China's path to modernization

Promoting Chinese-style modernization requires proper handling of several major relationships

On in-depth study and understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the opening ceremony of the seminar on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

People’s Daily commentator

Promoting Chinese-style modernization is a systematic project that requires overall planning, systematic planning, and overall advancement.” In the new Central Committee members, alternate members, and major provincial and ministerial-level leading cadres, learn and implement Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the party’s At the opening ceremony of the seminar on the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a profound explanation and put forward clear requirements for several major relationships that need to be handled well in the promotion of Chinese-style modernization, which fully embodies the Marxist materialist dialectical thinking method, which is our party’s commitment to promoting The further deepening of the understanding of Chinese-style modernization.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew up a grand blueprint for comprehensively building a socialist modern country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, sounding the clarion call of the times for a new journey. Correctly handle a series of important relationships between top-level design and practical exploration, strategy and tactics, integrity and innovation, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, self-reliance and self-improvement and opening up to the outside world. new strategic opportunities, new strategic tasks, new strategic phases, new strategic requirements, and new strategic environment, deeply understand the arduousness and complexity of realizing the goals and tasks of building a socialist modernized country in an all-round way, and strengthen the spirit of implementation Consciousness and firmness, and striving to create a new situation in the development of the cause of the party and the country on the new journey are of great significance.

Top-level design and practical exploration are dialectically unified. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China profoundly expounded the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements, and major principles of Chinese-style modernization. This is the top-level design for promoting Chinese-style modernization. Chinese-style modernization is promoted in stages and in different fields. Achieving development goals at various stages and implementing development strategies in various fields also requires top-level design. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “To carry out top-level design, it is necessary to have a deep insight into the general trend of world development, accurately grasp the common wishes of the people, and deeply explore the laws of economic and social development, so that the formulated planning and policy system reflect the characteristics of the times, grasp the laws, and be full of creativity. , to achieve a combination of far and near, top and bottom, and content coordination.” Promoting Chinese-style modernization is an exploratory undertaking, and there are still many unknown areas, which require us to boldly explore in practice and promote the development of the cause through reform and innovation. Sitting on the sidelines. All regions and departments should develop and innovate in light of their specific realities, especially in cutting-edge practices and unknown fields, encourage bold exploration, dare to be the first, seek ideas and methods to effectively solve new contradictions and problems, and strive to create new and innovative products that can be replicated and promoted. experience.

The correct use of strategic strategies is the secret of our party’s success in creating glorious history, achieving great achievements for the future, overcoming various risks and challenges, and constantly moving from victory to victory. To promote Chinese-style modernization, we must sum up and use this secret of success well. It is necessary to enhance the forward-looking nature of the strategy, accurately grasp the inevitable trend of the development of things, have a keen insight into the opportunities and challenges that may arise on the way forward, foresee and lead the future with a scientific strategy; enhance the overall nature of the strategy, plan strategic goals, and formulate strategic measures. , and make strategic deployments, we must focus on solving major issues that affect the success or failure of the cause of the party and the country, and affect the whole body; enhance the stability of the strategy. , do not change arbitrarily. Strategy serves strategy under the guidance of strategy, and is a scientific method of strategy implementation. It is necessary to organically combine the principle of strategy with the flexibility of strategy, be flexible, adapt to the situation, and make decisions on the fly, and grasp the strategic initiative in adapting measures to local conditions, moving in accordance with the trend, and following the trend.

Maintaining integrity and innovation is an important way of thinking for our party in governing the country in the new era. Only by keeping the integrity can we not lose our way and make subversive mistakes, and only by innovation can we grasp and lead the times. The exploration of Chinese-style modernization is a historical process of developing while inheriting and innovating while maintaining integrity.

On the new journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization, we must first of all keep the foundation, source, root and soul of Chinese-style modernization, unswervingly adhere to the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements, and major principles of Chinese-style modernization, and ensure the correct direction of Chinese-style modernization . At the same time, innovation must be placed in a prominent position in the overall development of the country, conform to the development requirements of the times, focus on solving major theoretical and practical problems, actively recognize changes and respond to changes, vigorously promote reform and innovation, and constantly shape new development momentum and advantages, so that innovation can be in the forefront It has become a common practice in the whole society.

Fairness must be based on efficiency, and efficiency must be sustained on the premise of fairness. Only by properly handling the relationship between efficiency and fairness, and dividing the cake while making it bigger, can the achievements of modernization benefit all the people more and more equitably. Chinese-style modernization must not only create higher efficiency than capitalism, but also maintain social equity more effectively, and better realize the balance, promotion, and unity of efficiency and equity. We must uphold and improve the basic socialist economic system, unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy, unswervingly encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public sector of the economy, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, and build The country will unify the large market, deepen the market-oriented reform of factors, build a high-standard market system, create a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, ruled by law, and internationalized, focus on improving the productivity of all factors, and accelerate the establishment of fair rights, opportunities, and rules. The content of the social equity guarantee system guarantees the people’s equal participation and equal development rights, and solidly promotes the common prosperity of all people to achieve more obvious substantive progress.

A modern society should be full of vitality and have good order, presenting an organic unity of vitality and order. Chinese-style modernization should achieve and be able to achieve a dynamic balance that is active but not chaotic, active and orderly. It is necessary to deepen the reform of systems and mechanisms in all aspects, fully release the creative potential of the whole society, and encourage scientists, entrepreneurs, artists and other talents, especially young talents, to innovate and create. It is necessary to take practical and effective measures to solve problems such as unwillingness to take responsibility, dare not take responsibility, and not good at taking responsibility, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of party members, cadres and officers to start businesses. It is necessary to form the correct orientation of labor to create wealth, hard work to create performance, and struggle to create happiness, so as to fully stimulate the creative vitality of the whole society. It is necessary to coordinate development and security, implement the overall national security concept, improve the national security system, enhance the ability to maintain national security, and resolutely safeguard the security of state power, system, ideology, and security in key areas.

To promote Chinese-style modernization, we must adhere to independence, self-reliance and self-improvement, insist on putting the development of the country and the nation on the basis of our own strength, and insist on firmly grasping the destiny of our country’s development and progress in our own hands. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, consolidate the foundation of my country’s economic development, enhance the security and stability of development, and enhance my country’s viability, competitiveness, development and sustainability. It is necessary to improve the new national system, strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, accelerate the pace of self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, and solve the problem of “stuck neck” in foreign countries. It is necessary to continuously expand high-level opening up to the outside world, deeply participate in the global industrial division of labor and cooperation, make good use of both domestic and international resources, and expand the development space for Chinese-style modernization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Chinese-style modernization is our answer to the major historical issue of how to awaken the ‘sleeping lion’ and realize national rejuvenation. It is to choose our own path and do our own thing.” The new journey is full of glory. and the expedition of dreams. Towards the new goal, we will set out again with great efforts. We must be firm in our determination not to change our aspirations and our path, to stride forward on the correct path we have chosen, to be unswerving in our determination and unswerving in our actions, and to advance comprehensively with Chinese-style modernization unswervingly. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We firmly believe that a China that is constantly moving towards modernization will surely provide more opportunities for the world, inject stronger impetus into international cooperation, and make greater contributions to the progress of all mankind!

(Story by Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 12)