2. Inspection work rules

CPC Central Committee issues “Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 21 – Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the revised “Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously comply with the regulations.

The notice pointed out that the “Regulations” adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the Party’s self-revolution, and use the Party Constitution as the fundamental basis to summarize the theoretical innovation, practical innovation, and practical innovation of inspection work in the new era. The results of institutional innovation and further improvement of the inspection work system, mechanism and responsibility system are of great significance for upholding and strengthening the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee on inspection work and promoting the high-quality development of inspection work.

The notice requires that party committees (party groups) at all levels should regard the study and implementation of the “Regulations” as an important political task, do a good job in publicity, interpretation, supervision and inspection, and ensure that all provisions of the “Regulations” are implemented. It is necessary to adhere to the positioning of political inspections, regard “two safeguards” as the fundamental task, and promote the concreteness, precision and normalization of political supervision. It is necessary to see the truth and seek practical results in strengthening inspections and rectifications, consolidate rectification responsibilities, improve the rectification mechanism, make comprehensive use of inspection results, and deepen the treatment of both symptoms and root causes. It is necessary to give full play to the comprehensive supervision role of inspections, strengthen the integration and coordination of inspections and other supervision, and form a joint force of supervision. It is necessary to conduct inspections with inspection belts, give full play to the advantages of the system of linkage between up and down, and establish a dense supervision network. Important situations and suggestions in the implementation of the Regulations by various regions and departments must be reported to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner.

The full text of the Regulations is as follows.

Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Inspection Work

(Deliberated and approved at the Political Bureau meeting of the CPC Central Committee on June 26, 2015. Released by the CPC Central Committee on August 3, 2015. Revised for the second time at the Political Bureau meeting of the CPC Central Committee on January 31, 2024. Released by the CPC Central Committee on February 8, 2024)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1: In order to uphold and strengthen the Party’s overall leadership over inspection work and promote the high-quality development of inspection work in the new era, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China.

Article 2 Inspection work is the political supervision of higher-level party organizations over lower-level party organizations’ performance of the party’s leadership functions and responsibilities. The fundamental task is to resolutely safeguard General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core status as the core of the Party Central Committee and the entire party, and resolutely safeguard the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. The authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee.

Inspection work adheres to the policy of identifying problems, creating deterrents, promoting reform, and promoting development.

Article 3 The inspection work shall be guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of “Three Represents”, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and shall thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions on the Party’s self-revolution We must deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidences”, achieve “two safeguards”, respect the party constitution, govern the party in accordance with regulations, and fully implement the party’s inspections The work policy is to promote the concreteness, precision and normalization of political supervision, give full play to the role of political inspections as a sharp sword, strengthen inspection rectification and application of results, promote the improvement of the party and state supervision system, improve the comprehensive and strict party governance system, and further promote the party’s It provides a strong guarantee for self-revolution and solving the unique problems of large parties, ensuring that the party remains the strong leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Article 4 Inspection work shall follow the following principles:

(1) Adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee and hierarchical responsibilities;

(2) Persist in focusing on the center and serving the overall situation;

(3) Adhere to the people’s position and implement the mass line;

(4) Adhere to problem orientation and carry forward the spirit of struggle;

(5) Adhere to seeking truth from facts, complying with rules, disciplines and laws.

Chapter 2 Organizational Leadership and Institutional Responsibilities

Article 5: Inspection work is under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, and implements a system and mechanism in which party organizations have hierarchical responsibilities, inspection agencies organize and implement, discipline inspection and supervision agencies and organizational departments assist, relevant functional departments support, the party organizations under inspection cooperate, and the people participate.

Article 6: The Central Committee of the Party and committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall implement an inspection system and establish inspection agencies to achieve full coverage of inspections of local, departmental, enterprise and institution party organizations under their management within one term.

Relevant central ministries and commissions, party committees (party committees) of central state agencies, and party committees (party groups) of centrally managed financial enterprises, centrally managed enterprises, centrally managed universities, etc., carry out inspection work and establish inspection agencies based on work needs. In principle, according to the affiliation of the party organization and the Cadre management authority, inspecting and supervising the party organizations of lower-level units.

