3. Xi visits Jiangxi

During inspection visit to Jiangxi, Xi Jinping emphasizes need to emancipate the mind, forge ahead, use strengths to offset weaknesses, consolidate roots and create new ones, and strive to write chapter of Chinese-style modernization in the province

Xinhua News Agency, Nanchang, October 13 – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently emphasized during an inspection in Jiangxi that we must closely focus on the Party’s central tasks in the new era and new journey, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and firmly grasp Jiangxi's positioning in building a new development pattern is based on Jiangxi's characteristics and advantages, focusing on new requirements such as high-quality development, green development, and low-carbon development, emancipating the mind, forging ahead, leveraging strengths to offset weaknesses, consolidating roots and invigorating new ones, and striving to accelerate We will take the lead in the high-quality development of the old revolutionary base areas, take the lead in promoting the rise of the central region, do well in promoting the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Jiangxi.

From October 10 to 13, Xi Jinping, accompanied by Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee Secretary Yin Hong and Governor Ye Jianchun, successively visited Jiujiang, Jingdezhen, Shangrao and other places to conduct in-depth research on the Yangtze River coastline, enterprises, historical and cultural districts, and rural areas.

On the afternoon of the 10th, Xi Jinping came to Jiujiang City for inspection and investigation. In the Jiujiang City section of the Yangtze River National Cultural Park, Xi Jinping climbed up to the Pipa Pavilion to overlook the Yangtze River. He walked along the river embankment in the rain to inspect the coastal scenery, carefully inquired about the Yangtze River's water level, water quality, shipping, flood control, fishing bans, etc., and listened to local bank collapse management, waterway management and other issues. An introduction to the progress of dredging, shoreline ecological restoration and other work. Xi Jinping pointed out that the Yangtze River is the link of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. No matter how the Yangtze River Economic Belt develops in the future and at what stage it develops, it cannot leave the Yangtze River’s nurturing. We must proceed from a community of life in which man and nature coexist harmoniously, focus on the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, and protect the Yangtze River.

Xi Jinping then drove to Sinopec Jiujiang Branch. He walked into the control hall of the company's production control center and the laboratory of the inspection and measurement center to learn more about the company's transformation and upgrading to build green smart factories, promote energy conservation, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and expressed his affirmation of the company's scientific testing and strict emission standards. Xi Jinping emphasized that solving the "chemical encirclement of the river" is the focus of promoting ecological and environmental management of the Yangtze River. We must continue our efforts, adhere to source control, reduce pollution and reduce carbon throughout the entire process, vigorously promote digital and intelligent transformation and green transformation, and build the world's leading green and intelligent refining and chemical enterprise.

Outside the laboratory, company employees gathered around and said hello to the general secretary. Xi Jinping said cordially to everyone that the petrochemical industry is an important pillar industry of the national economy. He hopes that you will follow the Party Central Committee’s deployment requirements for new industrialization, adhere to the green and smart direction, be down-to-earth, and forge ahead to ensure national energy security and promote petrochemical industry. Make new contributions to the high-quality development of industry.

On the morning of the 11th, Xi Jinping came to Jingdezhen City for inspection and investigation. In the Taoyangli Historical and Cultural District, Xi Jinping visited the Nanlu Site, the Ceramic Museum, and the Ming and Qing Kiln Groups. He was interested in learning about the porcelain making process, the inheritance and innovation of ceramic culture, and external exchanges, and communicated with the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage. Communicate cordially, appreciate their skills and craftsmanship from time to time, encourage them to uphold art first and concentrate on inheriting innovation. Xi Jinping pointed out that China’s excellent traditional culture has never ceased since ancient times, and ceramics are Chinese treasures and an important business card of Chinese civilization. Taoyangli Historical and Cultural District strictly adheres to the requirements of preservation first and restoration as before, achieving a positive interaction between the protection of ceramic culture and the development of the cultural tourism industry. It is necessary to gather talents from all aspects, strengthen creative design and R&D innovation, further make the ceramic industry bigger and stronger, and polish the beautiful business card of "Millennium Porcelain City" even brighter.

Later, Xi Jinping came to Changhe Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., inspected the helicopter assembly workshop and flight test station, and learned in detail about the company's promotion of technological innovation and product iterative upgrades. He pointed out that aviation equipment is a focus of the development of my country's manufacturing industry. We must adhere to the innovation drive, make greater efforts in independent research and development of key core technologies, develop new products for future needs, strive to build an advanced manufacturing system, and build a world-class helicopter enterprise.

