5. Xi national day speech

People’s Daily commentary article: Unity is strength, confidence is worth gold

On studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the reception celebrating the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 30th – “Unity is strength, and confidence is stronger than gold.” At the reception celebrating the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that “we must strengthen confidence, inspire spirit, and work together in unity,” inspiring and inspire hundreds of millions of people to stride forward on a new journey and look toward the future with their heads held high.

Since the new era, our country’s reform, development and stability tasks have become more important than ever, the contradictions, risks and challenges are more numerous than ever, and the challenges of state governance have never been greater. Faced with the arduous task of overcoming the poor among the poor, the difficult among the poor, and the strong among the strong, the whole country worked together to achieve the millennium dream of a moderately prosperous society for the Chinese nation. Pictures of the era of great changes in mountains and villages and beautiful mountains and rivers are everywhere; Facing the complex international and domestic situation, we are of one heart and one mind, walking in the same direction, striving to achieve the set goals with persistence and unyielding, and writing a new chapter of “Two Miracles”; in the face of issues such as tightening resource and environmental constraints, we With everyone taking action and fulfilling their responsibilities, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains have become more colorful, and the construction of a beautiful China has taken major steps... The great achievements and changes in the new era are under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and in the new era of Xi Jinping It was achieved through the united efforts of the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups under the scientific guidance of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Practice has fully proved that unity is an important guarantee for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to overcome all risks and challenges on the way forward and continue to move from victory to new victory. As long as more than 1.4 billion Chinese people think in one direction, work hard in one direction, work together in the same boat, and unite as one, there will be nothing that cannot be accomplished or obstacles that cannot be overcome.

Strength gathers in firm confidence, and goals are achieved in concentration. Today, the Communist Party of China, the People’s Republic of China, and the Chinese nation have the most reason to be confident. The epidemic of the century is approaching fiercely, but the Chinese people have not been intimidated, but have written a magnificent and heart-stirring chapter, which has greatly enhanced their self-confidence and pride, cohesion and centripetal force. Economic work is complicated. All regions and departments have a deep understanding of the strategic favorable conditions for my country’s development, starting from improving social psychological expectations and boosting development confidence, to promote the steady and long-term economic development on the track of high-quality development. Especially since this year, we have overcome the impact of disasters such as the rare “bad rain” in the Huanghuai River, severe local floods in North and Northeast China, and local drought in the Northwest. We have made every effort to overcome various difficulties and challenges and firmly grasp the development initiative. Today’s Chinese people have stronger motivation to move forward, a higher spirit of struggle, and a firmer belief in victory. As General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “When are there no difficulties? One by one, every year is good, and every year is good. This has been the case for the Chinese nation for more than 5,000 years. The key to overcoming obstacles is to boost confidence.”

After traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, you still have to trek through mountains and rivers; when you cross the dangerous passes, you still have to break through them. The grand blueprint will not be realized easily, and the road ahead will inevitably be bumpy and windy. To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must be prepared to make more arduous and arduous efforts. No matter how the situation changes, no matter how severe the challenges, we must anchor the central task of the whole party and the people in the new era and new journey, firmly grasp the requirements of the times for united struggle, enhance historical confidence, seize the historical initiative, maintain strategic focus, and firmly We will have the confidence to win and make our generation’s due contribution to promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation. Unity and struggle are the only way for the Chinese people to create great historical achievements. We must unite into a “hard piece of steel” under the party’s banner, unite the party, government, military and civilians in one place, twist the east, west, south, and north into a rope, gather wisdom and strength from all aspects, and focus on realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Get up and think about it, let’s do it together. The times and trends are on our side. This is where our strength and confidence lie, as well as our determination and confidence. We must maintain a vision of “not afraid of the clouds covering our eyes”, cultivate the determination to “resist the winds from east to west, north and south”, carry forward the spirit of “the more difficult and dangerous the more forward”, and not be afraid of any risks or interference. Confused, concentrate on doing your own things well, and push forward the unprecedented great cause step by step.

Looking at the road ahead, China is prosperous and hundreds of millions of people are in high spirits. Unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, resolutely achieve the “two safeguards”, strengthen confidence, inspire spirit, unite and work hard, and comprehensively build a powerful modern socialist country. The goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will surely be realized!