Article 7 Party organizations that carry out inspection work shall regard inspections as an important starting point for promoting comprehensive and strict party governance and performing comprehensive supervision responsibilities, and assume the main responsibility for inspection work. The main responsibilities are:

(1) Implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on inspection work and the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on inspection work;

(2) Study and deploy major matters for inspection work, and formulate intra-party regulations and normative documents for inspection work in accordance with the authority;

(3) Examine and approve the inspection work plan, annual plan and phased task arrangements, make overall plans to promote full coverage of inspections, and listen to inspection work reports regularly;

(4) Coordinate and strengthen inspection rectification and application of results;

(5) Coordinate and build a coordinated work pattern for inspections and inspections;

(6) Give full play to the role of a comprehensive supervision platform for inspections and promote the integration and coordination of inspection supervision and other supervision;

(7) Coordinate and strengthen the construction of inspection agencies and cadre teams;

(8) Study and decide other important matters of inspection work.

The main person in charge of the party organization shall bear the responsibility of the first person responsible for the inspection work.

Article 8 The party organization that carries out inspection work shall establish an inspection work leading group. The inspection work leading group shall be responsible and report its work to the party organization at the same level.

The leader of the Central Inspection Leading Group is the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the deputy leader is generally the head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee and the deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in charge of daily work.

The leader of the inspection work leading group of the party committee of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall be the secretary of the Party Discipline Inspection Commission at the same level, and the deputy leader shall generally be the head of the Organization Department of the party committee at the same level. ​

The leader of the inspection work leading group of relevant central ministries and commissions, the party groups (party committees) of central state agencies, and party committees (party groups) of centrally managed financial enterprises, centrally managed enterprises, centrally managed universities, etc. is generally led by the party group and party committee secretary (including those without party groups or party committees). The deputy team leader is generally the member of the leadership team in charge of relevant work of the party group or party committee and the main person in charge of the discipline inspection and supervision agency.

Article 9 The main responsibilities of the inspection leading group are:

(1) Implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of party organizations at the same level;

(2) Study and propose inspection work plans, annual plans and phased task arrangements, and organize and implement full coverage of inspections;

(3) Listen to the work reports of the inspection leading group office and the inspection team;

(4) Report the inspection work status to the party organization at the same level;

(5) Under the leadership of the party organization at the same level, organize inspection feedback, notification and handover work, and urge relevant responsible entities to implement inspection rectification and application of results;

(6) Guide the inspection and inspection work of lower-level party organizations;

(7) Promote the coordination of inspection supervision and other supervision;

(8) Promote the construction of the inspection cadre team and manage and supervise the inspection team;

(9) Study and handle other important matters of inspection work.

Article 10: The Office of the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work is the daily office of the Central Leading Group for Inspection Work and is located within the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The office of the Party Committee’s Inspection Work Leading Group of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government is the working department of the Party Committee, responsible for the daily work of the Party Committee’s inspection work leading group, and is located in the Party’s Discipline Inspection Committee at the same level.

The office of the inspection work leading group of the relevant central ministries and commissions, the party committees (party committees) of central state agencies, and the party committees (party groups) of centrally managed financial enterprises, centrally managed enterprises, centrally managed universities, etc. Equip corresponding full-time personnel to undertake the daily work of the party group and party committee inspection leading group.

Article 11 The main responsibilities of the inspection leading group office are:

(1) Implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the party organizations at the same level and their inspection leading groups, and supervise the relevant decisions;

(2) Report work status and important matters to the inspection leading group;

(3) Plan, coordinate, guide, and ensure the inspection team’s work;

(4) Responsible for the overall coordination, tracking and supervision, and summary report of inspection rectification and application of results;

(5) Responsible for providing guidance to lower-level inspection and inspection agencies;

(6) Responsible for coordinating relevant agencies and departments to assist and support inspection work, and promote the establishment of a specific mechanism for coordination between inspection supervision and other supervision;

(7) Responsible for theoretical research on inspection work, policy research, system construction, information construction, etc.;

(8) Cooperate with relevant departments to strengthen the education, training, assessment, management and supervision of inspection cadres;

(9) Responsible for the inspection work leading group office and the inspection team’s party building work;

(10) Handle other matters assigned by the inspection leading group.

Article 12 The party organization that carries out inspection work shall establish an inspection team.

