2. Xi visits Zhejiang

Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Zhejiang:

Always work hard and be at the forefront, bravely stand at the forefront, and strive to write a new chapter in Zhejiang’s Chinese-style modernization

On the way back to Beijing, Xi visited Zaozhuang, Shandong Province

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, Zhejiang/Zaozhuang, Shandong, September 25 – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, during an inspection visit to Zhejiang emphasized that the new development concept must be completely, accurately and comprehensively implemented, focusing on building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development. , focusing on building a common prosperity demonstration zone and creating an important window to comprehensively demonstrate the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in the new era, adhere to a blueprint to draw it to the end, continue to promote the “Eight-Eighth Strategy” to be deeper and more practical, and always do practical things and walk in the Be at the forefront, stand at the forefront, and strive to write a new chapter in Zhejiang’s Chinese-style modernization.

From September 20 to 21, Xi Jinping, accompanied by Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Secretary Yi Lianhong and Governor Wang Hao, successively visited Jinhua, Shaoxing and other places to conduct in-depth research in rural areas, trade markets, exhibition halls, cultural parks, etc.

On the morning of the 20th, Xi Jinping came to Li Zucun, Houzhai Street, Yiwu City, Jinhua City for inspection and investigation. In recent years, the living environment of Lizu Village has been greatly improved, various entrepreneurial entities have moved in, rural tourism is prosperous, and it has been rated as a national civilized village. Xi Jinping successively learned about the development and changes of Li Zucun in the village party and mass service center, “Gongfu Market”, tie-dye shops and other places. Xi Jinping was happy to learn that the annual per capita income of Li Zucun reached 52,000 yuan. He said that Li Zucun’s solid promotion of common prosperity is a microcosm of the remarkable results of Zhejiang’s “Ten Million Project”, and it is necessary to continue its efforts to achieve greater results in promoting rural revitalization. Rural revitalization provides young people with a place to show their talents. It is hoped that more young people will play an active role in rural revitalization. When leaving the village, the local people gathered around the General Secretary and bid him a warm farewell. Xi Jinping told everyone that rural revitalization had unlimited potential and a lot to do, and the villagers must work hard and work together towards a better tomorrow of common prosperity.

Subsequently, Xi Jinping visited Yiwu International Trade City for inspection. He learned about the operation of the Trade City and the “Yixin-Europe” train in real time through the electronic screen, and went into the market to have cordial discussions with representatives of merchants and small business owners, and inquired in detail about the market conditions. He emphasized that Yiwu small commodities had broken into a big market and become a big industry. It is remarkable that it has reached this stage. Everyone is a participant, builder and contributor. The Trade City should create new glories and make greater contributions to expanding domestic and international markets and smoothing the domestic and international dual circulation.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong’s instructions to study and promote the “Maple Bridge Experience”. On the afternoon of September 20, Xi Jinping came to Fengqiao Town, Zhuji City, the birthplace of the “Maple Bridge Experience” and visited the Maple Bridge Experience Exhibition Hall to learn about the vivid practice of the “Maple Bridge Experience” in the new era. Xi Jinping pointed out that we must uphold and develop the “Maple Bridge Experience” in the new era, adhere to the party’s mass line, correctly handle contradictions among the people, rely closely on the people, solve problems at the grassroots level by nipping them in their infancy.

Later, Xi Jinping took a bus to the East Zhejiang Canal Cultural Park in Shaoxing for inspection. He walked to inspect the ancient canal and surrounding historical and cultural relics, and learned in detail about the development and evolution of the East Zhejiang Canal, the local rational use of water resources, and the promotion of the protection of the Grand Canal. Xi Jinping emphasized that the Grand Canal was the longest man-made canal in the world and a very precious cultural heritage. The Grand Canal culture is an important part of China’s excellent traditional culture. Efforts must be made to protect, inherit and utilize the ancient Grand Canal to give it a new look of the times.

On the afternoon of September 21, Xi Jinping listened to the work report of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, affirmed the achievements of Zhejiang in various tasks, and put forward new requirements for Zhejiang.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Zhejiang should be at the forefront of using scientific and technological innovation to create new advantages in development. It is necessary to put the enhancement of scientific and technological innovation capabilities in a more prominent position, integrate scientific and technological innovation forces and superior resources, and accelerate breakthroughs in cutting-edge fields of science and technology. Also it is necessary to strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, and accelerate the implementation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Take the real economy as the foundation for building a modern industrial system, guide and support traditional industries to accelerate the application of advanced and applicable technologies, and promote the development of high-end, intelligent, and green manufacturing industries. Deepen the construction of the national digital economy innovation and development pilot zone and create a number of strategic emerging industry clusters and digital industry clusters with international competitiveness. Strengthen the construction of basic scientific and technological capabilities, deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system, and create a scientific and technological innovation highland. Arrange the construction of industrial chain and supply chain from a global perspective, and continuously improve the resilience and safety level of industrial chain and supply chain. Unswervingly promote the green transformation of development methods and establish and improve an economic system for green, low-carbon and circular development.

