First session of 14th National People’s Congress opens in Beijing

Xi Jinping, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Li Qiang, Wang Huning, Han Zheng, Cai Qiding, Xue Xiang, Li Xi, Wang Qishan and others were seated on the rostrum

Li Keqiang delivered the government work report and Zhao Leji presided over the meeting

Hearing explanations on the draft revision of the Legislative Act, etc.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 5 – The first session of the 14th National People’s Congress opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the morning of the 5th. Nearly 3,000 deputies to the new National People’s Congress shouldered the trust of the people and attended the event, conscientiously performing the sacred duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws.

Beijing in the early spring is full of vitality and everything is renewed. The atmosphere in the auditorium of the Great Hall of the People was solemn and warm, and the national emblem in the middle of the rostrum curtain was shining brightly against the bright red flag.

Zhao Leji, executive chairman and executive chairman of the presidium of the conference, presided over the conference. Li Ganjie, Li Hongzhong, Wang Dongming, Xiao Jie, Zheng Jianbang, Ding Zhongli, Hao Mingjin, Cai Dafeng, He Wei and Wu Weihua, the executive chairman and executive chairman of the presidium of the conference, took their seats at the executive chairman seat on the rostrum.

Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Li Qiang, Wang Huning, Han Zheng, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi, Wang Qishan and others were seated on the rostrum.

The first session of the 14th National People’s Congress should be attended by 2,977 delegates. At the meeting on the morning of the 5th, 2948 people attended and 29 people were absent. The number of people present met the quorum.

At 9 o’clock in the morning, Zhao Leji announced the opening of the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. All stood up and sang the national anthem with the accompaniment of the military band.

According to the meeting agenda, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report to the conference on behalf of the State Council. The report is divided into two parts: 1. Review of work in the past year and five years; 2. Suggestions for this year’s government work.

Li Keqiang pointed out in the report that 2022 is an extremely important year in the history of the party and the country. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held, drawing a grand blueprint for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Facing the turbulent international environment and the arduous and arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core united and led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to face the difficulties and comprehensively implement the epidemic prevention, economic stability and development. In order to meet the requirements of safety and increase the intensity of macro-control, the economy has been running smoothly, the quality of development has been steadily improved, and the overall social situation has remained stable. my country’s development has achieved new and hard-won achievements.

Li Keqiang pointed out in the report that the past five years have been extremely unusual and extraordinary. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, we have withstood multiple tests such as the accelerated evolution of the world’s changes, the impact of the new crown epidemic, and the domestic economic downturn. Goal, start a new journey towards the second centenary goal.

Li Keqiang pointed out in the report that over the past five years, we have thoroughly implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, innovated macro-control, and kept the economic operation within a reasonable range; Deepen reforms in key links to further stimulate market vitality and social creativity; implement innovation-driven development strategies in depth and promote industrial structure optimization and upgrading; expand domestic effective demand and promote coordinated regional development and new urbanization; ensure national food security and vigorously implement rural revitalization strategy; firmly expand opening up to the outside world, deepen mutually beneficial and win-win international economic and trade cooperation; strengthen ecological and environmental protection, promote green and low-carbon development; effectively protect and improve people’s livelihood, and accelerate the development of social undertakings; The overall situation is stable.

Li Keqiang pointed out in the report that the achievements of our country’s development in recent years are the result of the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the result of the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping’s socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and the achievements of the entire Party, the army, and all ethnic groups in the country. The result of the united struggle of the people.

Li Keqiang pointed out in the report that we are also clearly aware that our country is a large developing country, still in the primary stage of socialism, and the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development is still prominent. We must face up to problems and challenges, do our best to improve government work, and live up to the trust of the people.

Li Keqiang pointed out in his report that this year is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The main expected goals of development are: GDP growth of about 5%; new urban employment of about 12 million people; surveyed urban unemployment rate of about 5.5%; consumer price increase of about 3%; residents’ income growth and economic growth basically in sync; Exports have been stabilized and quality improved, and the international balance of payments has been basically balanced; grain output has remained above 1.3 trillion catties; energy consumption per unit of GDP and emissions of major pollutants have continued to decline, with emphasis on controlling fossil energy consumption, and the quality of the ecological environment has steadily improved.

In his proposals for this year’s government work, Li Keqiang put forward several key points: first, to focus on expanding domestic demand; second, to speed up the construction of a modern industrial system; The fifth is to effectively prevent and resolve major economic and financial risks; the sixth is to stabilize food production and promote rural revitalization; the seventh is to promote the green transformation of the development model; the eighth is to ensure basic people’s livelihood and develop social undertakings.