The inspection team consists of a team leader, deputy team leader, inspection specialist and other positions. The specific candidates for the inspection team leader and deputy leader are determined and authorized based on each inspection mission.

The inspection team shall study, discuss and decide on major matters in accordance with the principle of democratic centralism. The team leader is fully responsible for the work of the group, and the deputy team leader assists the team leader in carrying out his work.

Article 13 The main responsibilities of the inspection team are:

(1) Carry out inspections according to the deployment requirements of the party organization at the same level and its inspection work leading group;

(2) Report the inspection situation to the inspection leading group and put forward opinions and suggestions;

(3) Feed back the inspection opinions to the inspected party organizations, hand over the problems and clues to problems discovered during the inspection to the discipline inspection and supervision agencies, organizational departments and relevant units, and participate in promoting inspection rectification and application of results;

(4) Conduct daily education, management and supervision of inspection team cadres;

(5) Handle other matters assigned by the inspection leading group.

Article 14 Discipline inspection and supervision agencies and organizational departments shall assist party organizations at the same level in carrying out inspection work. Publicity, united front, political and legal, confidentiality, auditing, finance, statistics, letters and calls and other departments and units shall support inspection work and coordinate the selection and dispatch of personnel. Situation reporting, policy consultation, problem analysis, measure coordination, rectification supervision, application of results, etc.

The dispatched agencies of the discipline inspection and supervision organs shall assist the party groups and party committees of the resident units (including comprehensive supervision units) in carrying out inspections in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 15 The leadership team of the inspected party organization and its members shall consciously accept inspection supervision and actively cooperate with the inspection work.

Party members and cadres have the obligation to truthfully report the situation to the inspection team.

Chapter 3 Inspection Objects and Contents

Article 16 The objects of central inspection are:

(1) Provincial, autonomous region, and municipality party committees and their leadership teams; provincial, autonomous region, and municipality directly-governed people’s congress standing committees, governments, and CPPCC leading party groups; provincial, autonomous region, and municipality-directed municipality higher people’s courts and people’s procuratorate leading party groups; deputy provincial-level city party committees and Main responsible persons of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the government, and the CPPCC Party Group;

(2) Leadership groups of central ministries and commissions, central state agencies and departments, and party groups (party committees) of people’s organizations;

(3) Party committees (party groups) of centrally managed financial enterprises, centrally managed enterprises, centrally managed universities and other centrally managed units;

(4) Other party organizations requested by the Party Central Committee for inspection.

Article 17 The objects of inspection by the party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government are:

(1) City (prefecture, state, league), county (city, district, banner) party committee and its leadership team, city (prefecture, state, league), county (city, district, banner) people’s congress standing committee, government, CPPCC Party group, main person in charge of the party group of the city (prefecture, state, league) intermediate people’s court, people’s procuratorate and county (city, district, banner) people’s court, people’s procuratorate;

(2) The leadership team of the party committee work department of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government, the provincial-level state agencies and departments, and the party groups (party committees) of people’s organizations;

(3) Party committees (party groups) of state-owned enterprises and public institutions managed by provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government;

(4) Other party organizations requested by the party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government to inspect.

Article 18 Inspection work shall closely focus on powers and responsibilities, strengthen political supervision, strictly enforce political disciplines and rules, and focus on inspecting the following situations:

(1) Implementation of the Party’s theories, lines, principles and policies, the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and arrangements, especially the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions, the implementation of the Party Constitution and other intra-Party regulations, the performance of functions and responsibilities, and the implementation of ideology The status of work accountability;

(2) Implementing comprehensive and strict governance of the party’s main responsibilities and supervisory responsibilities, promoting the construction of party style and clean government and the fight against corruption, leading cadres to establish and practice a correct view of political performance, strengthen work style construction, and implement the eight central regulations and their implementation rules Spirituality, integrity and self-discipline;

(3) Implement the party’s organizational line in the new era, implement democratic centralism, strengthen the construction of leadership teams and cadres, and the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members;

(4) Implement inspection supervision and rectification of problems found in auditing, accounting, statistics and other supervision;

(5) Other information required by the party organization conducting the inspection.

