4. Xi’s Beijing and Hebei inspection

Constantly worrying and caring: A record of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in Beijing and Hebei

An uneasy concern has been lingering in the mind of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

At the end of July and early August this year, extreme rainfall occurred in north China, Huanghuai and other places, causing floods and geological disasters, causing heavy casualties in Beijing, Hebei and other places.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pays close attention to the flood situation, attaches great importance to flood prevention and relief, and has issued important instructions on many occasions, requiring all efforts to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. "During that time, I paid attention to the disaster every day and guided the relief work. I was always thinking about the disaster-stricken areas and the affected people."

On September 7, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Heilongjiang, came to Longwangmiao Village, Laojieji Township, Shangzhi City, Harbin, which was severely affected by the disaster, to visit and express condolences to the victims and learn about the progress of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. Talking about North China from Northeast China, the General Secretary said: "I am concerned about the disaster-stricken places. I will also visit those places in the future."

On November 10, as winter entered in the north, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to Beijing, Mentougou District, Hebei Province, and Zhuozhou City, Baoding, which were severely affected by the disaster, to visit and express condolences to the affected people, and to inspect and guide post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work.

In one day, by bus and train, the journey spanned Beijing and Hebei, covering rural areas, communities, schools, municipal facilities, water conservancy projects, visiting residents, meeting teachers and students, visiting shops, visiting farmers' households, entering wheat fields, and going up embankments. Brave the cold and return in the dark.

"Walking along the way, after hearing and seeing, I feel at ease and relieved. The restoration and reconstruction work is proceeding as planned."

"We must continue to implement the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work one by one, continue to work hard to push people's lives in a better direction, and let the people live a better life in the future!"

* "I have always been thinking about the people in the disaster area"

Shuiyuzui Village in Miaofengshan Town is located in the mountainous area in the west of Beijing, with the Yongding River winding through the north of the village.

On the morning of the 10th, General Secretary Xi Jinping drove through Shuiyuzui Bridge and got off at the entrance of the village. The photos on the display board on the shore record the scene when the floods were raging this summer and the peak of the flood passed through.

"The place where we are standing now was flooded. The water overflowed the bridge deck of Shuiyuzui Bridge." The local responsible comrade told the general secretary that due to the timely transfer, no one in the village was injured or killed, but 87% of the houses damaged.

"How is your recovery?" asked the general secretary.

"All damaged houses have been repaired."

Along the village road, the general secretary walked to inspect the appearance of the village. The roads are clean and the houses are in good repair.

Villager Li Meng's house is right on the roadside, and a sign hangs on the wall at the door: "The submerged water depth is 2.6 meters."

Entering Li Meng's house, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected it carefully. The walls have been painted, and there are no traces of flooding. The doors, windows, furniture, and electrical appliances on the first floor have also been newly replaced. The sun shines through the glass into the two-story building, making it bright.

Li Meng told the general secretary that the flood flooded the first floor and filled the house with mud. After the disaster, the government provided subsidies and the family worked together to restore and repair the house. It has now been tidied up.

"The Communist Party is a party that serves the people. Now that our country's economic strength has increased, we must do more for the people. I wish you a happier life." said the general secretary.

Just after the beginning of winter, the lowest temperature in Yanzhao was already below zero degrees Celsius.

On the afternoon of the 10th, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yongji Xiuyuan Community, Shuangta Street, Zhuozhou, which was severely affected by the disaster, and first inspected the thermal station here.

After learning that the community had started heating half a month in advance on November 1, the General Secretary was very happy: "This is what should be done, and you have done a good job!"

General Secretary Xi Jinping then visited the home of Dong Caiying, a resident of the community. Her family lives on the first floor.

As soon as I entered the house, I felt the warmth. After looking at the thermometer and touching the radiator, the general secretary smiled and said, "The temperature is up to standard."

Pointing to the water stains on the white wall, Dong Caiying told the General Secretary that there was water in the house at that time, and the furniture, appliances, and some clothes and bedding were submerged. Now, with the help of party members and cadres, the house has been cleaned and repaired, and it will be warm for the winter.

"I am very pleased to see that you have turned the crisis around and that after the disaster, life can continue as usual and be improved a little bit," the general secretary said.

Wanquanzhuang Village, Diaowo Town, Zhuozhou City is located in the Langouwa flood storage and detention area. During this year's flood season, all 311 households in the village were affected, and many houses were washed down or seriously damaged.

When General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the village on the afternoon of the 10th, he saw a scene of construction in full swing.

