3. Xi opens Belt and Road forum, gives speech

Xi Jinping attends opening ceremony of third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum, delivers keynote speech

Xi Jinping announced China’s eight actions to support high-quality joint construction through the “Belt and Road” initiative and emphasized that China is willing to deepen “Belt and Road” cooperative partnerships with all parties, promote the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” into a new stage of high-quality development, and contribute to the realization of world countries unremitting efforts to modernize.

Eight actions to be taken by China to support high-quality joint construction through the Belt and Road Initiative:

1. Build a multi-dimensional interconnection network along the “Belt and Road”

2. Support the building of an open world economy

3. Carry out practical cooperation

4. Promote green development

5. Promote scientific and technological innovation

6. Support people-to-people exchanges

7. Build a road to integrity

8. Improve the “Belt and Road” international cooperation mechanism

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 18 (Reporters Tu Ming and Sun Yi) – On the morning of October 18, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum at the Great Hall of the People and delivered a speech entitled “Building an Open, Inclusive and Interconnected World For Common Development.” Xi Jinping announced China’s eight actions to support high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and emphasized that China was willing to deepen the “Belt and Road” cooperative partnership with all parties, promote the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” into a new stage of high-quality development, and contribute to the realization of a world where all countries make unremitting efforts to modernize.

In the golden autumn season, the sky was high and the air was crisp, the wind was clear and the sun was bright. In Tiananmen Square, the national flags of the countries co-building the “Belt and Road” fluttered in the wind, complementing each other.

International dignitaries such as foreign heads of state, heads of government and heads of international organizations attending the summit forum arrived one after another. The “One Belt, One Road” project has achieved fruitful results over the past ten years, many of which were shown on the large screens on both sides of the east entrance hall of the Great Hall of the People.

Xi Jinping took a group photo with foreign leaders attending the opening ceremony.

To the music of “Peace – A Community with a Shared Future”, Xi Jinping and foreign leaders entered the venue together. The whole audience stood up to give a warm welcome.

President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech titled “Building an Open, Inclusive and Interconnected World For Common Development.”

Xi Jinping pointed out that this year marks the 10th anniversary of his proposing the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative. The original intention of proposing this initiative was to learn from the ancient Silk Road, take interconnection as the main line, and strengthen policy communication, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds with other countries, so as to inject new momentum into world economic growth and open up new avenues for global development. New space to create a new platform for international economic cooperation.

Over the past 10 years, we have adhered to our original aspirations and worked hand in hand to promote the “Belt and Road” international cooperation from scratch, flourish and achieve fruitful results. The “Belt and Road” cooperation extends from the Eurasian continent to Africa and Latin America. More than 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations have signed cooperation documents on the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and established more than 20 multilateral cooperation platforms in professional fields; a large number of iconic “Small but beautiful” projects and projects that benefit people’s livelihood have taken root; consultation, joint contribution and sharing, openness, greenness and cleanliness, high standards and sustainability to benefit people’s livelihood have become important guiding principles for high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. Over the past 10 years, we have been committed to building a global interconnection network led by economic corridors, with major channels and information highways as the skeleton, and relying on railways, highways, airports, ports, and pipeline networks, covering land, sea, space, and the Internet. , effectively promoted the circulation of goods, capital, technology, and personnel from various countries, and promoted the ancient Silk Road that has lasted for thousands of years to rejuvenate in the new era. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” adheres to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, spanning different civilizations, cultures, social systems and differences in development stages, opening up new paths for exchanges between countries, building a new framework for international cooperation, and bringing together the greatest convention for the common development of mankind. number.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the achievements made in the past 10 years are extremely valuable and the experience is worth summarizing. We deeply realize that mankind is an interdependent community with a shared future. When the world is good, China will be good; when China is good, the world will be better. Through the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, China’s door to the outside world is opening wider and wider, and the Chinese market is more closely connected with the world market. We deeply realize that only win-win cooperation can accomplish things, do good things, and do great things. As long as all countries have the desire to cooperate and coordinate actions, natural chasms can be opened up, “land-locked countries” can become “land-linked countries”, and lowlands of development can become highlands of prosperity. We deeply realize that the Silk Road spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, and mutual benefit is the most important source of strength for jointly building the “Belt and Road”. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” emphasizes that when everyone adds fuel and helps each other, we can go a long way. What we advocate is that we can live well and let others live well. What we practice is interconnection, mutual benefit and reciprocity. What we pursue is Common development and win-win cooperation. We do not engage in ideological confrontation, geopolitical games, or group political confrontations. We oppose unilateral sanctions, economic coercion, and “decoupling and breaking links.” The 10-year history has proved that the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” stands on the right side of history, conforms to the logic of the progress of the times, and follows the right path in the world. We must have the determination to remain calm even when flying through chaotic clouds, and with a responsible attitude toward history, the people, and the world, we must work together to respond to various global risks and challenges and create a world of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win for future generations. bright future.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China is comprehensively advancing the great cause of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation with Chinese-style modernization. What we pursue is not China’s modernization alone, but we look forward to working with other countries, including developing countries, to realize modernization together. World modernization should be modernization of peaceful development, modernization of mutually beneficial cooperation, and modernization of common prosperity. China is willing to deepen the “Belt and Road” cooperative partnership with all parties, promote the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” into a new stage of high-quality development, and make unremitting efforts to realize the modernization of all countries in the world.