Article 19 Inspection work shall strengthen the supervision of the main persons in charge of the inspected party organizations, focusing on checking their loyalty to the party, fulfilling the responsibilities of the first person responsible for comprehensive and strict governance of the party, performing their duties and powers in accordance with regulations and laws, assuming their responsibilities, and being honest. Self-discipline and other conditions, conduct an in-depth understanding of the important issues reflected, and form special materials.

Article 20 The party organization that carries out inspection work shall organize and carry out inspection supervision through regular inspections, special inspections, mobile inspections, “look back” and other methods according to work needs, and may upgrade inspections when necessary.

Chapter 4 Working Procedures, Methods and Authorizations

Article 21 Before conducting an inspection, the inspection team shall, based on work needs, listen to the disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at the same level and the organization, publicity, united front, political and legal, confidentiality, auditing, finance, statistics, letters and calls and other departments and units regarding the leadership of the inspected party organization. Report on the team and its members.

Article 22: After the inspection team is stationed, it shall notify the inspected party organization of the inspection tasks and carry out inspection and understanding work in accordance with the prescribed working methods and authority.

The inspection team should have an in-depth understanding of the important issues and clues that reflect the leadership team and its members of the inspected party organization.

Article 23 The inspection team shall adopt the following methods to understand the situation:

(1) Listen to the work reports of the inspected party organizations and special reports from relevant agencies and departments;

(2) Conduct individual conversations with members of the leadership team of the inspected party organization and other cadres and masses;

(3) Accept letters, calls, visits, etc. that reflect problems with the leadership team of the inspected party organization, its members, and the main person in charge of the leadership team of the next-level party organization;

(4) Randomly check and verify the reporting of personal-related matters by leading cadres;

(5) Ask relevant insiders about the situation;

(6) Access and copy relevant documents, files, meeting minutes and other information;

(7) Convene a symposium;

(8) Attend relevant meetings;

(9) Conduct democratic assessments and questionnaire surveys;

(10) Investigate and understand the situation;

(11) Carry out special inspections;

(12) Request relevant units for assistance;

(13) Other methods approved by the party organization that carries out inspection work.

Article 24 The inspection team shall strictly implement the instruction request and reporting system, and promptly request instructions and reports to the inspection work leading group on important situations and major issues during the inspection work.

The inspection team relies on the inspected party organization to carry out its work, does not interfere with the normal work of the inspected party organization, and does not perform its responsibilities of discipline inspection and review.

Article 25 During the inspection period, if there are strong complaints from cadres and the masses, obvious violations of policies and regulations, and problems that fall within the scope of the inspected party organization’s powers and can be solved in a timely manner, the inspection team shall urge the inspected party organization to implement immediate reforms in accordance with procedures.

During the inspection, the inspection team may transfer the clues that reflect the suspected violations of disciplines and laws by party members and cadres to the relevant disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies for prompt processing according to procedures.

Article 26: The inspection team shall form an inspection report on the important situations and issues it understands; it may form a special report on major issues of universality, tendency issues, institutional mechanisms, etc.

The inspection team shall prepare drafts for issues reflected in inspection reports, special reports, etc.

The inspection team shall communicate with the main persons in charge of the inspected party organizations and listen to their opinions in accordance with regulations on the important issues reflected in the inspection report and the rectification suggestions put forward; on the important policy issues reflected in the inspection report, it may communicate with relevant functional departments , listen to their opinions.

Article 27 The inspection work leading group shall promptly listen to the inspection report of the inspection team, study and put forward opinions and suggestions on inspection rectification and application of results, and report to the party organization at the same level for decision.

Article 28 The party organization that carries out inspection work shall promptly listen to relevant reports from the inspection work leading group, study and decide on inspection rectification and application of results. If necessary, you can directly listen to the inspection report from the inspection team.

Article 29: With the consent of the party organization at the same level, the inspection work leading group shall promptly organize feedback on the inspection situation to the leadership team of the inspected party organization and its main person in charge, point out problems, and put forward targeted rectification suggestions.

According to the requirements of the party organization at the same level and its inspection work leading group, the inspection work leading group office will inform the relevant functional departments and their leaders in charge of the relevant information of the inspection.

Article 30: Problems discovered during inspections and clues that reflect suspected violations of discipline and law by party members and cadres shall be handed over to the discipline inspection and supervision agencies, organizational departments or relevant units according to procedures according to the cadre management authority and division of responsibilities of the inspection leading group office and inspection team. .