The newly built house of villager Fu Jun's family is about to be topped out. He enthusiastically welcomed the General Secretary into his future new home and introduced the internal structure of the house in detail: "These are the four bedrooms in Chaoyang, this is the kitchen, and the bathroom is over there..."

Fu Jun told the General Secretary that after the house was hit by the disaster, he quickly received the rural housing insurance claim, and there were subsidies for steel bars, sand, cement and other building materials. The government also provided guarantees and contacted the construction team, and he made up his mind to rebuild as soon as possible. "The party's policies are good. We must catch up with this good era, otherwise we will not be able to build it."

When leaving the village, the villagers gathered on both sides of the village road. There were white-haired old people and children. They applauded warmly and greeted the general secretary loudly.

The general secretary and fellow villagers said: "I have always been thinking about the people in the disaster area. Today, I came here to take a look, and I feel reassured that the policies of the Party Central Committee are still effective when translated into practical measures in various places."

After hearing the general secretary's words, everyone applauded again.

The general secretary continued: "I see hope from everyone's expressions. Our life after the disaster will be better than before. I hope that the villagers will be self-reliant, work hard, and use their hard-working hands to speed up recovery and reconstruction and promote rural revitalization."

* "After major floods and disasters, we must build and improve"

On August 17 this year, just as the fight against floods and flood relief had achieved major stage results, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and proposed to carefully investigate and summarize, make up for shortcomings and strengths and weaknesses, and further improve our country. Disaster prevention, reduction and relief capabilities.

With this kind of thinking in mind, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s first stop during this inspection came to the Sanjiadian water diversion hub located at the exit of the Guanting Gorge of the Yongding River.

Through this control project, the Yongding River flows from the undulating mountainous area into the main urban area of ​​Beijing, which is a vast plain.

This summer, Beijing suffered extremely heavy rainfall, and the Yongding River also experienced a rare flood peak. The responsible comrade of the Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau said that at that time, the maximum water storage level of the regulating pool of the Sanjiadian Water Diversion Hub had exceeded 110 meters, the floodwaters had overflowed ashore, and the barrage had opened its largest flood discharge since it was built.

After this summer's floods, Beijing City, in its post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work, based on the root cause of the problem, focused on strengthening the construction of the flood control engineering system, and formulated relevant master plans. From river dredging and repair, dam hazard removal and reinforcement, to layout and construction of reservoirs, it is committed to achieving " The goal is to achieve basic recovery in one year, comprehensive improvement in three years, and long-term high-quality development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said that after a disaster, we must sum up experience and draw inferences from one example to other cases, so that we can have more complete plans and better measures in disaster prevention, reduction, and relief. Our current national and economic strength has also increased, and we must use stronger power to solve this problem.

After the floods occurred, the cadres and the masses in North China seized the "window period" and carried out self-rescue in agricultural production.

During an inspection in Zhuozhou, General Secretary Xi Jinping got off the bus and walked along the field ridge into a farmland in Diaowo Town.

In the fields, the winter wheat that was just sown last month has sprouted, green and growing happily.

"The moisture content is good." The general secretary praised.

In the vegetable field nearby, cabbages were full and green. The general secretary leaned over and touched the heart of the cabbage: "It has grown solid."

According to village cadres, the local Chinese cabbage is quite famous and is sold to Beijing, Tianjin and other surrounding areas. After the flood receded, the village organized everyone to rush to plant more than 1,000 acres of "frost-fall radish and winter-beginning cabbage." Some cabbage has already begun to be harvested, and the sales and prices are very good.

The general secretary warned: "The recovery of agricultural production after the disaster is not only directly related to the income of every household, but also to the national food security. The party's good policy is to make the people happy. We must organize and arrange agricultural production this winter and next spring to strive for a good harvest next year." "

In the fields, there is hope for a good harvest. The streets are filled with vitality.

At the entrance of Yongji Xiuyuan Community, the General Secretary walked into a pharmacy and a supermarket. "Where was the water flooded at that time? How much damage was done to the goods? What are the subsidy policies?" He asked very carefully.

When he learned that the government had provided loan interest subsidies to help the two shops get back on track and resume business at the end of August, the General Secretary was very happy and encouraged: "I wish you will do even better in the future than before!"

At the Baigou River management project in the east of Zhuozhou City, machinery roared, and hundreds of workers were carrying out construction such as dam reinforcement.

General Secretary Xi Jinping walked onto the embankment and listened to the layout of major water conservancy projects for post-disaster reconstruction.

