3. Xi speaks at internet summit

Xi Jinping delivers video speech to opening ceremony of Wuzhen Summit of 2023 World Internet Conference

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 8 – On the morning of November 8, President Xi Jinping delivered a video speech to the opening ceremony of the Wuzhen Summit of the 2023 World Internet Conference.

Xi Jinping pointed out that in 2015, at the opening ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference, I proposed the "Four Principles" and "Five Points" for global Internet development governance and advocated the building of a community with a shared future in cyberspace. This concept has been widely recognized by the international community. recognition and positive response. The world today is intertwined with chaos, and the changes that have occurred over the past century are accelerating. How to solve the development deficit, resolve the security dilemma, and strengthen mutual learning among civilizations are issues of the times that we all face. The Internet has increasingly become a new driving force for development, a new territory for maintaining security, and a new platform for mutual learning among civilizations. Building a community with a shared future in cyberspace is not only an inevitable choice to answer the issues of the times, but also the common voice of the international community. We must deepen exchanges and pragmatic cooperation and jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future in cyberspace to a new stage.

We advocate giving priority to development and building a more inclusive and prosperous cyberspace. Deepen international exchanges and cooperation in the digital field and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Accelerate the popularization of information services, narrow the digital divide, protect and improve people's livelihood in the development of the Internet, and allow more countries and people to share the fruits of Internet development.

We advocate sharing weal and woe and building a more peaceful and secure cyberspace. Respect network sovereignty and respect the Internet development paths and governance models of each country. We must abide by international rules in cyberspace and refrain from pursuing cyber hegemony. We will not engage in cyberspace camp confrontation or arms race. Deepen pragmatic cooperation on network security, effectively combat illegal and criminal activities on the Internet, and strengthen data security and personal information protection. Properly respond to rule conflicts, social risks, and ethical challenges brought about by technological development. China is willing to work with all parties to implement the Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Initiative and promote the safe development of artificial intelligence.

We advocate mutual learning among civilizations and build a more equal and inclusive cyberspace. Strengthen online exchanges and dialogues to promote mutual understanding and mutual understanding among people of all countries, promote tolerance and symbiosis of different civilizations, and better promote the common values ​​of all mankind. Strengthen the construction of Internet civilization, promote the production and dissemination of high-quality Internet cultural products, fully demonstrate the outstanding achievements of human civilization, actively promote the inheritance and development of civilization, and jointly build an online spiritual home.

Xi Jinping finally emphasized that the information revolution era is moving forward vigorously, and cyberspace carries mankind’s infinite longing for a better future. Let us join hands to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace, let the Internet better benefit people all over the world, and jointly create a better future for mankind!

The 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit will be held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang from November 8th to 10th. The theme is "Building an inclusive, universally beneficial, and resilient digital world-Working together to build a community with a shared future in cyberspace."