For major issues such as universality, tendencies, and institutional mechanisms discovered during inspections, inspection recommendations or other appropriate methods may be issued to provide relevant functional departments with opinions and suggestions on strengthening supervision, improving systems, and deepening reforms.

Article 31: Inspection inspections, feedback, rectification, etc. shall be made public in an appropriate manner and shall be subject to supervision by party members, cadres and the people.

Chapter 5 Inspection, rectification and application of results

Article 32: The party organization that carries out inspection work shall strengthen the organizational leadership of inspection rectification and application of results, and regularly listen to reports on inspection rectification and application of results.

Members of the leadership team of the party organization should combine the division of responsibilities and coordinate the inspection, rectification and application of results in the areas in charge.

Article 33: The inspected party organization assumes the main responsibility for inspection and rectification, and should regard rectification as an important starting point for fulfilling the responsibility of managing and governing the party and promoting high-quality development, and integrate it into daily work, deepening reforms, comprehensively and strictly administering the party, Integrate into the construction of leadership team and cadre team.

The main person in charge of the party organization shall bear the responsibility of the first person responsible for inspection and rectification, and other members of the leadership team shall bear “one post and two responsibilities”.

If there are adjustments to the main person in charge of the party organization and other members of the leadership team, inspections and rectification handovers should be carried out and rectification responsibilities should be continuously implemented.

Article 34 The inspected party organization shall organize a six-month centralized rectification from the date of receiving feedback from the inspection:

(1) Study and formulate an inspection and rectification plan, establish a problem list, task list, and responsibility list, and clarify the responsible person, rectification measures, and time limits;

(2) Convene a special democratic life meeting for the leadership team to inspect and rectify;

(3) Comprehensively implement the rectification and implementation of inspection feedback issues;

(4) Carefully handle the problem clues handed over during inspections and the petition matters reported by the masses;

(5) Make inferences about problems reported during inspections, improve the system, make up for shortcomings, and plug loopholes;

(6) Submit a report on the progress of centralized rectification to the discipline inspection and supervision agency, organizational department, and inspection leading group office at the same level of the party organization that conducts the inspection.

After the centralized rectification is completed, the inspected party organization should establish a normalized and long-term rectification working mechanism, continue to implement rectification of unresolved problems, and report the subsequent rectification situation in a timely manner based on the actual work.

Article 35: The discipline inspection and supervision agencies at the same level of the party organization that conducts inspections shall bear the responsibility for inspection and rectification supervision, and comprehensively supervise the inspected party organizations to implement inspection and rectification tasks. The main responsibilities are:

(1) Review and check the inspection and rectification plan formulated by the inspected party organization, and attend the special democratic life meeting on inspection and rectification;

(2) Establish an inspection and rectification supervision ledger, and comprehensively use methods such as listening to reports, holding promotion meetings, special discussions, research and supervision, on-site inspections, conducting rectification assessments, conversation reminders, interviews and letters, and putting forward disciplinary inspection and supervision suggestions to strengthen daily supervision. ;

(3) Supervise and promote the implementation of centralized rectification and special governance on outstanding issues found during inspections in terms of comprehensive and strict party governance;

(4) Handle the clues to the issues transferred during the inspection in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws, and provide feedback on the progress of the handling to the office of the inspection leading group within 6 months from the date of receipt of the clues to the issues handed over;

(5) Take the lead in reviewing the centralized rectification progress reports of the inspected party organizations;

(6) Guide the dispatched agencies and lower-level discipline inspection and supervision agencies to strengthen supervision of the inspected party organizations’ implementation of inspections and rectifications;

(7) Report the inspection rectification and supervision status to the inspection leading group through the inspection leading group office.

The agencies dispatched by the discipline inspection and supervision organs shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, incorporate the rectification of problems discovered during inspections by the party groups and party committees of the stationed units (including comprehensive supervision units) into daily supervision, and promote the implementation of rectifications.

