5. Xi’s APEC speech

Xi Jinping delivers written speech to APEC CEO Summit

Xinhua News Agency, San Francisco, November 16 (Reporter Han Mo Liu Yanan) – On the morning of November 16, local time, President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled “Working together to meet challenges and write a new chapter in Asia-Pacific cooperation” to the APEC Business Leaders Summit held in San Francisco.

Xi Jinping pointed out that 30 years ago, leaders of the Asia-Pacific region followed the trend of peace and development and convened the first APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting to promote the development and economic globalization of the Asia-Pacific into the fast lane and help the Asia-Pacific become the world’s economic growth center and the global An anchor for development and stability. Over the past 30 years, we have adhered to open regionalism, openness and inclusiveness, learning from each other’s strengths, sharing what we have, and focusing on development. We have created the “APEC approach” that is independent, voluntary, consensus-based, and step-by-step. The extraordinary journey of Asia-Pacific cooperation has given us many profound revelations.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change, and where Asia-Pacific cooperation will go in the next 30 years has become a question of the new era we are facing. We must uphold the original intention of APEC and promote Asia-Pacific cooperation to start again.

We must jointly uphold the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, adhere to the way of country-to-country interaction of dialogue rather than confrontation, partnership rather than alliance, and maintain prosperity and stability in the Asia-Pacific. The Asia-Pacific cannot and should not be reduced to a battlefield of geopolitical games, let alone engage in a “new cold war” and camp confrontation. We must adhere to open regionalism, unswervingly advance the process of the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area, promote economic interconnection and integration of various countries, and create an open Asia-Pacific economy with win-win cooperation. We must promote digital, intelligent, and green transformation and development, strengthen technological innovation and achievement transformation, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, work together to improve global science and technology governance, and create an open, fair, just, and non-discriminatory science and technology development environment.

Xi Jinping emphasized that since the beginning of this year, China’s economy has continued to rebound and improve, and high-quality development has been solidly advanced. China is still the largest engine of global growth. China has the institutional advantages of a socialist market economy, the demand advantages of a super-large market, and a complete supply of supporting industrial systems. With its advantages and talent advantages of a large number of high-quality workers and entrepreneurs, economic development has strong endogenous power, resilience and potential. The fundamentals of China’s long-term economic growth have not changed and will not change. We are confident and more capable of achieving long-term and stable development, and continue to bring new impetus and new opportunities to the world with China’s new development. China insists on opening its doors for development, unswervingly promotes high-level opening up to the outside world, and its determination to create a market-oriented, legal and international business environment will not change. China’s policy of providing high-quality services to foreign investors without discrimination will not change. The starting point and goal of Chinese-style modernization is to enable more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to live a better life. This means a broader market and unprecedented cooperation opportunities for the world, and will also inject strong impetus into world modernization. We welcome the global business community to actively participate in the Chinese-style modernization process and share the huge opportunities brought by China’s high-quality development!