2. Grassroots propaganda

CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department calls on local news organizations to carry out the 2023 “New Year’s Walk to the Grassroots” campaign

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 5 – Recently, the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a notice requiring all local news organizations to earnestly carry out the “New Year’s Walking at the Grassroots” activities, organize editors and reporters to go to the grassroots and report on grassroots, continuously strengthen their “foot power, eyesight, brain power, and writing power”, fully reflect the positive results achieved in the overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development in various places, vividly show the gratifying scene of the broad masses of people celebrating the Spring Festival in joy and harmony, and work together to create a festive, healthy, and high-spirited holiday atmosphere.

The notice requires that publicize the new measures, new progress and new results of each region and department to study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, track and report the situation of grassroots party representatives studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and vividly reflect the grassroots masses themselves Little changes in work and life and personal experience continue to promote the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to take root at the grassroots level, and gather the strength of the cadres and the masses to unite and forge ahead. In accordance with the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, objectively and accurately report on the efforts of various localities to overcome the impact of the epidemic and promote high-quality economic development, fully reflect the effectiveness of the measures taken by various regions and departments to maintain stability and strive for progress, and fully tap the economic and social strengths of various regions in the past year Highlights of development, vivid cases of companies in key industries responding to difficulties, publicizing positive factors such as continuous strengthening of my country’s innovation leadership, good growth momentum of new industries and new products, and relatively active new formats, and educating and guiding the grassroots cadres and the masses to unify their understanding and welcome Overcome difficulties and strengthen the confidence and determination to stabilize the economy. Comprehensively reflect the optimization and adjustment of epidemic prevention and control measures by various regions and departments, actively solve epidemic-related hot and difficult issues such as medical treatment for the masses and protection for special groups during the Spring Festival, and interview grassroots party members and cadres who stick to the front line of epidemic prevention and control in various fields during the festival, especially medical and health , The moving stories of logistics and express industry personnel vividly show the real scenes of people in various places actively and rationally responding to the virus infection, mutual assistance and friendship between neighbors in the community, enterprises resuming work and production, and cities recovering from fireworks, and continue to inspire the confidence of the masses to overcome the epidemic. Publicize the strong measures taken by various regions and departments to strengthen the supply and price stability of the festival market, strengthen the regulation of coal, electricity, oil and gas, and ensure that the Spring Festival market is stable and the masses are warm and safe during the festival; Rescue teams, grassroots officers and soldiers in frontier posts and other fighters from all walks of life who stick to their posts tell touching stories of their silent dedication to ensure the normal operation of the economy and society; timely report on leading cadres at all levels and all aspects of society going to the grassroots and frontlines, especially in disaster-stricken areas , poverty alleviation areas, and key counties for rural revitalization, and the touching scenes of assistance, visits, condolences, and voluntary service activities for special groups such as the poor due to epidemics and disasters, the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled. Reported that various regions and departments carried out a variety of festival cultural activities in combination with optimized epidemic prevention and control measures, vigorously promoted the core values of socialism and excellent traditional Chinese culture, continued to publicize traditional folk customs and annual custom activities organized by various regions, and vividly demonstrated the family of people from all over the country The lively scenes of reunion and joyous New Year’s Eve reflect the new tastes and new fashions of the cultural life of the grassroots people in various places, highlight the regional characteristics and the atmosphere of the times, show the diversity of Chinese culture, and fully demonstrate the cultural charm of the Spring Festival.

The notice required that the special column reports be carefully organized. The main news organizations of the central government and the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities uniformly set up the “New Year Going to the Grassroots” column on important pages, important time periods, website homepages, and the first screen of the client. To reflect the progress of the event in a timely manner, and to publish summaries, comments, and testimonials from reporters in a timely manner after the event to reflect the experience of editors and reporters.

The notice pointed out that all news organizations should scientifically and rationally coordinate reporting forces based on the situation of epidemic prevention and control in various places, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of editors and reporters to participate; adhere to the “short, factual and new” reporting style, use more language of the masses and the perspective of ordinary people, and reflect objectively and plainly. Topics that the grassroots care about and stories that happen around them; make good use of emerging communication technologies and platform channels, and use short videos, micro-videos and other forms of communication that the masses love to continuously improve positive energy.