Article 36: The organizational department of the party organization that carries out inspection work shall perform inspection and rectification supervision responsibilities in conjunction with its duties, and supervise the inspected party organization to implement the inspection and rectification tasks. The main responsibilities are:

(1) Participate in the review and review of the inspection and rectification plan formulated by the inspected party organization, and attend the special democratic life meeting on inspection and rectification;

(2) Supervise the inspected party organizations to implement the rectification of problems related to the party’s organizational line in the new era, strengthen daily supervision, and carry out centralized rectification and special management of organizations with outstanding problems;

(3) Incorporate the implementation of inspections and rectifications into important content of the annual assessment of the inspected party organization’s leadership team and leading cadres, and use the problems discovered during inspections and the implementation of rectifications as an important reference for leadership team building and cadre assessment and evaluation, selection and appointment, and management supervision;

(4) Issues concerning the construction of the leadership team during the inspection transfer, the implementation of democratic centralism, the selection and appointment of cadres, the construction of talent teams, the construction of grassroots party organizations and party member teams, and the responsibilities of cadres shall be handled in accordance with the regulations, starting from the date of receipt of the transfer issues Within 6 months, feedback on the progress of the disposal will be provided to the inspection leading group office;

(5) Review the content in the centralized rectification and progress report of the inspected party organization that involves the party’s organizational line in the new era;

(6) Guide lower-level organizational departments to strengthen supervision of the inspected party organizations’ implementation of inspections and rectifications;

(7) Report the inspection rectification and supervision status to the inspection leading group through the inspection leading group office.

Article 37 Relevant functional departments shall use the inspection results in conjunction with their responsibilities, strengthen investigation and research on the issues reported during the inspection and the work suggestions for handover, propose improvement measures, promote reforms, improve systems, deepen governance, and implement the results from the date of notification and handover. Within 6 months from the start of the inspection, feedback on the progress of the process will be provided to the office of the inspection leading group.

Article 38 The inspection agency shall strengthen the overall coordination and supervision of inspection rectification and application of results, and promote the establishment of inspection, rectification, consultation, evaluation, accountability and other mechanisms.

Inspection agencies should report to the party organizations at the same level the comprehensive situation of inspection rectification and application of results, and promote relevant agencies and departments to hold relevant party organizations and responsible persons seriously accountable for outstanding problems that have not been rectified in place.

Chapter 6 Team Building

Article 39 The party organization that carries out inspection work shall strengthen the overall planning for the construction of the inspection cadre team, establish and improve systems and mechanisms based on the characteristics of the inspection work, and build a high-quality professional cadre team.

Select the best leaders and deputy leaders of the inspection team, and assign full-time cadres suitable for the inspection tasks to avoid caregiving arrangements. Strengthen the standardized management of inspection cadres and increase education, training, and job rotation exchanges.

Attention should be paid to discovering, cultivating and training cadres in inspection posts, and planned arrangements for outstanding young cadres and newly promoted cadres to exercise in inspection posts, and the experience and performance of participating in inspection work will be used as a reference for cadre assessment, selection and appointment.

Article 40 Inspection cadres shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Firm ideals and beliefs, loyalty to the party, and consciously maintaining a high degree of consistency in ideology, politics, and actions with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core;

(2) Adhere to principles, dare to fight, take responsibility, act in accordance with the law, be fair and upright, and be honest and honest;

(3) Exemplarily abide by the Party’s disciplines and national laws and regulations, and strictly guard the secrets of the Party and the country;

(4) Have the professional knowledge to perform inspection and supervision duties and strong abilities in problem discovery, communication and coordination, and written synthesis;

(5) Have the physical condition and mental quality to perform duties normally.

When dispatching personnel to participate in inspection work, they should strictly control politics, conduct, ability, style, and integrity in accordance with the above conditions, and solicit opinions on party style and integrity in accordance with procedures.

Personnel who are not suitable for inspection work should be adjusted in a timely manner.

Article 41 Inspection agencies should strengthen work style and discipline construction, urge inspection cadres to strictly abide by political disciplines and political rules, strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, and take the lead in opposing formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. We must strictly implement inspection work disciplines, be loyal, clean and responsible, and dare to be good at fighting.

Article 42: Inspection agencies and inspection cadres should consciously accept supervision from all aspects such as party organization supervision, democratic supervision, and mass supervision, and take the lead in strengthening self-supervision. Establish and improve the internal control mechanism, strengthen the supervision of inspection cadres, especially inspection team leaders, deputy team leaders and other key personnel, strictly implement avoidance, confidentiality, major matter request reporting, work style and discipline assessment and other system regulations, and carry out activities in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws. Inspection work.

