2. Xi on Yangtze development

Xi Jinping presides over symposium on further promoting high-quality development of Yangtze River Economic Belt

Xinhua News Agency, Nanchang, October 12 – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, hosted a symposium on further promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province on the afternoon of the 12th and delivered an important speech. He emphasized that it is necessary to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, insist on joint efforts to protect the environment and not engage in large-scale development, adhere to ecological priority and green development, take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, coordinate the promotion of ecological environmental protection and economic and social development, and strengthen policies; collaboration and work coordination will seek long-term trends, implement long-term strategies, and build a long-term foundation to further promote the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and better support and serve Chinese-style modernization.

Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, and Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the symposium.

Xi Jinping specially held this symposium during his investigation in Jiangxi. At the symposium, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zheng Shajie, Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Yuan Jiajun, Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee Secretary Yin Hong, and Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Secretary Chen Jining spoke successively, reporting on their work and putting forward opinions and suggestions on promoting high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The main responsible comrades from other provinces who participated in the symposium submitted written speeches.

After listening to everyone’s speeches, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. He emphasized that in the past eight years since the development strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt was implemented, the provinces, cities and relevant central departments along the Yangtze River have conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, adhered to joint efforts in large-scale protection, not large-scale development, adhered to ecological priority and green development, and solidly promoted the Yangtze River ecology Environmental protection and restoration, and actively promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, have unprecedented determination and intensity, and major changes have taken place in the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. There has been a major change in ideological understanding, and it has become a consensus to focus on large-scale protection and not to engage in large-scale development; major achievements have been made in ecological environment protection and restoration, and the beautiful scenery of “a river of clear water flowing eastward” has been reappeared; major changes have taken place in the development model, and innovation-driven development has taken off in an all-round way trend; regional integration has been significantly improved, and regional coordination and linkage have been continuously strengthened; reform and opening up have made significant progress, and the all-round opening up to the outside world has been accelerated. Overall, the development achievements of the Yangtze River Economic Belt are obvious to all, the quality of development has steadily improved, and the development trend is getting better. At the same time, we must also see that the ecological environment protection and high-quality development of the Yangtze River Basin are in a critical period from quantitative changes to qualitative changes. The results achieved are not yet stable. Objectively, there are still many difficulties and problems, and we must continue to work hard to solve them.

Xi Jinping pointed out that in the long run, promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt fundamentally depends on the high-quality ecological environment of the Yangtze River Basin. We must unswervingly insist on jointly focusing on large-scale protection and not engaging in large-scale development, and make greater efforts in high-level protection. Ecological red lines have been delineated in various places along the river, which must be maintained and controlled, ecological environment zoning management and control must be strengthened, and the access list must be strictly implemented. Party committees and governments at all levels must be well aware of the designated local important ecological spaces, prioritize and strictly protect them. It is necessary to continue to strengthen comprehensive management of the ecological environment, continue to strengthen pollution control in key areas, coordinate water resources, water environment, and water ecology, solidly promote the prevention and control of air and soil pollution, pay more attention to front-end pollution control, and reduce the total amount of pollutant emissions from the source. We will resolutely promote the “ten-year ban on fishing” in the Yangtze River and consolidate the results that have been achieved. Collaboratively promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, make the green transformation and upgrading of industries a top priority, accelerate the cultivation and expansion of green and low-carbon industries, actively develop green technologies and green products, improve the degree of economic greenness, and enhance development potential and staying power. Support areas with ecological advantages to make good ecological utilization and transform ecological wealth into economic wealth. Improve the horizontal ecological protection compensation mechanism and stimulate the enthusiasm of the entire basin to participate in ecological protection.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we must persist in innovation-led development, transform the scientific research advantages and talent advantages of the Yangtze River Economic Belt into development advantages, actively open up new areas and new tracks for development, and create new momentum and new advantages for development. It is necessary to strengthen the optimal combination of science and education resources and the coordination of scientific and technological innovation, focus on the upgrading of industrial foundation and modernization of industrial chain, actively lay out leading technological research in new fields and new tracks, attract and gather high-level scientific and technological innovation talents, and enhance original innovation in cutting-edge fields of science and technology. capabilities and accelerate breakthroughs in a number of key core technologies. Vigorously promote the modernization of industrial and supply chains, continue to implement actions to enhance the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, cultivate and expand advanced manufacturing, accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries and future industries, and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. Strengthen industrial chain collaboration and promote chain extension of advantageous industries and chain building of emerging industries.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to make better use of the unique advantages of the Yangtze River Economic Belt that traverses the east and west, connects the north and the south, and connects the river and the sea, better connects the two domestic and international markets, makes good use of both resources, enhances the endogenous power and reliability of the domestic cycle, and strengthens the attraction and driving force of international circulation, and provides strategic support for building a new development pattern. In terms of industrial development, provinces and cities along the Yangtze River must not only display their respective advantages, but also develop in a coordinated, dislocated, and linked manner. It is necessary to coordinate the layout and transfer of industries along the river, optimize the layout of major productive forces, and guide the orderly transfer of capital, technology, and labor-intensive industries from the east to the central and western regions, and from central cities to the hinterland. Actively promote high-level opening up to the outside world and actively expand new areas and channels for international economic cooperation. Give better play to the role of the free trade pilot zones in the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River, conduct pilot experiments in institutional innovation, promote the coordinated development of the pilot free trade zones in the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River, accumulate new experience and explore new paths for building a new higher-level open economic system.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we must insist on strengthening regional coordination and integration as the focus. Provinces and cities along the Yangtze River must adhere to inter-provincial consultation, ecological co-governance, regional co-construction, and development sharing, and enhance regional transportation interconnectivity, policy unity, rule consistency, and implementation. Synergy, steadily promote the construction of ecological community and interest community, and promote coordinated regional development. It is necessary to plan and build regional transportation infrastructure as a whole, accelerate the construction of comprehensive three-dimensional transportation corridors, strengthen the interconnection of transportation networks and the interconnection of “public waters and railways” and other transportation modes, and enhance the level of regional transportation integration. Deepen the market-oriented reform of factors, improve basic systems such as property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit, improve cross-regional, cross-department, and cross-level data and information sharing and process interconnection, deepen cooperation in government services, and optimize the business environment . Deeply explore the contemporary value of the Yangtze River culture and launch more literary and artistic masterpieces that reflect the Yangtze River culture in the new era. Actively promote the in-depth integrated development of culture and tourism, build a number of riverside cities, small towns and beautiful villages with natural landscape characteristics and historical and cultural connotations, and create an international golden tourism belt along the Yangtze River.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Yangtze River Economic Belt is related to the overall development of the country. It is necessary to coordinate development and security, play a greater role in maintaining national food security, energy security, important industrial chain supply chain security, water security, etc., and contribute to overall security with the stability of one region. Provinces and cities along the Yangtze River must shoulder the responsibility for food security, whether they are major grain production areas, main sales areas, or areas with a balance between production and sales. Strengthen the “trinity” protection of farmland quantity, quality, and ecology, gradually build permanent basic farmland into high-standard farmland, strengthen the protection and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources, implement major biological breeding projects, and improve the independent innovation capabilities of seed industry enterprises. Focus on increasing grain production on large areas to increase unit yields, strengthen the integrated promotion of good farmland and good seeds, good opportunities and good methods, and develop various forms of moderate-scale operations and socialized services. Adhere to the national “one game of chess” and continue to deepen energy cooperation between upstream regions and mid- and downstream regions. Strengthen the ability to protect the bottom line of fossil energy such as coal, make good use of coal in a clean and efficient manner, focus on the multi-energy complementarity and deep integration of advantageous traditional energy sources such as hydropower and new energy sources such as wind power, photovoltaics, and hydrogen energy, accelerate the construction of new energy systems, and promote source-grid-load storage integration. Efforts should be made to build an Anlan Yangtze River, scientifically grasp the changes in the water regime of the Yangtze River, insist on preventing and treating droughts and floods, coordinate the promotion of water system connectivity, water source conservation, and soil and water conservation, strengthen unified and joint dispatching of river basin water projects, strengthen cross-regional water resource abundance and dry adjustment, and improve river basin prevention and control. Disaster reduction capabilities.

Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the working mechanism in which the central government coordinates overall planning, provinces take overall responsibility, and cities and counties take charge of implementation. The central leading group for regional coordinated development must strengthen overall planning, coordination, supervision and inspection, and relevant central departments must monitor projects that are in line with the high-quality development orientation of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Provide support and promote a number of major reforms in key areas. It is necessary to consolidate the main responsibilities of party committees and governments at all levels in provinces and cities along the river to ensure the implementation of work. It is necessary to take thematic education as an opportunity to educate and guide cadres to establish and practice a correct view of political performance and improve their ability to promote high-quality development. It is necessary to guide various enterprises and social organizations to actively participate in the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, increase investment in human, material and financial resources, and give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the people. It is necessary to regularly carry out inspections, evaluations and supervision of the implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Yangtze River Economic Belt”, and urge all localities to promptly identify problems and correct them.

Li Qiang said in his speech that it is necessary to conscientiously study, understand and thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, maintain the strategic focus of joint efforts to achieve great protection, continue to work hard, and achieve long-term success. Strengthen comprehensive management and source management, improve ecological protection compensation and other systems, and deeply explore the path to realize the value of ecological products. Guide the rational economic layout with the strategy of main functional areas, based on comparative advantages, find the correct functional positioning, give full play to the leading role of the Yangtze River Delta, and promote the common development of the middle and upper reaches. Deeply promote the construction of a unified large market, improve the level of “soft” and “hard” connectivity in the region, actively integrate into the international cycle, and enhance the linkage effect of the two markets and two resources.

In his speech, Ding Xuexiang said that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, insist on jointly focusing on large-scale protection and not engaging in large-scale development, highlight ecological priority, green development, and take high-level protection as the top priority. Provide important support for quality development; strengthen the construction of major innovation platforms, promote the deep integration of innovation chains and industrial chains, and cultivate new momentum for high-quality development with high-level scientific and technological innovation; firmly establish the “one game of chess” idea, reasonably determine functional positioning and development direction, and coordinate coastal areas The opening up along the rivers, borders and inland will form an overall high-quality development through high-level coordination and linkage.

Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, Wu Zhenglong, Mu Hong, and Jiang Xinzhi attended the symposium, as well as responsible comrades from relevant departments of central and state agencies, relevant localities, and relevant enterprises.