On the afternoon of the 11th, Xi Jinping came to Shimen Natural Village, Wangcun, Qiukou Town, Wuyuan County, Shangrao City. This is the central area of ​​Raoheyuan National Wetland Park. It is also the nature reserve of the critically endangered bird Blue-crowned Babbler, with diverse vegetation and good ecology. Xi Jinping learned in detail about the wetland park and the protection of the blue-crowned babbler. The "autumn sun drying" is going on in the village square, and rows of drying trays are filled with red beans, corn, peppers, etc., which is particularly pleasant. Teachers and students of the Academy of Fine Arts were collecting and sketching. Xi Jinping stopped to watch, communicated cordially with them, and encouraged them to lay down solid basic skills. Xi Jinping was very happy to learn that the local area has achieved remarkable results in developing specialty tourism and tea industries and promoting rural revitalization. He pointed out that the beautiful natural environment itself is a high-quality resource for rural revitalization, and it is necessary to find an effective way to realize ecological value conversion so that the people can get tangible benefits. To revitalize rural areas, the key is to build and strengthen grassroots party organizations. Grassroots party organizations must become the guide for the masses to get rich, ensure that the party’s policies to benefit the people are effective, and truly become a fighting fortress.

When leaving the village, the villagers warmly bid farewell to the General Secretary. Xi Jinping said cordially that Chinese-style modernization requires both urban modernization and agricultural and rural modernization. I am very concerned about rural revitalization. I hope you will protect the natural ecology, combine traditional village style with modern elements, adhere to the aesthetic taste of the Chinese nation, make the countryside more beautiful, and make your days happier and happier!

On the morning of the 13th, Xi Jinping listened to the work report of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and affirmed the achievements of Jiangxi’s various tasks.

Xi Jinping pointed out that to build a modern industrial system, we must not only be ambitious and actively strive for development, but also be based on reality and be good at misplaced development. It is necessary to find the correct positioning, clarify the direction, integrate resources, make precise efforts, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, accelerate the development and expansion of strategic emerging industries, actively deploy future industries, and strive to build a modern industrial system that reflects Jiangxi's characteristics and advantages. Deploy the innovation chain in a targeted manner, actively connect with national strategic scientific and technological resources, break through a number of key core technologies, create a number of high-tech industries, and form an influential industrial cluster across the country. Actively promote the integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and develop and expand the digital economy. We will unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development, promote comprehensive green transformation, and create a highland for ecological civilization construction.

Xi Jinping emphasized that Jiangxi connects the east and west, connects the north and the south, connects rivers and seas, and has overlapping major strategies of many countries. It is necessary to deepen opening up internally and externally, promote development through openness, create a highland for reform and opening up in inland areas, and actively serve and integrate into the new development pattern. Vigorously develop the port economy, build an important node city in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and create a regional logistics hub and business center. Make the metropolitan area bigger and stronger, proactively connect and serve the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and enhance its attraction to capital, technology, talents, etc. Give full play to ecological advantages and traditional agricultural advantages to create a regional production and supply base for high-quality agricultural and sideline products. Consolidate traditional trade routes, actively explore new routes, and deeply integrate into the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. Deepen reforms in key areas, strengthen the construction of business environment, and steadily expand institutional opening up such as rules, regulations, management, and standards. Orderly expand market access for private investment, promote the implementation of policies that promote fair competition, build a new political and business relationship that is pro-Qing and unified, and promote the healthy development of the private economy.

Xi Jinping pointed out that we must adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, accelerate the pace of agricultural and rural modernization, firmly guard the bottom line of food security, promote agricultural industrialization, promote the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. We must adhere to the principle of promoting agriculture through industry, quality and green agriculture, build agriculture into a big industry, and accelerate the construction of a strong agricultural province. Develop under-forest economy, develop forest food, and cultivate new business formats such as eco-tourism and forest health care. To consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, we must rely more on industrial development and continuously enhance endogenous development momentum. Focusing on the development of rural industries, public services, environmental improvement, and the construction of rural customs, we must proceed step by step and achieve long-term success, and accomplish a number of practical things so that the people can see new changes.

Xi Jinping emphasized that ensuring that people in old areas share the fruits of reform and development and live a happy life is the bottom-line task of promoting common prosperity for all people. It is necessary to strengthen the employment priority policy, focus on stabilizing and expanding employment, and effectively do a good job in employment of key groups. Strengthen basic, universal and affordable livelihood construction, improve the social security system, improve social assistance and charity systems, improve basic public education service levels, strengthen urban and rural health service capabilities, and strengthen monitoring of objects to prevent return to poverty, zero-employment households, etc. Assistance for needy groups.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to summarize and apply the successful experience of the first batch of thematic education, carry out the second batch of thematic education with high quality, use the Jinggangshan spirit, the Soviet area spirit, and the Long March spirit to temper party members and cadres, and educate and guide party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and keep in mind the original mission. , Actively forge ahead and have the courage to take responsibility. We must implement practical requirements throughout the entire process of thematic education, resolutely prevent and overcome formalism and bureaucracy, do a solid job in theoretical study and investigation and research, truly examine and rectify outstanding problems, and truly do practical things that benefit the people. , use hard work to promote development and win the trust of the people.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, accompanied the inspection.

Li Ganjie, He Lifeng and responsible comrades from relevant departments of the central and state agencies accompanied the inspection, and the responsible comrades of the Eighth Circuit Steering Group of the Central Committee for Thematic Education attended the report meeting.