3. Xi on ecological civilisation

“Qiushi” magazine publishes important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping: “Handling Several Major Relationships in Promoting Ecological Civilization Construction”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 15 – The year’s 22nd issue of “Qiushi” magazine, due to be published on November 16, will feature an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, “Promoting the construction of ecological civilization requires dealing with several major relationships”.

The article emphasizes that with the deepening of the practice of ecological civilization construction in the new era, our understanding of the regularity of ecological civilization construction continues to deepen. To summarize the 10 years of practical experience in the new era, analyze the new situations and new problems we are currently facing, and continue to promote the construction of ecological civilization, we must be guided by the thought of socialist ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics for a new era and correctly handle several major relationships.

The article points out that the first is to correctly handle the relationship between high-quality development and high-level protection. High-quality development and high-level protection complement and complement each other. High-level protection is an important support for high-quality development. High-quality development that prioritizes ecology, green and low carbon can only be achieved by relying on high-level protection. Throughout the entire process of Chinese-style modernization, we must grasp the dialectical and unified relationship between high-quality development and high-level protection. We must plan development from the perspective of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, take the carrying capacity of resources and the environment as the premise and foundation, and consciously limit economic activities and human behavior to the limits that natural resources and the ecological environment can bear. Through high-level protection, we will continue to create new momentum and new advantages for development, strive to build a green and low-carbon circular economic system, effectively reduce the resource and environmental costs of development, and continue to enhance the potential and stamina of development.

The article points out that the second is to correctly handle the relationship between key tasks and collaborative governance. Ecological environment management is a systematic project that requires overall consideration of the complexity of environmental factors, the integrity of the ecosystem, the continuity of natural geographical units, and the sustainability of economic and social development. It is necessary to adhere to the system concept, seize the main contradictions and main aspects of contradictions, take effective measures to highlight ecological and environmental issues, and at the same time strengthen target coordination, multi-pollutant control coordination, departmental coordination, regional coordination, and policy coordination, and continuously enhance the effectiveness of various tasks. Systematic, holistic and collaborative. At present, we must maintain strategic focus and continue to fight the tough battle against pollution.

The article points out that the third is to correctly handle the relationship between natural restoration and artificial restoration. First of all, we must fully respect and comply with nature, give nature enough time and space to recuperate, and rely on the power of nature to restore the balance of the ecosystem. At the same time, the limitations and limits of natural restoration have put forward higher requirements for artificial restoration, leaving a vast space for positive actions. It is necessary to organically unify natural recovery and artificial restoration, implement policies according to local conditions, time conditions, and classification, and strive to find the best solution for ecological protection and restoration. Adhere to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, build a large-scale protection and management pattern from the top of the mountain to the ocean, comprehensively use natural restoration and artificial restoration, and continuously promote ecological construction.

The article points out that the fourth is to correctly handle the relationship between external constraints and endogenous motivation. A good ecological environment is the fairest public product and the most universal welfare for people. Only when everyone takes action and fulfills their responsibilities, and stimulates the endogenous motivation of the whole society to jointly protect the ecological environment, can the blue sky, green mountains and green waters of China last forever. We must always adhere to the strictest system and strictest rule of law to protect the ecological environment and maintain normalized external pressure.

The article points out that the fifth is to correctly handle the relationship between “double carbon” commitments and independent actions. Promoting carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee after careful consideration. It is our solemn commitment to the international community. It is also an intrinsic requirement to promote the transformation and upgrading of the economic structure, form a competitive advantage in green and low-carbon industries, and achieve high-quality development. The “double carbon” goal we are committed to is unwavering, but the path and method, rhythm and intensity of achieving this goal should and must be decided by ourselves and will never be influenced by others. It is necessary to accelerate the planning and construction of new energy systems to ensure energy security. Optimize and adjust the industrial structure so that development is based on efficient use of resources, strict protection of the ecological environment, and effective control of greenhouse gas emissions. For traditional industries, it is necessary to promote the upgrading of processes, technologies, and equipment to achieve green and low-carbon transformation. It is necessary to participate in global climate governance with a more active attitude and form a new situation that is more proactive and beneficial.