2. Xi meets Biden

Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden hold China-US presidential meeting

Xinhua News Agency, San Francisco, November 15 (Reporters Ni Siyi, Yan Liang, Wu Xiaoling) – On November 15, local time, President Xi Jinping held a China-US presidential meeting with US President Joe Biden at the Philoli Estate in San Francisco, USA. The two heads of state had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on strategic, overall and directional issues related to Sino-US relations as well as major issues related to world peace and development.

When Xi Jinping arrived at Philoli Manor he was warmly welcomed by Biden.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, and China and the United States have two options: one is to strengthen unity and cooperation, work together to address global challenges, and promote world security and prosperity. The other is to adopt a zero-sum mentality, provoke conflict between camps, and lead the world to turmoil and division. The two choices represent two directions that will determine the future of mankind and the future of the earth. As the most important bilateral relationship in the world, China-US relations must be considered and planned within this context. It is impossible for China and the United States not to interact with each other. It is unrealistic to try to change each other. No one can bear the consequences of conflict and confrontation. Great power competition cannot solve the problems facing China, the United States and the world. This earth can accommodate China and the United States. China and the United States’ respective successes are opportunities for each other.

Xi Jinping profoundly explained the essential characteristics and connotation of Chinese-style modernization, as well as China’s development prospects and strategic intentions. Xi Jinping pointed out that China’s development has its own logic and laws. China is comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. China will not follow the old path of colonial plunder, will not follow the crooked path of hegemony when a strong country is strong, and will not export ideology. . China has no plans to surpass or replace the United States, and the United States should not have any plans to suppress or contain China.

Xi Jinping pointed out that mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation are not only the experience extracted from the 50 years of Sino-US relations, but also the inspiration brought by the conflicts between major powers in history. They should be the direction for China and the United States to work together. At this meeting in San Francisco, China and the United States should have a new vision and work together to build the five pillars of Sino-US relations.

The first is to jointly establish a correct understanding. China has always been committed to building a stable, healthy and sustainable Sino-US relationship. At the same time, China has interests that must be safeguarded, principles that must be defended, and bottom lines that must be adhered to. We hope that the two countries can be partners, respect each other and coexist peacefully.

The second is to jointly and effectively manage differences. We must not let differences become a chasm between the two countries, but must find ways to build bridges that meet each other halfway. Both sides should understand each other’s bottom line of principles, not toss around, stir up trouble, or cross boundaries, communicate more, have more dialogues, and discuss more, and handle differences and accidents calmly.

The third is to jointly promote mutually beneficial cooperation. China and the United States share extensive common interests in many fields, including traditional fields such as economy, trade, and agriculture, as well as emerging fields such as climate change and artificial intelligence. Under the current situation, the common interests between the two countries have not decreased, but have increased. Both sides should make full use of the mechanisms restored or established in the fields of diplomacy, economy, finance, commerce, agriculture and other fields to carry out cooperation in drug control, judicial law enforcement, artificial intelligence, science and technology and other fields.

Fourth, we must jointly shoulder the responsibilities of major powers. Solving the troubles facing human society cannot be achieved without cooperation among major countries. China and the United States should set an example, strengthen coordination and cooperation on international and regional issues, and provide more public goods to the world. The initiatives put forward by both sides should be open to each other and can be coordinated to form synergy and benefit the world.

Fifth, jointly promote people-to-people and cultural exchanges. It is necessary to increase flights between the two countries, promote tourism cooperation, expand local exchanges, strengthen cooperation in education and disability affairs, reduce negative factors that hinder people-to-people and cultural exchanges, encourage and support more exchanges and communication between the two peoples, and lay a solid foundation for the healthy development of Sino-US relations. .

