Daily update – 16 February 2023

1. 《求是》杂志发表习近平总书记重要文章当前经济工作的几个重大问题 – Seeking Truth magazine to publish an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping on several major issues in current economic work

Usage rate: 45% of publications tracked

新华社电 2月16日出版的第4期《求是》杂志发表中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平2022年12月15日在中央经济工作会议上重要讲话的一部分《当前经济工作的几个重大问题》。  文章强调, 2023年经济工作千头万绪, 需要从战略全局出发, 抓主要矛盾, 从改善社会心理预期、提振发展信心入手, 抓住重大关键环节, 纲举目张做好工作。  文章指出, 要切实落实”两个毫不动摇”。推动经济社会发展绿色转型, 建设美丽中国。

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 15 – The year’s fourth issue of the magazine “Seeking Truth”, to be published on February 16, will feature a part of the important speech of Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, at the Central Economic Work Conference on December 15, 2022, “Several Major Issues in Current Economic Work”. The shortage of total demand is a prominent contradiction in the current economic operation. The article points out that we should earnestly implement the “two unswervingly”. We must be clear and unambiguous, always adhere to the direction of the reform of the socialist market economy, and adhere to the “Two Unswervings”.

Original article

2. 中国发展惠及世界 – China’s development benefits the world

Usage rate: 28% of publications tracked

在很多海外人士看来, 中国出境游有序恢复并迅速回暖, 彰显中国经济活力与潜力, 有利于重振全球旅游市场, 带动旅游目的地消费及整体经济增长前景。当前, 中国经济正不断巩固回升态势, 持续为全球经济复苏注入信心、带来稳定、提供动力。倡议由中国提出, 机遇和成果属于世界。新征程上, 扎实推进中国式现代化各项工作, 中国必将为世界提供更多机遇, 为国际合作注入更强劲动力, 为人类进步作出更大贡献!

In the eyes of many overseas people, the orderly recovery and rapid recovery of China’s outbound tourism show the vitality and potential of China’s economy, which is conducive to revitalizing the global tourism market, driving the consumption of tourism destinations and the overall economic growth prospects. At present, China’s economy is constantly consolidating its recovery momentum and continues to inject confidence, stability and power into the global economic recovery. The international community generally believes that with the optimization and adjustment of China’s epidemic prevention and control policies and the overall return of production and life to normal, China’s economic and social vitality will be further released and continue to become the “stabilizer” and “engine” of world economic recovery.

Original article

3. 中国载人航天工程办公室发布公告首次面向社会公开征集载人航天飞行任务标识 – China Manned Space Engineering Office issued a public announcement to collect the manned space mission logo for the first time

Usage rate: 22% of publications tracked

科技日报北京2月15日电 记者15日从中国载人航天工程办公室获悉, 2023年我国将发射天舟六号货运飞船、神舟十六号载人飞船、神舟十七号载人飞船。该办公室近日发布《2023年度载人航天飞行任务标识征集活动公告》, 首次面向社会公开征集2023年度载人航天飞行任务标识。2022年底中国空间站全面建成后, 中国载人空间站工程正式进入应用与发展阶段, 每年将发射2艘载人飞船, 1至2艘货运飞船。

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 15 – According to its mission plan, China will launch Tianzhou 6 cargo spacecraft, Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft and Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft this year. On the 15th, the China Manned Space Engineering Office officially released the Announcement of the 2023 Manned Space Mission Logo Solicitation Activity, and released 2023 Manned Space Mission Logo to the public.

Original article

4. 中共中央办公厅 国务院办公厅印发意见进一步加强财会监督工作 – General offices of CPC Central Committee and State Council issue comments on further strengthening financial and accounting supervision

Usage rate: 18% of publications tracked

近日, 中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《关于进一步加强财会监督工作的意见》, 并发出通知, 要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻落实。财会监督是依法依规对国家机关、企事业单位、其他组织和个人的财政、财务、会计活动实施的监督。

Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Further Strengthening Financial and Accounting Supervision, and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it in combination with the actual situation. Financial supervision is the supervision of the financial, financial and accounting activities of state organs, enterprises and institutions, other organizations and individuals in accordance with laws and regulations.

Original article

5. 打击违法违规活动 维护新闻传播秩序 – Crack down on illegal activities and maintain orderly news dissemination

Usage rate: 15% of publications tracked

据介绍, 2023年中宣部将继续组织开展”打假治敲”专项行动, 坚持以新闻单位及其人员的新闻违法活动、商业网络平台及其公众账号的非法新闻活动、社会组织与个人的非法新闻活动为重点打击对象, 针对财经领域新闻敲诈、有偿新闻、出租转让新闻采编业务、虚假新闻信息、驻地方机构违规参与广告经营、商业网站平台非法新闻采编、假媒体假记者等问题集中开展专项整治, 进一步规范新闻传播秩序, 全面从严加强传媒监管。

It is reported that in 2023 the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee will continue to organize and carry out the special action of “cracking down on counterfeits and crackdowns”, focusing on the illegal news activities of news organizations and their personnel, the illegal news activities of commercial network platforms and their public accounts, and the illegal news activities of social organizations and individuals, aiming at financial and economic news blackmail, paid news, rental and transfer of news collection and editing business, false news information

Original article