3. Women in China

Flower of women blooms in new era: Record of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core leading the development of women’s causes

Youth blooms in the sunshine; women show the style of the times.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has taken the overall development of the party and the country's cause into consideration, cared for the all-round development of women, planned and deployed to promote women's work, and inspired hundreds of millions of women on the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Keep your head high and move forward, strive for your dreams.

“Women’s cause has always been an important part of the cause of the Party and the people.”

February 25, 2021, Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference was grandly held here.

On the podium, General Secretary Xi Jinping leaned over and solemnly awarded the medal to Zhang Guimei, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

"Take care of yourself!" the general secretary said with concern.

Despite suffering from illness, Zhang Guimei, the principal of Huaping Girls' Senior High School in Lijiang, Yunnan, has used her hands to support more than 2,000 girls from mountainous areas to study in the past 10 years. The General Secretary praised her deeds: "Dedicated to education and poverty alleviation, igniting hope for girls in the mountains."

More than four months later, she used her plastered hands to "hold" the "July 1st Medal", which represents the party's highest honor.

In the name of the country, we pay tribute to the heroes. On the journey of Chinese-style modernization, the dazzling light of women's role models shines; in the history of the Republic, the outstanding achievements of "Half the Sky" are engraved!

"Our party has led the people in the glorious journey of unremitting struggle. Every victory has the active participation and outstanding contribution of women." General Secretary Xi Jinping's words are profound and meaningful.

For more than 100 years, in various historical periods of revolution, construction, and reform, the Communist Party of China has always insisted on writing the realization of women's liberation and development and the realization of equality between men and women on its struggle banner, and has always regarded women as the main force to promote the development of the cause of the Party and the people. As an important force, we have always placed women's work in an important position, opened up the path of socialist women's development with Chinese characteristics, and led the majority of women to write a wonderful chapter of sharing the fate of the motherland and struggling with the people.

"Women can hold up half the sky. How heroic this sentence is!" In the heart of General Secretary Xi Jinping, women are not inferior to men, and the power of women is limitless.

On March 8, 1990, Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Ningde Prefectural Committee, published an article in Mindong News entitled "Women are a great force in promoting social development - Written for the International Women's Day".

The article reads, "History and reality tell us that women, who account for more than half of the population, are a great force that promotes the development of the entire society. The victory of each of our causes involves the hard work of women." Between the lines, there is praise and encouragement for fellow women.

"Happy holidays! You are all in good spirits today."

On March 8, 2013, during the National Two Sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping cordially visited the female representatives when participating in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation and said to everyone: "Female representatives are the best among women. I hope you will give full play to your leading role."

In the spring of March, women welcome their own festival. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s sincere holiday blessings have arrived as scheduled every year at this time.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the development of women's causes. Based on the present and focusing on the future, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has made a series of groundbreaking, overall and long-term major decisions and arrangements:

"Adhere to the basic national policy of equality between men and women and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women and children" was written into the reports of the 18th, 19th and 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China;

"Pay attention to the construction of family education and family tradition, and protect the rights and interests of women and children" was written into the party's third historical resolution;

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that “uphold and improve the systems and mechanisms that promote equality between men and women and the all-round development of women”;

On October 31, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping held a collective conversation with the new leadership team of the All-China Women’s Federation and pointed out the way forward for the development of women’s causes in the new era——

"Achieving the goals and tasks set out at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the overall work of the party and the country, and is also the theme of the contemporary Chinese women's movement."

In the new era and new journey, the development of women's cause has been given a new era connotation, and hundreds of millions of women shoulder more important missions.

At 23:57 on November 1, 2018, as the 41st Beidou navigation satellite was successfully launched, thunderous applause erupted in the command hall. Colleagues gave Zhang Runhong a thumbs up and praised her.

The sonorous command for the satellite launch was given by 36-year-old Zhang Runhong. This is the first time in China's aerospace history that a woman has served as the "01" commander.

On the eve of the Spring Festival that year, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to a base of the army stationed in Sichuan to visit the officers and soldiers. Zhang Runhong, who was in the team, reported her ambitions to the General Secretary:

"Reporting to the Chairman, I have another goal, which is to become the first female '01' commander in our country."

"Commander '01', being able to undertake such an important scientific research task is also a symbol of the cause of women in our country. I also hope that you can achieve your goal as soon as possible." The general secretary happily encouraged Zhang Runhong.

Heroines strive to realize their dreams, and the development of women's careers in the new era shows a new look.

"We must make unremitting efforts to open up a broad path for the development of women's careers."

On April 19, 2007, Comrade Xi Jinping took office as Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee for less than a month and made a special trip to the Shanghai Women's Federation for investigation.

"As soon as he entered the conference room, he shook hands with each of us." Recalling the scene that year, Zhang Lili, then secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Shanghai Women's Federation, still couldn't hide her excitement.