Xi Jinping emphasized that Zhejiang should set an example in promoting common prosperity. Narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, regional gaps, and income gaps should be taken as the main direction, along with further improving the system and mechanism for integrated urban and rural development. Also adhere to the employment priority policy, focus on expanding employment capacity while promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and developing emerging industries, and solve the employment problems of key groups. Deepen the reform of the income distribution system and improve the multi-level social security system. Comprehensively promote rural revitalization, actively develop rural characteristic industries, and deepen the “Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Improvement” project. Strengthen the construction of a safe Zhejiang and a rule-of-law Zhejiang, and gain more experience in promoting the modernization of grassroots governance systems and governance capabilities.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Zhejiang must continue to write a new chapter in deepening reform and expanding opening up. It is necessary to take the reform of key areas as a guide and comprehensively promote the innovation of systems and mechanisms in various fields. Plan reforms with a national perspective and a global perspective, and steadily expand institutional opening up such as rules, regulations, management, and standards. Give full play to the functions of various open platforms and innovate methods and channels for utilizing foreign capital and expanding foreign trade. Actively adapt to the trend of restructuring international economic and trade rules, and take the lead in opening up the service industry, digital development, and environmental protection. Adhere to the “two unshakable” and “three unchangeable” principles, encourage and support private enterprises to actively participate in global industrial division of labor and resource allocation, and enhance core competitiveness.

Xi Jinping emphasized that Zhejiang should actively explore in building a modern civilization for the Chinese nation. It is necessary to better shoulder the new cultural mission of the new era, maintain the historical context, strengthen the protection of cultural heritage, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture. Adhere to the position of Chinese culture, actively develop new culture that reflects the requirements of the times and have the characteristics of the times, and develop the modern form of Chinese civilization. Carry forward the great spirit of party building, extensively cultivate and practice socialist core values, and develop advanced socialist culture. We will prosper and develop cultural undertakings and industries, continue to promote the standardization and equalization of urban and rural public cultural services, strengthen the construction of citizen morals, and promote the construction of a scholarly society. Use windows such as the Hangzhou Asian Games and the World Internet Conference to strengthen cultural exchanges and dissemination, and continuously enhance the appeal of Chinese culture and the influence of Chinese civilization.

Xi Jinping pointed out that we must uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership, strengthen and improve party building. Establish a correct view of political performance, persist in making scientific decisions based on reality, persist in taking a long-term view and lay a solid foundation, persist in doing practical things, strive for practical results, and prevent formalism and bureaucracy. Strengthen cadre education, training and practical training, improve cadre responsibility as an incentive and protection mechanism, stimulate the entrepreneurial energy of cadres and officers, and build a new political and business relationship that is close to the Qing Dynasty and unified. Party organizations at all levels must strengthen organizational leadership and work guidance for the second batch of thematic education, grasp the characteristics of different levels, different fields, and different objects, combine reality, provide classified guidance, and link up and down to implement rectification so that the masses can see the actual results.

On the afternoon of September 24, on his way back to Beijing, Xi Jinping, accompanied by Shandong Provincial Party Committee Secretary Lin Wu and Governor Zhou Naixiang, made an inspection visit to Zaozhuang City. Zaozhuang is one of the areas with the largest concentrated pomegranate planting area, the most varieties, and the most complete industrial chain in our country. Xi Jinping came to the Guanshi Liuyuan Pomegranate Germplasm Resource Bank located in Yicheng District, inspected pomegranate tree species, learned about the local pomegranate planting history, germplasm resource collection and preservation, and industrial development. He also came to the pomegranate plantation to ask fellow villagers about this year’s pomegranates and their planting, harvesting and income status. Xi Jinping was happy to learn that the local vigorous development of pomegranate deep processing and pomegranate pot cultivation has effectively increased farmers’ income. He pointed out that people’s living standards are improving, the market demand for high-quality specialties is growing, and the pomegranate industry has development potential. It is necessary to build a good brand, improve quality, extend the industrial chain, enhance industrial market competitiveness and comprehensive benefits, and drive more folks to get rich together. I wish the folks’ life is as prosperous as the pomegranate fruit.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, accompanied the inspection. Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, Wang Xiaohong and responsible comrades from relevant departments of central and state agencies accompanied them to participate in the above-mentioned relevant activities respectively. Responsible comrades of the Central Fifth Circuit Steering Group for Thematic Education attended the reporting meeting.