In the report, Li Keqiang also elaborated on ethnic, religious and overseas Chinese affairs, national defense and army building, the development of Hong Kong and Macao and cross-strait relations, as well as my country’s foreign policy.

Li Keqiang’s report won warm applause.

According to the agenda of the meeting, the conference reviewed the report of the State Council on the implementation of the 2022 national economic and social development plan and the draft of the 2023 national economic and social development plan and the draft of the 2023 national economic and social development plan, the State Council’s report on the implementation of the 2022 central and local budgets Report on Situation and Draft Central and Local Budgets 2023 and Draft Central and Local Budgets 2023.

Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress, Wang Chen, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress, made an explanation on the draft amendment to the Legislative Law.

The Explanation on the Draft Amendment to the Legislative Law points out that legislation is an important political activity of the country, a process of transforming the Party’s ideas and the will of the people into the will of the country through legal procedures, and it is related to the overall development of the Party and the country. The Legislative Law is the basic law that regulates the national legislative system and legislative activities and maintains the unity of the socialist rule of law. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has made a series of major arrangements for comprehensively ruling the country by law from the overall and strategic perspective of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, promoted a series of major tasks, and achieved historic achievements. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly elaborated on a series of major theoretical and practical issues in comprehensively governing the country by law. Xi Jinping’s thought on the rule of law provides fundamental guidelines for comprehensively governing the country by law in the new era and strengthening and improving legislative work.

The explanation pointed out that the revision of the Legislative Law is an inevitable requirement for strengthening the party’s overall leadership over the legislative work in the new era, and ensuring the implementation of the party’s line, principles, policies, and decision-making arrangements through the rule of law; The objective requirement of being the master of the country; it is an important measure to promote comprehensive rule of law and constitutional governance in the new era, and to build a socialist country ruled by law; it is to summarize the practical experience of correctly handling the relationship between reform and the rule of law in the new era, and to better persist in promoting reform under the rule of law It is the practical need to unify with the improvement of the rule of law in the reform. The draft amendment to the Legislative Law has a total of 37 articles. The first is to improve the guiding ideology and principles of legislation; the second is to clarify the relevant requirements for constitutional review; the third is to improve the system and mechanism for linking and unifying legislative decisions and reform decisions; the fourth is to improve the legislative powers of the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, Legislative procedures and working mechanisms; Fifth, supplement relevant content to meet the needs of the reform of the supervision system; Sixth, improve the authority and procedures of local laws and regulations; Seventh, improve the filing and review system.

After a vote, the meeting passed the decision of the First Session of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress on the establishment of the Special Committee of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress, and passed the first meeting of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress on the chairman, vice-chairman, and members of the Fourteenth National People’s Congress Special Committee. For the voting method of candidates, the list of chairman, vice-chairman and members of the 14th National People’s Congress Constitution and Law Committee was passed, and the list of chairman, vice-chairman and members of the 14th National People’s Congress Finance and Economics Committee was approved.

Also seated on the rostrum: Ma Xingrui, Wang Yi, Yin Li, Shi Taifeng, Liu He, Liu Guozhong, Xu Qiliang, Sun Chunlan, Li Shulei, Yang Xiaodu, He Weidong, He Lifeng, Zhang Youxia, Zhang Guoqing, Chen Wenqing, Chen Jining, Chen Miner, Hu Chunhua, Yuan Jiajun, Huang Kunming, Liu Jinguo, Wang Xiaohong, Cao Jianming, Zhang Chunxian, Shen Yueyue, Ji Bingxuan, Erikeng Yiming Bahai, Wan Exiang, Chen Zhu, Baima Chilin, Wei Fenghe, Wang Yong, Zhao Kezhi, Zhou Qiang , Zhang Jun, Liu Qibao, Pabala Grelanger, Wan Gang, He Houhua, Lu Zhangong, Ma Biao, Chen Xiaoguang, Liang Zhenying, Xia Baolong, Yang Chuantang, Li Bin, Battelle, Wang Yongqing, Su Hui, Gu Shengzhi, Liu Xincheng, Shao Hong, Gao Yunlong, and members of the Central Military Commission Li Shangfu, Liu Zhenli, Miao Hua, Zhang Shengmin, etc.

The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, and the Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region, He Yicheng, attended the meeting and took their seats on the rostrum.

Members of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress attended the meeting. Members of the CPPCC who attended the first session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee attended the meeting.

Relevant departments of the central and state agencies, relevant units of the People’s Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force, and relevant responsible persons of various people’s organizations attended or attended the conference.

Foreign envoys stationed in China attended the conference.