Xi Jinping announced eight actions for China to support high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”:

1. Build a three-dimensional interconnection network along the Belt and Road Initiative. China will accelerate the high-quality development of China-Europe trains, participate in the construction of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor, successfully host the China-Europe International Cooperation Forum, and work with all parties to build a new logistics channel for the Eurasian continent supported by direct railway and highway transportation. Actively promote the integrated development of “Silk Road and Maritime Transport” ports, shipping and trade, and accelerate the construction of the New Land-Sea Corridor and the Air Silk Road.

2. Support the building of an open world economy. China will create a “Silk Road E-commerce” cooperation pilot zone and negotiate free trade agreements and investment protection agreements with more countries. Comprehensively remove restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector. Actively follow international high-standard economic and trade rules, further promote high-level opening up of cross-border service trade and investment, expand market access for digital products, and deepen reforms in the fields of state-owned enterprises, digital economy, intellectual property, and government procurement. China will hold the “Global Digital Trade Expo” every year.

3. Carry out practical cooperation. China will coordinate the promotion of landmark projects and “small but beautiful” people’s livelihood projects. The China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China will set up RMB financing windows, and the Silk Road Fund will add new funds to support the joint construction of “Belt and Road” projects in a market-oriented and commercial manner. China will also implement 1,000 small livelihood assistance projects, promote Sino-foreign vocational education cooperation through Luban Workshop, etc., and work with all parties to strengthen the safety of projects and personnel involved in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”.

4. Promote green development. China will continue to deepen cooperation in green infrastructure, green energy, green transportation and other fields, increase support for the “Belt and Road” Green Development International Alliance, continue to hold the “Belt and Road” Green Innovation Conference, and build a photovoltaic industry dialogue and exchange mechanism and a green and low-carbon Expert network. Implement the “Belt and Road” green investment principles and conduct 100,000 training sessions for partner countries by 2030.

5. Promote scientific and technological innovation. China will continue to implement the “Belt and Road” science and technology innovation action plan, hold the first “Belt and Road” science and technology exchange conference, expand the number of joint laboratories built with all parties to 100 in the next five years, and support young scientists from all over the world to come to China for short-term work. China will propose a global artificial intelligence governance initiative at this forum and is willing to strengthen exchanges and dialogue with other countries to jointly promote the healthy, orderly and safe development of global artificial intelligence.

6. Support people-to-people exchanges. China will hold the “Liangzhu Forum” to deepen civilized dialogue with countries co-building the “Belt and Road”. On the basis of the Silk Road International Theater, Art Festival, Museum, Art Gallery, and Library Alliance, the Silk Road Tourism Cities Alliance was established. Continue to implement the “Silk Road” Chinese Government Scholarship Program.

7. Build a road of integrity. China will work with its partners to release the “Belt and Road Initiative’s Integrity Construction Achievements and Prospects”, launch the “Belt and Road Initiative’s Integrity Construction Advanced Principles”, establish a “Belt and Road Initiative” enterprise integrity and compliance evaluation system, and cooperate with international organizations to carry out the “Belt and Road Initiative” “Integrity Research and Training.

8. Improve the “Belt and Road” international cooperation mechanism. China will strengthen the construction of multilateral cooperation platforms with countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative in the fields of energy, taxation, finance, green development, disaster reduction, anti-corruption, think tanks, media, culture and other fields. Continue to hold the “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum and establish a secretariat for the summit forum.

Xi Jinping finally pointed out that the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” originated from China, and the results and opportunities belong to the world. Let us keep in mind the expectations of the people, bravely shoulder the historical burden, keep abreast of the pulse of the times, build on the past and forge ahead with courage, deepen the international cooperation on the “Belt and Road”, and welcome new developments of higher quality and higher levels in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. Promote the modernization of all countries in the world, build a world that is open, inclusive, interconnected, and common development, and jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind!

President Fernandez of Argentina, President Boric of Chile, President Sassou of the Republic of Congo, President Joko of Indonesia, President Tokayev of Kazakhstan, President Ruto of Kenya, President Thongloun Sisoulith of Laos, President Khürelsukh of Mongolia, Russia President Putin, Serbian President Vucic, Sri Lankan President Wickremesinghe, Turkmenistan National Leader and Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Uzbekistan President Mirziyoyev, Vietnamese President Vo Van Thang, Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Manai, Egyptian Prime Minister Madbouly, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, Mozambique Prime Minister Maleane, Pakistani Prime Minister Kakkar, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Marape, Thai Prime Minister Seta, Nigerian Deputy President Shettima, Special Representative of the President of the United Arab Emirates and Chief of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah Qasimi, Special Representative of the President of France and former Prime Minister Raffarin, Senior Representative of the Prime Minister of Greece and Minister of Development Skreikas and other heads of state and governments of more than 20 countries Heads of state, high-level representatives, as well as heads of international organizations such as United Nations Secretary-General Guterres and New Development Bank President Rousseff attended the opening ceremony.

Putin, Tokayev, Jokowi, Fernandez, Abiy, and Guterres also delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.

Ding Xuexiang presided over the opening ceremony. Cai Qi, Wang Yi, Yin Li, He Lifeng, Wang Xiaohong and others attended.