3. CPPCC ends

Second Session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference closes

Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Cai Qiding, Xue Xiang, Li Xi and Han Zheng attend
Wang Huning delivered a speech

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 10th – The second meeting of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference successfully completed all agendas and closed at the Great Hall of the People on the morning of the 10th. The meeting called on all participating units of the CPPCC, organizations at all levels, and CPPCC members to unite more closely around the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, work together with one heart and one mind, and work together to create a new situation for the work of the CPPCC in the new era.

The meeting was chaired by Wang Huning, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Shi Taifeng, Hu Chunhua, Shen Yueyue, Wang Yong, Zhou Qiang, Pabala Glenje, Ho Hau Wah, Leung Chun-ying, Battelle, Su Hui, Shao Hong, Gao Yunlong, Chen Wu, Mu Hong, Xian Hui, Wang Dongfeng, Jiang Xinzhi, Jiang Zuojun, He Baoxiang, Wang Guangqian, Qin Boyong, Zhu Yongxin and Yang Zhen were seated in the front row of the rostrum.

Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi, Han Zheng and others were seated on the rostrum.

At 9 a.m., the closing meeting begins. Wang Huning announced that 2,162 members should attend the second meeting of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, but 2,085 actually attended, meeting the stipulated number.

The meeting adopted the resolution of the second session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee on the work report of the Standing Committee, the resolution of the second session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee on the report on the work of proposals since the first session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee, and the resolution of the 14th CPPCC National Committee on the work report of the Standing Committee. Report of the Proposal Committee of the 14th CPPCC National Committee on the review of proposals for the second session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee, and the political resolution of the second session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee.
Wang Huning said in his speech that the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was a conference that held high the banner, worked hard, and united to forge ahead. It gathered positive energy and boosted the spirit. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and other leading comrades of the Party and the country attended the opening and closing meetings of the conference, visited the members, participated in joint group discussions, and discussed state affairs with the members. All members carefully studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches at the joint meeting of members of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, the scientific and technological circles, and the environmental and resource circles, discussed in depth the government work report and other reports, and carefully reviewed the CPPCC Standing Committee work report and proposal work report and other documents , actively advise and assist in governance, build broad consensus, and achieve fruitful results in governance. All members spoke highly of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core over the past year, which united and led the entire party and people of all ethnic groups to work tenaciously and move forward courageously, successfully achieving the main expected goals of economic and social development, and leading the "China" ship to cut through waves and move forward bravely. All members have more deeply understood that the "two establishments" are of decisive significance for us to cope with various risks and challenges and promote the development of the party and the country.

Wang Huning said that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Political Consultative Conference. Over the past 75 years, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the CPPCC has actively participated in the great practice of establishing a new China, building a new China, exploring reform paths, and realizing the Chinese dream, and has gone through a glorious journey. The CPPCC must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and uphold the party’s leadership and united front , consultative democracy, adhere to the two major themes of unity and democracy, carry forward fine traditions, keep political responsibilities in mind, improve the level of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in government affairs, always plan and carry out work under the overall situation of the work of the party and the state, and focus on promoting Chinese-style modernization fulfills its functions and concentrates its efforts. It is necessary to improve the political position, implement the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China into the work of the CPPCC and reflect it in practical actions, unite and guide all parties, groups, people of all ethnic groups and all walks of life participating in the CPPCC to unswervingly listen to the party and follow the party. It is necessary to focus on key tasks and use high-quality suggestions to promote Chinese-style modernization. We must persist in great unity and unity and pool our efforts to promote Chinese-style modernization.

Wang Huning said that we must unite more closely around the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and write hard work, responsibility, and responsibility on the new journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization, so as to comprehensively build a modern socialist country and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. And united struggle.

The leading comrades who attended the closing meeting include: Ma Xingrui, Wang Yi, Yin Li, Liu Guozhong, Li Ganjie, Li Shulei, Li Hongzhong, He Weidong, He Lifeng, Zhang Youxia, Zhang Guoqing, Chen Wenqing, Chen Jining, Chen Miner, Yuan Jiajun, Huang Kunming, Liu Jinguo, Wang Xiaohong, Wang Dongming, Xiao Jie, Zheng Jianbang, Ding Zhongli, Hao Mingjin, Cai Dafeng, He Wei, Wu Weihua, Tie Ning, Peng Qinghua, Zhang Qingwei, Luosang Jiangcun, Xue Keleti Zakir, Wu Zhenglong, Chen Yiqin, Zhang Jun, Ying Yong, etc. .

Responsible comrades from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and relevant departments of the State Council attended the closing meeting. Foreign envoys stationed in China and overseas Chinese were invited to attend the closing meeting.

The conference ended with the majestic national anthem.