the scenery and scenery on the sea, was once “densely covered with fish ponds and filled with foam.” “For more than 20 years, we have completed the ecological restoration project of Maluan Bay through methods such as returning land to the sea, watershed management, and ecological water replenishment.” Cai Dejin, the resident deputy commander of the Maluan Bay New City Area Headquarters, said that today’s Maluan Bay The per capita public green space area in the Bay is 18 square meters, and the green coverage rate is more than 50%. It has become a new “Internet celebrity check-in point” for Xiamen citizens and tourists.

Born from the sea, prospered by the sea, and prospered together with the sea. Over the past 36 years, Xiamen has insisted on fully respecting nature, complying with nature, and protecting nature. Forests should be forested, grass should be grassed, sand should be sandy, and wetness should be wet. Xiamen is working hard to build a comprehensive protection and management pattern from the top of the mountain to the ocean.

On April 10, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Mangrove National Nature Reserve in Zhanjiang, Guangdong. When he inspected the growth of the mangroves and the surrounding ecological environment, he emphasized: “I personally took care of the protection of mangroves when I was working in Xiamen. Party After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I gave several instructions. This is a national treasure and must be protected.”

Mangroves, known as “sea forests” and “ocean guardians”, have extremely high ecological service value. Today, when walking through Xiatanwei Mangrove Park on the east coast of Xiamen, you will find patches of mangroves with lush branches and leaves, like pieces of emerald inlaid on the sea. However, this nearly 85 hectare artificial mangrove forest only reappeared in this sea area after disappearing for more than 20 years.

Recalling Xiatanwei more than 20 years ago, Yang Shengchang, associate professor at the School of Environment and Ecology of Xiamen University, said with emotion: “At that time, people would be fumed away by the smell of the sea water when they came.” Due to blind sea reclamation and disorderly farming, this sea area has become The eutrophication of the water body has become serious, and the local native mangroves have disappeared for a time.

In 2005, under the entrustment of the Xiamen Municipal Government, the mangrove scientific research team of Xiamen University began planting experimental forests in Xiatanwei. After more than 10 years of continuous efforts, the mangroves here have finally taken root and flourished again. Today, the diversity of flora and fauna here has significantly increased, and it has become a marine science education base for citizens and tourists to get close to nature.

Peter Thomson, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Ocean Affairs, visited Ha Tamwei Park twice and was “very impressed” by the mangrove protection and replanting here, and cited it as a model many times in speeches around the world.

“Xiamen belongs to the motherland and the nation. We should attach great importance to and cherish it and protect it well. This must be done as a strategic task.” During his work in Xiamen, Comrade Xi Jinping proposed specific measures that suit Xiamen’s actual situation from an overall perspective.

Marine ecological and environmental issues are “reflected in the sea and have their roots on land.” Over the past 36 years, Xiamen’s successive municipal party committees and municipal governments have continuously shaped Xiamen’s ecological “high-profile” through systematic governance and collaborative governance, opening up the upstream and downstream, and coordinating the left and right banks.

Dazhaicun, Xiang’an District, located outside Xiamen Island, has always been a dry and water-scarce area known as “the most popular place in the world”. The villagers here have developed dragon fruit and other planting industries.

The reporter saw that the sewage from the villagers’ kitchens, toilets, washing water, etc. that was originally discharged directly into the bay was centralized and purified, and the treated tailwater flowed into several ponds next to the village along the pipes. Here, a variety of aquatic plants continue to purify the water body, and the remote-controlled intelligent irrigation system draws water from here to irrigate the dragon fruit fields in the village.

“By turning sewage into treasure, consuming it and squeezing it clean, we have reaped multiple benefits such as a beautiful environment and prosperous industry.” Chen Haiyun, a villager in Dazhai Village and a dragon fruit grower, said happily, “The water quality has improved. When I was a child, The common snails in ponds have increased in number in recent years!”

In the process of marine ecological protection, Xiamen pays attention to “moving the gateway forward”, promoting watershed management, urban and rural sewage treatment, and sea discharge outlet renovation, etc., to strictly control and reduce land-based pollutants. Efforts will be made to expand urban sewage treatment capacity and promote the city’s sewage treatment capacity to be equivalent to tap water supply capacity; promote the comprehensive treatment of rural sewage and complete the improvement of sewage treatment in 1,216 natural villages...

Through continuous efforts, the environmental quality of the city’s sea areas continues to improve. The water quality compliance rate of centralized drinking water sources, national-controlled and provincial-controlled sections of major river basins, and provincial-controlled sections of small watersheds all maintains 100%, and the water quality compliance rate of discharge outlets into the sea reaches 99.3%. “Blue sky and white clouds, clear water and green banks, blue sea and silver beach” “Become a bright sign of Xiamen.

Over the past 36 years, Xiamen people have realized in practice that reform and innovation are a powerful driving force to resolve contradictory issues in marine ecological protection and ecological civilization construction. Adhering to reform and innovation and establishing the power of institutions are inevitable requirements for improving ecological environment governance capabilities.

