3. Xi writes cadre training preface

Xi Jinping writes preface for sixth batch of national cadre study and training materials

Cadres at all levels are required to carry forward the Marxist style of study that integrates theory with practice and be staunch action-oriented doers in Chinese-style modernization.


Chinese-style modernization is the broad road to building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. It opens up a new path for mankind to move towards modernization and creates a new form of human civilization. For our party, this is both a glorious historical mission and a severe practical test. It is urgent to use theoretical weapons to promote party-wide unity and career development.

Only with a strong theory can one have clear direction, united people and sufficient confidence. It is necessary to consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education, persist in using socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era to focus on the soul, truly master the Marxist housekeeping skills, ensure political unity and action unity with a high degree of ideological unity, and comprehensively enhance and promote Chinese-style modernization. We must have appropriate political ability, leadership ability and work ability. We must be good at drawing the spiritual motivation to work hard and move forward courageously from the party's innovative theory, strengthen our historical confidence, hone our fighting skills, and always forge ahead with a determined attitude of forging ahead and facing difficulties in the face of difficulties to forge ahead on a new journey and build a new era.

The way cannot be discussed in vain, and the principles cannot be discussed in vain. The whole purpose of studying the party's innovative theory is to apply it. Cadres at all levels must carry forward the Marxist style of study that integrates theory with practice, consciously master and use the party's innovative theory as a powerful ideological weapon, focus on the central task of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, and continue to solve the constraints of high-level development. We will effectively prevent and resolve major risks, carry out work creatively, and continuously turn the grand blueprint drawn by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into a beautiful reality.

Since the new era, the party’s theoretical innovation and practical innovation have been very vivid, and our study should also be vivid. This batch of teaching materials reflects the innovative achievements of the new era and demonstrates our party’s vivid practice in promoting and expanding Chinese-style modernization. Cadres at all levels must learn to use teaching materials well and be staunch actioners and doers in Chinese-style modernization.

Xi Jinping

February 28, 2024

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 29)

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 29 – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, wrote a preface for the sixth batch of national cadre study and training materials that will be published soon. He emphasized that Chinese-style modernization is the broad road to building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. It opens up a new path for mankind to move towards modernization and creates a new form of human civilization. For our party, this is both a glorious historical mission and a severe practical test. It is urgent to use theoretical weapons to promote party-wide unity and career development.

Xi Jinping pointed out that only by being strong in theory can we have clear direction, united people and sufficient confidence. It is necessary to consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education, persist in using the socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era to focus on the soul, truly master the Marxist housekeeping skills, ensure political unity and action unity with a high degree of ideological unity, and comprehensively enhance and promote Chinese-style modernization Appropriate political ability, leadership ability and work ability. We must be good at drawing the spiritual motivation to work hard and move forward courageously from the party's innovative theory, strengthen our historical confidence, hone our fighting skills, and always forge ahead with a determined attitude of forging ahead and facing difficulties in the face of difficulties to forge ahead on a new journey and build a new era.

Xi Jinping emphasized that Tao cannot be discussed and principles cannot be talked about in vain. The whole purpose of studying the party's innovative theory is to apply it. Cadres at all levels must carry forward the Marxist style of study that integrates theory with practice, consciously master and use the party's innovative theory as a powerful ideological weapon, focus on the central task of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, and continue to solve the constraints of high-level development. We will effectively prevent and resolve major risks, carry out work creatively, and continuously turn the grand blueprint drawn by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into a beautiful reality.

Xi Jinping pointed out that since the new era, the party’s theoretical innovation and practical innovation have been very vivid, and our learning should also be vivid. This batch of teaching materials reflects the innovative achievements of the new era and demonstrates our party’s vivid practice in promoting and expanding Chinese-style modernization. Cadres at all levels must learn to use teaching materials well and be staunch actioners and doers in Chinese-style modernization.

The sixth batch of national cadre training textbooks was organized and compiled by the National Cadre Training Textbook Compilation and Review Steering Committee. There are 9 books in total, including 4 theoretical textbooks "A Deep Understanding of the Decisive Significance of the "Two Establishments"" and "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era". Worldview and Methodology", "Promoting the New Great Project of Party Building in the New Era", "Promoting and Expanding Chinese-style Modernization" and 5 "Promoting and Expanding Chinese-style Modernization Case Selection" (Economy, Education·Technology·Talent, Politics· Rule of Law, Culture·Society, Ecological Civilization·National Security), published by People's Publishing House and Party Building Readings Publishing House.