Official Line Top 5 Articles - 2021-04-28

1. []习近平在广西考察时强调解放思想深化改革凝心聚力担当实干 建设新时代中国特色社会主义壮美广西 - During his inspection in Guangxi

Score: 2, Keywords: -
Xi Jinping said that the first stop I visited in Guangxi came here to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs, to continue the spirit of the Communist Party, to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and to temper revolutionary will. Later, Xi Jinping came to the village of Mao bamboo in CAI Wan Town. In recent years, the village has actively developed grape planting industry, which has effectively promoted the increase of farmers' income. Xi Jinping inquired in detail about grape yield, quality, marketing, price and so on.
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2. [综合, 时政]推动边疆民族地区高质量发展闯出新路子 - Push forward the high quality development of frontier ethnic areas and break a new path

Score: 2, Keywords: 习近平,时政 - Xi Jinping, current politics
On the morning of 27 forenoon, Xi Jinping exchanged cordial exchanges with all the ethnic groups in the three "Song Festival" national cultural activities in Guangxi, Nanning, outside the Guangxi National Museum. In recent years, the village has actively developed grape planting industry, which has effectively promoted the increase of farmers' income. Xi Jinping inquired in detail about grape yield, quality, marketing, price and so on. He pointed out that with the joint efforts of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups, at the important moment of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, China has won an all-round victory in the fight against poverty. Xi Jinping stressed that the high quality development of manufacturing industry is the priority among priorities in the development of China's economy and the building of a modern socialist country with strong development.
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3. []提升全社会特别是核心要害领域的安全防范工作能力和水平 - Enhance the ability and level of security and prevention work in the whole society

Score: 1, Keywords: -
The Ministry of National Security announced the "Regulations on security and prevention of anti espionage" on the 26th, which will go into effect as of the date of promulgation. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of national security answered the reporter's questions on the "anti espionage security work regulations". By formulating regulations and making clear "what to prevent, who to prevent and how to prevent" in accordance with the law, it is conducive to further compacting the responsibility of anti espionage security and improving the ability and level of security and prevention work of the whole society, especially in the core and critical areas. At the same time, the working mechanism and requirements for the state security organs to carry out anti espionage security prevention publicity and education together with relevant competent departments, and to accept reports from citizens and organizations were clarified.
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