5. Xi article in Seeking Truth

"Qiushi" magazine publishes important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping

"Always maintain the sobriety and determination to solve the unique problems of the big party and carry out the Party's great self-revolution to the end"

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 15 – The year's sixth issue of "Qiushi", to be published on March 16th, will feature an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission: "Always Stay Awakened in Solving Problems Unique to Big Parties." and be firm in carrying out the Party’s great self-revolution to the end.”

The article emphasizes that to govern the country, we must first govern the party. Only when the party thrives can the country be strong. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China profoundly summarized the historic achievements of ten years of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and further required the entire party to remain clear-headed and determined to solve the unique problems unique to major parties. This is a new major proposition that our party has put forward based on its historical position, missions and tasks, and the complex environment it faces, deeply grasping the fundamental nature of the party and the development and changes of the party's conditions, and comprehensively and strictly governing the party in the new era and new journey. .

The article pointed out that our party is the world's largest political party established under the guidance of Marxist party-building theory and in accordance with the principle of democratic centralism. It has been in power for a long time in the most populous country in the world. It has a long history, a large number of people, and a large scale. It has the ability to accomplish major things and Although we have great advantages in building a great cause, we also face special difficulties in governing the party and the country. At least the following major problems need to be further studied and solved: how to always keep the original intention and mission in mind, how to always unify thoughts, will and actions, how to always have strong governance ability and leadership level, how to always maintain an entrepreneurial spirit as an officer, How to always discover and solve our own problems in a timely manner, and how to always maintain a clean and upright political ecology. Solving the above problems well is a hurdle that must be overcome to realize the mission and tasks of the party in the new era and new journey. It is also a hard nut that must be overcome to comprehensively and strictly govern the party to adapt to the new situation and new requirements. Solving the unique problems of a large party is bound to be a long and arduous process. This determines that comprehensive and strict governance of the party is always on the road, and the party's self-revolution is always on the road. We must stand at the height of the long-term governance of the Party, the long-term stability of the country, and the happiness and well-being of the people, and regard the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party as the Party's long-term strategy and eternal task. We must always adhere to a problem-oriented approach, maintain strategic focus, and carry forward thorough self-revolution. spirit, always blow the charge, adhere to the strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time, and carry out the party's great self-revolution to the end.

The article emphasizes that it is necessary to promote the whole party to keep in mind the "three musts" and practice the party's purpose as the fundamental direction, and to unify strict management and supervision with encouragement and responsibility, so as to forge stronger leadership and gather a wider range of people. The power of struggle. The purpose of comprehensively and strictly administering the Party is not to control people to death, make them hesitant and fearful, and turn it into a stagnant pool of life and inaction. Rather, it is to create a positive, healthy, and capable society by clarifying the direction, establishing rules, correcting the atmosphere, and strengthening immunity. Political ecology and good environment for entrepreneurship. It is necessary to constantly explore and improve effective measures to comprehensively and strictly govern the party, adhere to the "three distinctions", adhere to the combination of strict management and kindness, and equal emphasis on incentives and constraints, so as to better stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the majority of party members and cadres, and form There is a strong atmosphere and vivid scene of forging ahead on a new journey and building a new era of achievements.