Official Line Top 5 Articles - 2021-01-26

  1. 习近平出席世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会并发表特别致辞 - Xi Jinping attended the world economic forum "Davos agenda" dialogue and delivered a special speech.

    Keywords: 习近平,世界经济,经济,达沃斯,时政

    让我们携起手来,让多边主义火炬照亮人类前行之路,向着构建人类命运共同体不断迈进 新华社北京1月25日电 国家主席习近平25日晚在北京以视频方式出席世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会,并发表题为《让多边主义的火炬照亮人类前行之路》的特别致辞。习近平指出,过去一年,突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球,全球公共卫生面临严重威胁,世界经济陷入深度衰退,人类经历了史上罕见的多重危机。

    According to Xinhua news agency, President Xi Jinping attended the "Davos agenda" dialogue at the world economic forum in Beijing on the evening of 25, and delivered a special speech entitled "let the torch of multilateralism illuminate the way forward for mankind". Xi Jinping stressed that the solution to the problems faced by this era lies in maintaining and practicing multilateralism and promot...


  2. [时事, 时政] 习近平同国际奥委会主席通电话 - Xi Jinping spoke with President of International Olympic Committee.

    Keywords: 巴赫,国际奥委会主席,习近平,时政


    Xinhua news agency, Beijing, January, 25, President Xi Jinping spoke with International Olympic Committee President Bach on January 25th. Xi Jinping pointed out that novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak has been active since the outbreak of the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia. The International Olympic Committee has made every effort to maintain unity and stability in the Olympic movement and ...


  3. [时事, 时政] 习近平同多米尼克总理斯凯里特通电话 - Xi Jinping made a special telephone call with Prime Minister Skeri of Dominic.

    Keywords: 时政外交,习近平,时政,总理

    新华社北京1月25日电 国家主席习近平1月25日晚同多米尼克总理斯凯里特通电话。习近平指出,中多虽然相距遥远,但两国是相互尊重、平等互利的好朋友。习近平强调,面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,中多携手抗疫,体现出守望相助的深厚情谊。中方为多米尼克等国抗击疫情提供医疗物资援助,并承诺为实现疫苗在发展中国家可及性和可负担性作出贡献。中国为世界作出了榜样,是多米尼克值得信赖的真朋友。

    Xinhua news agency, Beijing, January, 25, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a special telephone call on January 25th evening with Prime Minister Skeri of Dominic. Xi Jinping pointed out that although many of them are far apart, the two countries are good friends of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Over the past 17 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Tajikis...


  4. 让多边主义的火炬照亮人类前行之路 - Let the torch of multilateralism light the way forward for mankind

    Keywords: 疫情,世界主义,发展中国家,世界经济,经济


    Novel coronavirus pneumonia (January 25, 2021), President Xi Jinping of Beijing, distinguished President Schwab, ladies and gentlemen, friends: in the past year, the sudden outbreak of new crown pneumonia has been raging around the world. The global public health is facing a serious threat. The world economy has been in deep recession. Human beings have experienced many rare crises in the history....


  5. [时事, 时政] 王晨会见中国法学交流基金会第四届理事会成员时强调加强法学研究法治交流 服务法治中国建设 - When meeting with members of the fourth council of the China Law exchange foundation

    Keywords: 法治国家,法律,时政


    Beijing, January 25 (Xinhua) Wang Chen, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and President of the China law society, met and addressed the directors and supervisors attending the fourth council meeting of the China Law Exchange Foundation in Beijing on January 25. He stressed that we should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new socialist ideology with Chinese characteri...