During his work in Xiamen, Comrade Xi Jinping took “governing the lake according to law” as the first item in the 20-character policy for comprehensive management of Yuandang Lake, and explored the experience of promoting the construction of ecological civilization with the concept and method of the rule of law.

Xiamen has always adhered to the rule of law and continuously improved the modernization level of the ecological and environmental governance system. After Xiamen obtained the legislative power of the Special Economic Zone in 1994, the first substantive local regulation enacted was the “Xiamen Environmental Protection Regulations.”

Since then, Xiamen has promulgated more than 30 laws and regulations related to ecological environment construction and resource protection, including the “Regulations on the Construction of Ecological Civilization in Xiamen Special Economic Zone”. In 2003, the country’s first comprehensive maritime law enforcement team with administrative establishment was established, and a joint maritime law enforcement mechanism was established to further strengthen the all-round legal guarantee for the construction of ecological civilization.

From passive pollution control to paid use of resources and the establishment of an ecological protection compensation mechanism, from single environmental protection to the establishment of a market-oriented ecological environment governance mechanism, from each department managing one share to the establishment of a “multi-regulation-in-one” business collaboration platform, Xiamen’s multiple This reform experience was gradually promoted across the country.

The sky is blue, the sea is vast, the water is clear and the shore is green, skyscrapers are rising from the ground, and lights are shining everywhere at night. General Secretary Xi Jinping praised: “Today, the sea breeze and waves are still the same, but Xiamen has changed its appearance.”

Paint a new picture: high-level protection and high-quality development complement each other

“Over the past 30 years, Xiamen has developed into a high-quality city of innovation and entrepreneurship. New economy and new industries are developing rapidly, trade and investment are keeping pace with each other, and sea, land and air transportation can reach all five continents. Today’s Xiamen is also a high-value ecology In the Garden City, man and nature coexist harmoniously.”

On September 3, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum in Xiamen, promoting this “high-quality, high-looking” city to the world.

One city is filled with spring flowers, half are filled with flowers, and thousands of acres of waves are coming from the sea.

Wuyuan Bay is located in the northeast corner of Xiamen Island. The wetland park here is one of the largest wetland ecological parks in Xiamen. In the park, groups of black swans roam freely, and tourists have “close interactions” with the birds from time to time.

More than ten years ago, Wuyuan Bay was dotted with large tidal flats, which were used as salt drying farms, breeding farms, and garbage dumps. Due to the artificial embankment for breeding, the tidal flats are seriously silted up, and because it is located at the wind outlet of Xiamen Island, it is considered unsuitable for human habitation.

In 2005, in the early stages of the comprehensive management of Wuyuan Bay, various parties had disagreements over the management plan. Pan Shijian, former vice chairman of the Xiamen Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference, recalled that some people suggested “filling in” the Bay Area and selling land to develop real estate, which would “make money quickly and achieve political results.”

The Xiamen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government organized multiple expert demonstration meetings to repeatedly demonstrate, weigh the pros and cons, and finally make the decision to leave the best resources to the public.

Wuyuan Bay not only retains the original water surface, but also opens the seawall, diverts water into the bay, dredges the living water, implements comprehensive improvement of the land and sea environment, sets aside a large area of ​​wetland to build a park, builds an intimate space for human-water dialogue, and provides a place for citizens “Green Lung of the City”.

Huang Xiaohong, a nearby resident, said deeply: “My family lives next to the Wetland Park. I come to the park every day in my free time. I feel full of happiness!”

Xiamen currently has 18,000 hectares of garden green space and more than 60,000 hectares of woodland. Since the first urban greenway was built in 2013, the length of greenways in urban built-up areas per 10,000 people has been 1.66 kilometers, basically achieving “greenery at 300 meters and gardens at 500 meters”, achieving “evergreen all year round, flowers all year round, Push the window to look at the greenery, and the scenery changes with every step.”

Such a good ecological environment not only belongs to the happy Xiamen people, but also to every tourist who comes to Xiamen.

Located on the “Coastal Romantic Line” in the East Sea of ​​Xiamen, you can often see runners from all over the country. “I saw this ‘most beautiful round-the-bay track’ on social platforms. This time I made a special trip to ‘check in’. The sea and sky are the same color. It’s really great!” Mr. Zhang, a marathon enthusiast from Shandong, took annual leave before the Spring Festival. “Embrace” Xiamen’s sea breeze.

Even the bay area where this “Coastal Romantic Line” is located was once seriously silted up and littered everywhere. Some people once said that “the litter here extends to the intersection of the sea and the sky.”