The responsible comrades of the National Development and Reform Commission unfolded a planning map to introduce in detail the next step of strengthening water conservancy project construction in North China. The three-year plan involves the reinforcement and upgrading of river dams, the removal of dangerous reservoirs, the construction of flood storage and detention areas, and urban drainage projects, etc., and will systematically improve the flood prevention and disaster resistance capabilities of North China.

"After major floods, we must build and improve water conservancy facilities and flood control facilities to significantly improve the level of water conservancy facilities and flood control facilities. Chinese-style modernization also includes water conservancy modernization and emergency management modernization."

Standing on the embankment, looking at the wide river, the General Secretary had profound thoughts: "Recently, the central government decided to issue an additional 1 trillion yuan of national debt, making great efforts and spending a lot of money to support post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and projects that enhance disaster prevention, reduction and relief capabilities. Construction. I believe that through construction, the disaster prevention, reduction and relief capabilities of our country, especially in the northern region, will be greatly improved."

*"Vigorously promote the spirit of flood fighting and disaster relief"

The touching stories of flood fighting and disaster relief have become the most convincing real-life "teaching materials".

During this disaster, due to its high terrain, the Miaofengshan National School became a "safe island" for nearby disaster-stricken villagers to resettle, for rescue workers to rest, and for the transfer of emergency and relief materials and equipment.

Children who experienced severe floods during the summer vacation used clay works they made today to thank the most lovable people in their hearts.

In the classroom on the first floor of the teaching building, students in Class 1 of fifth grade held a theme class meeting under the leadership of their head teacher. The four characters "gratitude" and "determination" are written on the blackboard. The theme of the class meeting is "Stories of Flood Fighting and Disaster Relief Around Me."

General Secretary Xi Jinping also joined in and listened carefully.

A girl stood up: "My work is Uncle Rescue. At that time, the place where my grandpa stored his things was flooded. Uncle Rescue came quickly to help. They were all soaked."

Another girl also picked up her work: "I think the People's Liberation Army uncles are the cutest people. They go out early and come back late, fall asleep covered in mud and water, and go out again before dawn the next day, which is very hard."

Holding a clay work of an angel in white, a boy described the scene he saw at the resettlement site: “One day, a grandma had a heart attack. Several doctors quickly brought instruments to examine her and asked her about her previous experiences. Regarding my physical condition, I treated my grandma as soon as possible. I want to study hard and become a doctor when I grow up to help more people get rid of their illnesses."

Looking at these sensible children, the General Secretary’s eyes were full of warmth:

"The children have personally experienced this disaster, which has a major impact on their lives. Through the things you encounter around you, the People's Liberation Army, volunteers, village cadres, etc. you meet, you will see that in times of crisis, our party Organizations and party members and cadres at all levels will be on the front line for the people."

On the school playground, General Secretary Xi Jinping cordially expressed condolences to the martyrs Liu Jie and Xiong Li’s spouse and children who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty during the flood fighting and disaster relief operations.

The general secretary held their hands tightly and said with concern: "Take good care of the family, arrange life well, and train the children well."

General Secretary Xi Jinping exhorted: “We must always remember the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in flood fighting and disaster relief, publicize their heroic deeds, and care for their families. We must vigorously promote the spirit of flood fighting and disaster relief and carry it forward in all aspects of work. "

Spirit is sublimated in struggle; strength is condensed in hardship.

At the last stop of this inspection, on the embankment by the Baigou River, "camouflage green", "flame blue" and "rescue red" were lined up neatly.

General Secretary Xi Jinping cordially visited and expressed condolences to the water conservancy project construction personnel, representatives of the People's Liberation Army and Armed Police Force, militia reservists, fire rescue teams and other representatives who had participated in Zhuozhou flood fighting and rescue.

"When one side is in trouble, all parties support it, which fully demonstrates the strong political advantages of our party and country."

Facing the "soldiers" with high morale, General Secretary Xi Jinping's words are full of power: "You are the mainstay. The teams led by the Communist Party of China are all teams that serve the people. When the sea is flowing, heroes can show their true colors! The people thank you, The party and government thank you! I hope comrades will continue to work hard and make new achievements!"

Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Xiaosong and Zhu Jichai People’s Daily reporters Du Shangze and Wan Xiubin

Video reporters: Qi Xing, Ma Xiaodong, Ju Huanzong, Wang Junlu, Li Shuxing, Wang Pu

Editors: Wang Xuan, Hao Xiaojing, Gao Songling, Yang Wenrong, Zhang Huihui, Bao Yuhan, Ma Ning, Hu Bixia, Guo Jieyu

Coordinator: Zhou Yongmin