Xi Jinping elaborated on the principled position on the Taiwan issue in depth, pointing out that the Taiwan issue has always been the most important and sensitive issue in Sino-US relations. China attaches great importance to the relevant positive statements made by the United States during the Bali meeting. The United States should embody its stance of not supporting “Taiwan independence” in concrete actions, stop arming Taiwan, and support China’s peaceful reunification. China will eventually be reunified and will inevitably be reunified.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the United States has continuously taken measures against China in terms of export controls, investment reviews, and unilateral sanctions, which have seriously damaged China’s legitimate interests. China’s development is driven by innovation. Suppressing China’s science and technology is to curb China’s high-quality development and deprive the Chinese people of their right to development. China’s development and growth have an endogenous logic and cannot be stopped by external forces. We hope that the United States will take China’s concerns seriously, take action, lift unilateral sanctions, and provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for Chinese companies.

Biden extended a warm welcome to Xi Jinping for being invited to the United States to attend the U.S.-China heads of state meeting. Biden said that President Xi Jinping and I had an important meeting in Bali last year. San Francisco is the first place where Chinese people arrived in the United States, the place where the United States and China jointly participated in the signing of the United Nations Charter, and the first place where the United States and China established sister cities. Our face-to-face meeting in San Francisco today is of special significance. I look forward to achieving new consensus and results based on the meeting in Bali.

Biden said, I have always believed that the U.S.-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world. The U.S.-China conflict is not inevitable. A stable and developing China is in the interest of the United States and the world. China’s economic growth is beneficial to the United States and is also beneficial to the United States. world. Maintaining stable U.S.-China relations, preventing conflicts, managing differences, and cooperating in areas that serve the interests of both sides will help the two countries better deal with the problems they face individually and jointly. I would like to reiterate the five-point commitment made at the Bali meeting, namely: the United States does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change China’s system, does not seek to strengthen alliances against China, does not support “Taiwan independence,” and has no intention of conflict with China. The economies of the United States and China are interdependent. The United States is happy to see China develop and prosper, and does not seek to suppress or contain China’s development, nor does it seek to decouple from China. The United States adheres to the one-China policy, welcomes dialogue between various departments and levels of both sides, and is willing to continue to maintain open and candid communication with China to enhance understanding, avoid misunderstandings, and manage differences. The United States is willing to continue to develop economic and trade relations with China and strengthen cooperation in important fields such as climate change, drug control, and artificial intelligence. It is happy to see the two countries increase direct flights and expand educational, scientific and technological exchanges and personnel exchanges.

The two heads of state recognized the efforts made by both teams to discuss and establish the guiding principles for China-US relations since their meeting in Bali, and emphasized the need for mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, maintenance of communication, prevention of conflicts, abide by the United Nations Charter, and cooperation in areas of common interest. Responsibly manage competitive elements in bilateral relations. The two heads of state welcomed both teams to continue discussions on this issue.

The two heads of state agreed to promote and strengthen dialogue and cooperation between China and the United States in various fields, including: establishing an intergovernmental dialogue on artificial intelligence; establishing a Sino-US anti-drug cooperation working group to carry out anti-drug cooperation; restoring high-level communication between the two militaries on the basis of equality and respect, and resuming Sino-US defense cooperation. Ministry of Foreign Affairs work meeting, China-U.S. Maritime Military Security Consultation Mechanism meeting, and China-U.S. military theater leadership calls; agreed to further significantly increase flights early next year; expand exchanges in education, international students, youth, culture, sports, and business circles, etc.

The two heads of state emphasized the importance of China and the United States accelerating efforts to respond to the climate crisis in the current critical decade, and welcomed the recent active discussions held by the two climate envoys, including: domestic emission reduction actions in the 2020s, and jointly promoting the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai (COP28) Successfully launched the China-U.S. “Working Group on Strengthening Climate Action in the 2120s” to accelerate specific climate actions.

After the talks, Biden held a luncheon for Xi Jinping. The two heads of state exchanged views on international and regional issues of common concern such as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Biden also invited Xi Jinping to take a walk at Philoli Manor and personally sent Xi Jinping to the car to say goodbye.

This meeting was positive, comprehensive and constructive, and pointed out the direction for improving and developing Sino-US relations. San Francisco should become a new starting point for stabilizing Sino-US relations. The two heads of state tasked their teams to promptly follow up and implement the new vision reached at this meeting on the basis of implementing the consensus reached at the Bali meeting. The two heads of state agreed to continue to maintain regular contact.

Cai Qi and Wang Yi attended the above activities.