Change is happening quietly. Beginning in 2006, Xiamen City has accelerated the aquaculture clearance and tidal flat dredging through the comprehensive improvement and construction project of the east-ring sea area. Thanks to a comprehensive set of measures, the water in the East Rim Sea has come alive, and wild marine life such as long-haired prawns, yellow-fin seabream, and Chinese white dolphins have returned to people’s sight.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: “Clear waters and green mountains are not only natural wealth and ecological wealth, but also social wealth and economic wealth.”

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” has become the consensus and action of the entire party and society.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China profoundly elaborated that the harmonious coexistence of man and nature is one of the Chinese characteristics of Chinese modernization, and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and nature is one of the essential requirements of Chinese modernization. It also made the “promote green development and promote the harmony between man and nature”. A major deployment of symbiosis.

In Xiamen, in the evolution from “garbage sea level” to “coastal romantic line”, the city’s cultural tourism economy, green economy, digital economy, and marine economy are also accelerating development, and have embarked on a path of “optimizing growth with the environment and A new path of high-quality development to develop and improve the environment.

The ecology has improved. Xiamen has relied on resources such as bays and coasts to develop diversified tourism products such as fishing tours, sailing tours, and yacht tours, achieving good ecological benefits through standardized development and orderly utilization during protection.

In 2023, Xiamen’s tourism industry will grow strongly, with the total number of tourists received reaching nearly 110 million, a record high. During this year’s Spring Festival holiday, Xiamen’s travel orders increased by 65% ​​year-on-year, and ticket orders more than doubled year-on-year.

The in-depth development of comprehensive sea area regulation has not only restored the beautiful scenery of blue sea and blue sky, but also created new space for urban development.

Not far from the romantic line around the east, Tong’an New Town, the core area of ​​Xiamen Science City, is growing rapidly.

The core parks of Science City such as Meifeng Chuanggu, Yincheng Intelligent Valley, and Huandong Cloud Valley have accelerated their development, and a large number of industry leaders such as Meitu Xiuxiu, Meiya Pico, Tencent Cloud, and NetEase have gathered here...

The person in charge of Yincheng Zhigu Industrial Park said that since its opening more than two years ago, the park has focused on the introduction of headquarters economy, information services, R&D and design, cultural creativity and other industries. By strengthening industry leadership, it has made every effort to build a new highland for industrial development and production. A new landmark of urban integration.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xiamen’s economic aggregate has grown rapidly, the construction of a new development pattern has been accelerated, innovation capabilities have been significantly enhanced, and industrial structure and energy levels have continued to improve. From 2012 to 2022, the city’s regional GDP grew at an average annual rate of 7.5%, and the total foreign trade import and export volume grew at an average annual rate of 6.9%. There are more than 3,600 national high-tech enterprises, and the added value of high-tech industries above designated size accounts for the added value of industries above designated size. The proportion reached 42.2%.

In 2023, Xiamen’s new business formats will develop rapidly. The export of the “three new products” of new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products will increase by 1.7 times, and the import and export volume of cross-border e-commerce will increase by 65%.

Good-looking ecology, high-quality life, and high-quality development.

Over the past 36 years, Xiamen has always adhered to ecological priority and green development, insisting on protection first and development later. It has created a good ecological foundation for urban development through ecological environment governance, ecosystem restoration, and ecological network construction, continuously improved the degree of economic greenness, and constantly created new momentum for development. , new trends, and enhance the potential and stamina for high-quality development.

Today, a “dragon in the sky” connecting Xiamen’s downtown area and Shanhai Lake is becoming a new choice for people to appreciate the beauty of Xiamen’s ecology.

After more than 6 years of construction, the “Mountain and Sea Health Trail” with a total length of more than 200 kilometers has begun to take shape, organically integrating “urban beauty” and “natural beauty”. Along the trail, citizens and tourists can “walk through the forest, climb the peaks, enjoy the lake view, and overlook the sea and the sky” to jointly appreciate the ecological and livable beauty of Xiamen and share the fruits of urban development.

By creating a diversified communication platform, Xiamen is gathering forces from all parties involved in marine environmental and ecological protection. Since 2005, relevant national ministries and commissions and the Xiamen Municipal Government, together with the United Nations Development Program Representative Office in China, have co-sponsored Xiamen International Ocean Week activities.

“In the past 18 years, Xiamen International Ocean Week has become an international annual ocean event integrating ocean conference forums, marine professional exhibitions, and ocean culture carnivals, attracting participation from more than 130 countries and regions and more than 50 important international organizations around the world.” The relevant person in charge of the Department of Land and Space Ecological Restoration of the Ministry of Natural Resources said.

Cui Yonghui, member of the Standing Committee of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Xiamen Municipal Party Committee, said that the next step will be to firmly implement Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization thought, continue to tell the story of Xiamen’s ecological protection, and strive to build Xiamen into a window for the construction of a beautiful China in the new era, and provide a platform for domestic and foreign urban marine ecological protection. Contribute to the “Xiamen Plan”.

(Reporters Qi Zhongxi, Kang Miao, Gao Jing, Wang Libin, Yan Zhihong, Chen Hongyi)