"Women hold up half of the sky. If we do half of this well, it will affect the overall situation and the whole." Comrade Xi Jinping's instructions made Zhang Lili and other comrades present feel the great responsibility.

The care is consistent and the feelings are deep and long-lasting.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has profoundly pointed out: “Doing a good job in the Party’s women’s work is related to uniting and uniting the vast number of women who account for half of our country’s population, is related to providing strong force for the development of the cause of the Party and the people, and is related to consolidating the Party’s governance. class basis and mass basis.”

From ensuring women's basic medical and health services to enhancing women's ability to participate in political and economic activities; from developing vocational education and lifelong education for women to carrying out international development cooperation in the field of women; from formulating the "China Women's Development Outline (2021-2030)" , to the revision of the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests... The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has always attached great importance to the comprehensive development of women, leading women to release their creative vitality and realize the value of life.

“Domestic service has great potential” - General Secretary Xi Jinping’s words during an inspection at the Jinan Comprehensive Service Center for Migrant Workers in November 2013 strengthened the determination of domestic worker Zhuo Changli: “The General Secretary’s encouragement has made my My heart suddenly warmed up!"

Caring turns into motivation, and hope inspires action.

Today, the "Sunshine Sister" housekeeping service company founded by Zhuo Changli has spread from Jinan to the whole country, and its team of housekeeping attendants has grown to more than 70,000 people. Zhuo Changli and his sisters also changed their destiny and realized their value in the process of serving the society.

"In the process of the Chinese people's pursuit of a better life, every woman has the opportunity to excel in life and realize her dreams." Listening to women's voices and respecting women's wishes, General Secretary Xi Jinping's affectionate instructions give women the confidence to move forward and pursue their dreams. and strength.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the training of female cadres.

"That meeting went really well. Comrade Xi Jinping's care became the motivation for us to walk a good life." Thirty years later, retired female cadre Zhu Hua is always grateful.

In 1993, the Fuzhou Women's Federation held a symposium for female cadres and invited Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, to attend and provide guidance. Comrade Xi Jinping stated at the meeting that women's participation in politics is a sign of social civilization, women's liberation and the superiority of the socialist system. Accelerating the training of women cadres is a need to speed up reform, opening up and economic construction, and is also an important part of our party's organizational work.

The more than 20 female cadres who attended the meeting were greatly encouraged. Through their own efforts, they have successively stepped into important positions and played a backbone role.

"The status of women is one of the important indicators to measure the level of civilization of a society. We must understand the characteristics of women cadres and care for them. We hope that women cadres can establish the spirit of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement, and carry out their work boldly."

In a collective conversation with members of the new leadership team of the All-China Women's Federation, she emphasized "care for their growth and create a broad stage for more female talents to stand out"; at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, she emphasized "pay attention to the training and selection of female cadres and give full play to the important role of female cadres" "Role"... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has encouraged and supported women to participate in economic and social development practices and contribute to the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

"Old aunt, you are here too."

On the eve of the Lunar New Year in 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Jinggangshan, came to the Shende Bookstore in Bajiaolou and recognized Gong Quanzhen as soon as he entered the door.

More than two years ago, when meeting with the winners of the 4th National Moral Model and Nomination Award, General Secretary Xi Jinping specially introduced to the participants: This old senior is Gong Quanzhen, the wife of veteran general Gan Zuchang. She is over 90 years old this year. I see After seeing her, I was deeply moved.

Caring turns into motivation, and hope inspires action.

Today, the "Sunshine Sister" housekeeping service company founded by Zhuo Changli has spread from Jinan to the whole country, and its team of housekeeping attendants has grown to more than 70,000 people. Zhuo Changli and his sisters also changed their destiny and realized their value in the process of serving the society.

"In the process of the Chinese people's pursuit of a better life, every woman has the opportunity to excel in life and realize her dreams." Listening to women's voices and respecting women's wishes, General Secretary Xi Jinping's affectionate instructions give women the confidence to move forward and pursue their dreams. and strength.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the training of female cadres.

"That meeting went really well. Comrade Xi Jinping's care became the motivation for us to walk a good life." Thirty years later, retired female cadre Zhu Hua is always grateful.

In 1993, the Fuzhou Women's Federation held a symposium for female cadres and invited Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, to attend and provide guidance. Comrade Xi Jinping stated at the meeting that women's participation in politics is a sign of social civilization, women's liberation and the superiority of the socialist system. Accelerating the training of women cadres is a need to speed up reform, opening up and economic construction, and is also an important part of our party's organizational work.

The more than 20 female cadres who attended the meeting were greatly encouraged. Through their own efforts, they have successively stepped into important positions and played a backbone role.

"The status of women is one of the important indicators to measure the level of civilization of a society. We must understand the characteristics of women cadres and care for them. We hope that women cadres can establish the spirit of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement, and carry out their work boldly."

