Daily update – 20 February 2023

1. 王毅同布林肯非正式接触 – Wang Yi’s informal contact with Antony Blinken

Usage rate: 22% of publications tracked

应美方请求, 中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅出席慕尼黑安全会议期间, 同美国国务卿布林肯非正式接触。王毅清晰表明了中方在所谓飞艇事件上的严正立场, 指出美方所作所为是典型的滥用武力, 明显违反国际惯例和民用航空公约, 中方强烈不满, 严正抗议。美国才是全球最大监控侦察国家, 高空气球多次非法飞越中国上空, 没有资格对中国污蔑抹黑。

At the request of the US side, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, had an informal meeting with US Secretary of State Brynken when attending the Munich Security Conference. Wang Yi clearly stated China’s solemn position on the so-called airship incident, and pointed out that what the United States has done is a typical abuse of force, which clearly violates international practices and civil aviation conventions. China is strongly dissatisfied and protesting. Wang Yi pointed out that to maintain stability in the Taiwan Strait, we must firmly oppose “Taiwan independence” and truly adhere to the one-China principle.

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Usage rate: 14% of publications tracked

2023年1月11日, 滑雪冬令营学员在陕西太白鳌山滑雪度假区教练的带领下热身。”带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”是中国向国际社会履行的庄严承诺, 北京冬奥会开幕前, 中国就已成功兑现。北京冬奥会闭幕后一年间, 冬奥场馆相继对公众开放, 冰雪赛事精彩纷呈, 冰雪产业稳步发展, 全民冰雪热情持续高涨。在国家游泳中心”水立方”, ”冰水双驱”已成现实, 冰壶场今年1月对公众开放, 主场馆则继续提供游泳服务。

On January 11, 2023, the students of a ski winter camp warmed up under the guidance of the coach of the Taibaiao Mountain ski resort in Shaanxi. “Driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports” is a solemn commitment China has made to the international community. China has successfully fulfilled it before the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics. One year after the closing of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, venues have been opened to the public one after another, the ice and snow events have been brilliant, the ice and snow industry has developed steadily, and the enthusiasm of people for ice and snow has continued to rise.

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3. 中国汽车加速”出海” – Chinese automobile industry accelerates its overseas push

Usage rate: 14% of publications tracked

近年来, 中国车企凭借优势产业布局、创新和绿色发展战略加速深耕海外市场, 背后既有汇聚全球先进要素的合力, 更展现出促进共赢发展的魄力。俄罗斯莫斯科市民维诺格拉多夫有一辆中国哈弗品牌运动型多功能车。这得益于俄罗斯消费者对中国品牌汽车的喜爱。菲律宾从事汽车销售的杰伊·杰雷说, 一些客户试驾中国汽车后表示, 中国汽车产业发展程度令人惊叹, 试驾体验改变了他们对”中国制造”的认知。

On the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year, a ro-ro ship carrying more than 3,000 Chery cars set sail from Shanghai Port. After about one month’s sea voyage, it will finally arrive at the European market. During the just past Spring Festival, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. has sent 24,000 cars to 11 countries in Europe, Central Asia, South America and other regions. In recent years, Chinese auto companies have accelerated their efforts to tap into overseas markets by virtue of their advantageous industrial layout, innovation and green development strategies, which not only have the combined force of gathering global advanced elements, but also show the courage to promote win-win development.

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4. 首张蛛丝形成机制分子细胞图谱绘就 – First molecular cell map of spider silk formation mechanism generated

Usage rate: 9% of publications tracked

记者从西南大学获悉, 该校科研团队通过揭示蛛丝合成的生物学机制, 绘制出首张蛛丝形成机制的分子细胞图谱, 为人工合成蛛丝提供关键理论基础。西南大学种质创制大科学中心教授王翊介绍, 长期以来科学界一直希望实现人工合成蛛丝, 致力于对蛛丝的合成分泌过程进行研究。

Xinhua News Agency, Chongqing, February 19 –Spiderman in the movie raises his hand and sprays out spider silk, which may become possible in the future by means of artificial spider silk. This reporter learned from Southwest University that the scientific research team of the university has drawn the first molecular cell map of spider silk formation mechanism by revealing the biological mechanism of spider silk synthesis, providing a key theoretical basis for synthetic spider silk. Wang Yi, a professor at the Germplasm Creation Center of Southwest University, said that for a long time, the scientific community had hoped to realize the artificial synthesis of spider silk and was committed to the research of the synthetic secretion process of spider silk.

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5. “西方国家关起门来只顾自己” – “Western countries are closed to themselves”

Usage rate: 9% of publications tracked

第59届慕尼黑安全会议(慕安会)17日至19日在德国南部城市慕尼黑举行, 40多名国家元首和政府首脑、多位国际组织负责人与会。诸多与会人士, 尤其是来自发展中国家的代表, 纷纷呼吁建立更加平等、互利共赢的国际秩序。阿库福-阿多说, 新冠疫情期间, 如何获得疫苗成为非洲最迫切的问题, 但是一些西方国家关起门来只顾自己, 对其他急需帮助的国家不管不顾。

Xinhua News Agency, Munich, Germany, February 19 – The 59th Munich Security Conference was held in the southern German city of Munich from February 17-19, with more than 40 heads of state and government and heads of international organizations attending. Many participants, especially representatives from developing countries, have called for a more equitable, mutually beneficial and win-win international order. Akufo Addo said that during the COVID-19 epidemic, how to obtain vaccines became the most urgent problem in Africa. However, some western countries closed their doors and ignored other countries in need of help.

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