5. Xi meets Scholz

Xi Jinping holds video meeting with Germany’s Chancellor Scholz

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 3 (Reporter Yang Yijun) – On the afternoon of November 3, President Xi Jinping held a video meeting with Germany’s Chancellor Scholz.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China-Germany relations have entered their second 50 years. As all-round strategic partners, China and Germany move forward together in the spirit of mutual benefit, win-win and mutual achievement, and grow together in the spirit of learning from each other’s strengths, exchanges and mutual learning. This is a valuable experience of the smooth development of China-Germany relations over the past few decades and is worthy of both sides. Cherish and pass on. Sino-German cooperation is open and pragmatic, and it is constantly enriching and developing. At present, Sino-German trade is developing steadily, two-way investment enthusiasm is rising, and cooperation between the two countries has become more robust, solid and dynamic. The two countries have established a dialogue and cooperation mechanism on climate change and green transformation. The first dialogue can be held as soon as possible to promote deepening cooperation between the two parties in the fields of climate protection, green transformation, environmental governance, biodiversity protection, and strengthen exchanges between youth, local governments, and sister cities. Create more convenience for personnel exchanges. China is promoting Chinese-style modernization with high-quality development and promoting common development of the world with high-level opening up. Not long ago, China promulgated 24 policies and measures to optimize the foreign investment environment. At the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum, I announced the lifting of restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector and the further promotion of high-level opening up of cross-border service trade and investment. and other major initiatives, which will provide greater opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Germany. More than 130 German companies will participate in the 6th China International Import Expo, which is a vote of confidence from German companies in China’s development. It is hoped that Germany will also adhere to a high level of two-way openness for Chinese companies to cooperate in Germany. It is believed that Sino-German cooperation will further unleash huge potential and benefit the people of both countries.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the current international situation is undergoing great changes, with intensified geopolitical conflicts, sluggish economic recovery, and the resurgence of Cold War mentality. China and Germany are both responsible major countries. They must not only develop bilateral relations well and set an example of win-win cooperation, but also defend the international order and multilateralism and work together to address global challenges. China-EU relations are related to the stability of the world structure and the prosperity of the Eurasian continent, and deserve every effort from both sides to safeguard and develop them. China regards Europe as a comprehensive strategic partner and an important pole in multipolarity. It is hoped that Germany will push the EU to uphold the principles of marketization and fairness, work with China to safeguard fair market competition and free trade, and maintain the stability of global industrial and supply chains.

Scholz said that I visited China shortly after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in November last year. We had in-depth communication and reached many important consensuses. Over the past year, a new round of Germany-China government consultations has been successfully held, dialogue and exchanges at all levels have been rapidly restored, economic and trade relations have become closer, cooperation projects have continued to advance, and deepening Germany-China relations has shown more possibilities and broad prospects. Germany-China relations are very important to Germany. Germany is willing to continue the good relations between the two countries, continue to deepen cooperation in various fields, and hopes that German companies will achieve greater success in China. Germany is willing to work with China to facilitate visa and personnel exchanges and intensify people-to-people and cultural exchanges. Germany is willing to promote the positive development of EU-China relations.

Scholz introduced Germany’s views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Ukrainian crisis, and expressed its hope to maintain close communication with China. Xi Jinping pointed out that whether it is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict or the Ukrainian crisis, to solve it from the root, we need to think more deeply about security issues, adhere to a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security concept, and promote the construction of balanced, effective, and sustainable security architecture. Squeezing the security space of other countries and unilaterally supporting one side while ignoring the legitimate demands of the other will lead to regional imbalances and lead to the expansion and escalation of conflicts. China and Europe should be committed to mediating conflicts, easing tensions, and playing a positive role in promoting regional peace and development.

Wang Yi attended the meeting.