In a collective conversation with members of the new leadership team of the All-China Women's Federation, she emphasized "care for their growth and create a broad stage for more female talents to stand out"; at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, she emphasized "pay attention to the training and selection of female cadres and give full play to the important role of female cadres" "Role"... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has encouraged and supported women to participate in economic and social development practices and contribute to the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

"Old aunt, you are here too."

On the eve of the Lunar New Year in 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Jinggangshan, came to the Shende Bookstore in Bajiaolou and recognized Gong Quanzhen as soon as he entered the door.

More than two years ago, when meeting with the winners of the 4th National Moral Model and Nomination Award, General Secretary Xi Jinping specially introduced to the participants: This old senior is Gong Quanzhen, the wife of veteran general Gan Zuchang. She is over 90 years old this year. I see After seeing her, I was deeply moved.

Bearing in mind the general secretary's encouragement, Fu Qiaomei was willing to sit on the "cold bench" and lead the team to continue to delve into the field of ancient genome research.

The individual's "small self" is integrated into the "big self" of the party and the country. The majority of women are self-reliant and enterprising, contributing wisdom and strength to the development of various national undertakings.

Be an advocate of civilization and fashion, continue traditions and promote virtues——

On the morning of June 29, 2021, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the Party Central Committee awarded the "July 1st Medal" for the first time.

"Wang Lanhua, you are here again, gloriously." General Secretary Xi Jinping greeted the old man who he had met during his inspection trip to Ningxia on the previous year's inspection trip to the stage.

Wang Lanhua, who is in her 70s, is the volunteer leader of Jinhuayuan Community in Wuzhong City, Ningxia, and is known as the "Living Lei Feng" in the community. She said that when encountering difficulties, she often thinks of what the General Secretary said, "Socialism is built through hard work."

From the "Wang Lanhua Enthusiastic Group" with only 7 people to a team of more than 95,000 volunteers, Wang Lanhua, who is over seventy years old, leads a group of enthusiastic aunts on an increasingly broad "road of love."

"The fragrance of orchids", actions speak louder than words.

In the early morning, Huawu Village in Qianxi City, Guizhou Province was busy. In the intangible cultural heritage workshop, the embroiderers are flying needles and threads, rushing to make a batch of Miao embroidery clothing orders.

On February 3, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Huawu Village. Peng Yi, an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage, told the General Secretary about his experience of returning to his hometown to start a business and develop Miao embroidery skills. The general secretary affirmed: "Miao embroidery is both traditional and fashionable. You embroider it stitch by stitch, how wonderful it is!"

Keeping in mind the General Secretary's encouragement that "Miao embroidery must be carried forward", Peng Yi not only provides a platform for local women to learn Miao embroidery skills, but also actively explores the innovative development of Miao embroidery, so that ancient Miao embroidery can rejuvenate.

Li brocade, rattan weaving, Jiaya Tibetan blanket... During the local investigation and research, the General Secretary had exchanges with many female intangible cultural inheritors. The sincere expectations inspire women to pass on China's excellent traditional culture from generation to generation with confidence.

Be a striver who dares to pursue your dreams, fight tenaciously and forge ahead——

The 2019 Women's Volleyball World Cup was held in Japan from September 14th to 29th. The Chinese Women's Volleyball Team was not afraid of strong opponents, dared to fight hard, and won the championship with an impressive 11-game winning streak and successfully defended the title.

On the occasion of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping specially invited the Chinese women's volleyball team members who had just won the championship to attend the National Day reception and cordially met with representatives of the women's volleyball team before the meeting. The general secretary praised: "You have demonstrated the spirit of putting the motherland first, uniting and cooperating, fighting tenaciously, and never giving up on the field."

On October 7, 2023, at the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team achieved another great result and won the Asian Games gold medal for the ninth time with six wins.

The sincere words and sincere instructions inspired the women's volleyball girls to dominate the field, and inspired hundreds of millions of women to forge ahead with high spirits and pursue their dreams and rejuvenation journey with the most beautiful attitude.

In 2012, Liu Yang embarked on a journey to fly into the sky, marking the first time for a Chinese woman to travel across the vast universe.

"You are a heroine and a representative of women who hold up half the sky. Now you have become the 'image ambassador' of Chinese women!" During the National Two Sessions in 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping warmly praised Liu Yang.

"We are lucky to have caught up with a good era of national development, and we will definitely fill the space with the honor of our motherland!" Liu Yang said firmly.

For ten years, Liu Yang devoted all his energy to preparing for the war. In 2022, she will touch the sky again with the Shenzhou 14 manned spacecraft.

Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly.

"On the new journey, every woman is a writer of the times and a striver for pursuing dreams. We must unite the power and wisdom of women, respect and care for women, and guide women to actively participate in the great practice of the new era and new journey. , and make new and greater contributions to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the vast number of women have cherished the beautiful dreams bestowed by the great era, and with the pride and hard work of women, they have made contributions and continued glory in the new journey in the vast world.