5. Chinese-Spanish edition of Xi book released

Chinese-Spanish edition of “Excerpts from Xi Jinping’s Discourse on Respecting and Safeguarding Human Rights” launched globally in Madrid

Xinhua News Agency, Madrid, November 22 (Reporters Hu Jiaqi and Xie Yuzhi) – The world premiere of “Excerpts of Xi Jinping’s Essays on Respecting and Protecting Human Rights” (Chinese-Spanish edition) and the “Human Wisdom for Global Governance” exchange seminar were successfully held in Madrid, the capital of Spain, on the 22nd.

José Luis Centralia, Chairman of the Spanish Communist Party, Qu Xun, Minister of the Chinese Embassy in Spain, and other guests attended the event and delivered speeches. More than 50 Chinese and Western experts, scholars, heads of associations, and people friendly to China from the fields of politics, economy, culture, etc. attended the meeting.

Centralia said that protecting human rights is the mission of every country, but there is no unified standard for implementation, and protecting human rights needs to adapt to the national conditions of each country. The rights to survival and development are the first basic human rights. China gives priority to rural and most backward areas, helping many people escape poverty and live a well-off life. As basic needs are guaranteed and life becomes richer, the Chinese people have gained a more equal, democratic, just and secure social environment.

Marta Montolo, manager and institutional relations director of Zhihua Lecture Hall in Spain, believes that “Excerpts of Xi Jinping’s Essays on Respecting and Protecting Human Rights” is an authoritative treatise with rich connotations and profound thoughts, showing to the world China’s commitment to respecting and protecting human rights. Concepts and practices in human rights.

Antonio Segura, founding president of the Spanish Association of Friendship Lawyers with China, said that all countries have made many commitments to the development of human rights, including ensuring the tranquility, safety, comfort and health of citizens’ lives, and today’s book clearly answers how China Respect and protect human rights.

Qu Xun said in his speech that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has insisted on respecting and protecting human rights as an important task in governing the country, and has embarked on a human rights development path that conforms to the trend of the times and is suitable for the country’s national conditions. , and made historic achievements in promoting China’s human rights cause. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Spain. Over the past half century, the healthy and smooth development of China-Spain relations is fundamentally based on adhering to the original aspiration of establishing diplomatic relations of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and adhering to the right path of friendly coexistence between countries with different cultures and systems. There is no one-size-fits-all path for human rights development in the world, and there is no best way to protect human rights, only better ones.

The Chinese version of “Excerpts of Xi Jinping’s Essays on Respecting and Protecting Human Rights” was edited by the Party History and Literature Research Institute of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. It is divided into 9 topics and systematically collects a series of important expositions issued by General Secretary Xi Jinping on respecting and protecting human rights. The English-Chinese, Western Han, French-Chinese, Russian-Chinese, and Japanese-Chinese versions of the book were translated by the Party History and Literature Research Institute of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and published by the Central Compilation and Translation Press.