3. Xi attends BRICS Palestine-Israel call

Xi Jinping attends special video summit of BRICS leaders on Palestine-Israel issue

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 21 – On the evening of November 21, President Xi Jinping attended the BRICS leaders’ special video summit on the Palestinian-Israeli issue and delivered an important speech entitled “Promoting Ceasefire and War Ending and Achieving Lasting Peace and Security.”

Xi Jinping pointed out that this summit is the first leaders’ meeting after the BRICS expansion. Under the current situation, it is very timely and necessary for the BRICS countries to make a voice of justice and peace on the Palestinian-Israeli issue. The conflict in Gaza has lasted for more than a month, causing a large number of civilian casualties and humanitarian disasters, and showing a trend of expanding spillover. China is deeply concerned. The top priority is that all parties to the conflict must immediately cease fire and fighting, stop all violence and attacks against civilians, release detained civilians, and avoid more serious devastation. The second is to ensure the safe and smooth flow of humanitarian relief channels, provide more humanitarian assistance to the Gaza people, and stop forced relocation, water, electricity and oil cuts and other collective punishments against the Gaza people. Third, the international community must take practical measures to prevent the conflict from expanding and affecting the stability of the entire Middle East region. All parties should implement the requirements of relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the fundamental reason why the situation between Palestine and Israel has developed to this day is that the Palestinian people’s rights to statehood, survival, and return have been ignored for a long time. The fundamental way out to resolve the recurring conflict between Palestine and Israel is to implement the “two-state solution”, restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation, and establish an independent Palestinian state. Without an unfair solution to the Palestinian issue, there will be no lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. China calls for a more authoritative international peace conference to be convened as soon as possible to build international consensus on promoting peace and promote an early comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue.

Xi Jinping pointed out that since the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out, China has actively promoted peace talks, promoted a ceasefire and an end to the war, provided emergency humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip, and will continue to provide material assistance according to the needs of the Gaza people. As the rotating president of the United Nations Security Council this month, China has pushed the Security Council to pass relevant resolutions, requiring the extension of the humanitarian moratorium and humanitarian corridors, the protection of civilians, and the provision of humanitarian assistance.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the BRICS cooperation mechanism is an important platform for emerging market countries and developing countries to strengthen unity and cooperation and safeguard common interests. Today, we coordinated our positions and took actions on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, making a good start for the “Greater BRICS Cooperation” after the expansion. China is willing to work with other members to create a new era of BRICS cooperation.

South African President Ramaphosa presided over the summit, which was attended by Brazilian President Lula, Russian President Putin, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed, Egyptian President Sisi, Iranian President Raisi, UAE President Mohammed, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy, and the foreign ministers of India and Argentina.

Leaders attending the meeting expressed serious concern about the situation between Palestine and Israel, condemned all acts of violence against civilians, stressed the need to protect civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law, called for the immediate implementation of a lasting and sustained humanitarian truce, the provision of humanitarian assistance, and emphasized the resolution of disputes through dialogue. Support all efforts conducive to peaceful resolution of the crisis. The leaders called on the international community to support a just solution to the Palestinian issue, promote the realization of the “two-state solution” and establish an independent Palestinian state with full sovereignty.

Cai Qi, Wang Yi and others attended the summit.