Any unit or individual has the right to report or accuse inspection agencies and inspection cadres for their violations of regulations, disciplines and laws.

Chapter 7 Accountability

Article 43: If the party organization carrying out inspection work and its inspection work leading group fail to lead the inspection work and serious problems occur, the relevant responsible persons shall be held accountable in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 44: If relevant agencies, departments and units violate regulations by failing to assist or support inspections, resulting in serious consequences, the relevant responsible persons shall be held accountable in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 45 If an inspection staff member commits any of the following circumstances, he or she shall be criticized and educated, ordered to inspect, admonished, organized to handle, or given Party discipline or government sanctions in accordance with relevant regulations, depending on the seriousness of the case; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with the law:

(1) Failure to discover important issues that should be discovered;

(2) Failure to truthfully report inspections, conceal, distort, or fabricate facts;

(3) Secretly retaining inspection work materials and leaking undisclosed information such as state secrets, work secrets, business secrets, and personal privacy related to inspection work;

(4) Exceeding authority at work and causing adverse consequences;

(5) Taking advantage of the convenience of inspection work to seek personal gain or seek improper benefits for others;

(6) Other behaviors that violate inspection work disciplines.

Article 46 If the inspected party organization and its staff have any of the following circumstances, the main person in charge of the party organization’s leadership team or other relevant responsible personnel will be criticized and educated, ordered to inspect, and admonished in accordance with the relevant regulations, depending on the severity of the case. , organizational handling or party discipline or government affairs sanctions; if it constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be investigated in accordance with the law:

(1) Concealing or failing to report or deliberately providing false information to the inspection team;

(2) Refusing or failing to provide relevant documents and information to the inspection team as required;

(3) Instructing or forcing relevant units or personnel to interfere with or obstruct inspection work, or falsely accuse or frame others;

(4) Organizational leaders failed to perform inspections and rectifications effectively, failed to implement inspections and rectification requirements, were perfunctory, and made false rectifications;

(5) Threaten, attack, retaliate, and frame cadres and masses who report problems;

(6) Other situations of non-cooperation or interference with inspection work.

Chapter 8 Inspection Work

Article 47: The Party’s city (prefecture, state, league) and county (city, district, banner) committees shall establish an inspection system and set up inspection agencies to achieve full inspection coverage of the party organizations under their management within one term.

If other party organizations need to carry out inspection work, they should report to the party committee (party group) for approval through the inspection work leading group of the superior party committee (party group).

Article 48 The objects of inspection by the municipal (prefecture, state, league) party committee are: the leadership team of the party committee’s work department, municipal-level state agencies and departments, the party groups (party committees) of people’s organizations, and state-owned enterprises managed by the city (prefecture, state, league) , party organizations of public institutions, and other party organizations requested by the party committee to inspect.

The inspection objects of the county (city, district, banner) party committee are: the leadership team of the party committee work department, the county-level state agencies and departments, the party groups (party committees) of people’s organizations, and the party organizations of state-owned enterprises and public institutions managed by the county (city, district, banner) , the township (street), village (community) party organizations under their jurisdiction, and other party organizations requested by the party committee to inspect.

Article 49: Inspection work shall adhere to the position of political supervision and focus on the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decisions and arrangements at the grassroots level, unhealthy tendencies and corruption issues around the masses, the building of grassroots party organizations and party member teams, inspection rectification and application of results, etc. to strengthen supervision and inspection.

Article 50 The organizational leadership and institutional responsibilities of the inspection work, work procedures and methods and authority, rectification and application of results, team building, accountability, etc. shall be determined with reference to the provisions of these Regulations on inspection work and based on actual conditions.

Chapter 9 Supplementary Provisions

Article 51 The regulations on the implementation of the inspection system by the party organizations of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission with reference to these regulations.

Article 52: The Office of the Central Inspection Leading Group is responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations.

Article 53: These Regulations shall come into effect on the date of promulgation. Any other previously issued regulations on inspection work that are inconsistent with these Regulations shall be governed by these Regulations.