2. Chinese-style modernization

Inject strong impetus into promoting Chinese-style modernization

General Secretary Xi Jinping discusses national issues with deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC National Committee attending the 2024 National People's Congress

Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Xiaosong Zhu Jichai Lin Hui Shi Yucen

In 2024, the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country is destined to write an important chapter

The 75th anniversary of the founding of New China is a critical year for achieving the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan". At the same time, the National People's Congress celebrates its 70th anniversary and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference celebrates its 75th anniversary.

Standing at a new historical starting point, climb high and look far ahead, and make plans.

In the past few days, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the second session of the 14th National People's Congress and the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, participated in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation, attended the plenary meeting of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force delegation, and visited the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, the scientific and technological community, and environmental resources. Members from all walks of life also participated in the joint group meeting, had in-depth exchanges with everyone, discussed national issues, and delivered a series of important speeches on developing new productive forces and promoting high-quality development, injecting strong impetus into promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Methodology for developing new productive forces - "Establish first and then destroy, adapt measures to local conditions, and provide classified guidance"

The new development stage and new development practices require new development theories to guide them. Since last year, the party’s innovation theory has once again enriched and developed——

From first proposing the important concept of "new quality productive forces" during a local inspection, to making important arrangements at the Central Economic Work Conference, to systematically expounding it through collective study by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping has used profound strategic vision and a high degree of theoretical thinking to Consciously, we have profoundly answered the major questions of "what is new quality productivity, why should we develop new quality productivity, and how to develop new quality productivity".

This year's National Two Sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the delegation three times and talked about "new quality productivity" three times, further explaining the methodology for developing new quality productivity.

On the afternoon of March 5, in the East Hall of the Great Hall of the People, the Jiangsu delegation was at the deliberation site.

When Gao Jifan, chairman of Trina Solar Co., Ltd., spoke on behalf of the company, his other identity, director of the State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Science and Technology, caught the attention of the general secretary.

"Where is your laboratory located?" asked the general secretary.

"We have them in Changzhou and Shanghai. We are jointly built by enterprises and universities to connect basic research, cutting-edge research and applied research." Gao Jifan said.

"What are the shortcomings of the photovoltaic industry from the perspective of localization?" "Are there any problems with the current connection with the power grid?" the general secretary asked in great detail.

Gao Jifan told the General Secretary that his company has focused on independent innovation for more than 20 years and strives to seize technological high points in the photovoltaic field. Through school-enterprise cooperation, industry-university-research integration, and the path of self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology, equipment and raw materials are basically domestically controllable.

The general secretary nodded in approval.

In the view of General Secretary Xi Jinping, new quality productivity is “characterized by innovation, the key lies in high quality, and its essence is advanced productivity.” Among them, technological innovation plays a leading role and is the core element in developing new productive forces.

During the National Two Sessions last year, when General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation, he gave Jiangsu the important mission of “strive to build an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence.”

This time, the General Secretary encouraged Jiangsu to "accelerate the creation of strategic emerging industry clusters with international competitiveness and make Jiangsu an important position for the development of new productive forces."

During the review, the main responsible comrades of Jiangsu Province introduced the high-quality development of this eastern economic province in the past year: the intensity of R&D investment in the whole society is about 3.2%, and the proportion of industrial strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries has increased to 41.3% and 49.9%... …

"You are a major manufacturing province. The national economic total is 126 trillion, and yours is 12.8 trillion, which is exactly one-tenth. This is very impressive. Jiangsu has good conditions and capabilities to develop new productive forces." General Secretary Xi Jinping said, " At several Politburo meetings, I talked about economic development, and I always pointed to major economic provinces such as Guangdong and Jiangsu. I said that if you don’t carry this backbone, national modernization will not be realized. You are crucial and irreplaceable.”

While affirming the achievements, the General Secretary also put forward higher requirements: "In the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, we must seize opportunities, increase innovation, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, plan and build future industries in advance, and improve modern industries. system."

These words pointed out the breakthrough and main direction of developing new productive forces.

"Of course, developing new productive forces does not mean neglecting or abandoning traditional industries. We must prevent rushes and bubbles, and we must not create a model." The general secretary changed the subject and revealed a deeper understanding of the development of new productive forces. considerations.

General Secretary Xi Jinping reiterated the same words carefully at the joint meeting of the CPPCC held the next day.

On the afternoon of March 6, the Juying Hall of Beijing Friendship Hotel was filled with an atmosphere of democracy, unity, pragmatism and progress. General Secretary Xi Jinping discussed national affairs with members of the CPPCC, and the topic gradually focused on "new quality productive forces."

Member Zhao Yuliang from the science and technology community suggested that the industrialization of scientific and technological innovation achievements should be used as a starting point to improve new productivity.

Based on his work experience, he said with deep feeling: "The number of scientific research papers and invention patents in our country is large, but there are few commercializations. There is still a lot of room for the transformation of Chinese corporate patents. The innovation chain and the industrial chain are 'difficult to meet each other', which is an obstacle The stuck point in the formation of new productive forces.”

General Secretary Xi Jinping responded: "In the past, research and production were 'two skins', but now the transformation rate of scientific research results is much higher than in the past, especially the direct research and development results transformation of enterprises themselves, and the formation of a community between universities and enterprises. The direction of such a trend is right, we must speed up and further improve the incentive and promotion policies.”

Adhere to seeking truth from facts, emphasizing that “all localities must insist on proceeding from reality, establishing first before breaking, adapting measures to local conditions, and providing classified guidance”; insisting on deepening reforms, proposing to “strive to break through the blockages that restrict the development of new productive forces”; insisting on scientific and technological innovation, requiring “mastery of more original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation achievements, and cultivate new driving forces for the development of new quality productivity"; when attending the plenary meeting of the delegation of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force, it was requested to "promote the efficient integration and two-way pull of new quality productivity and new quality combat effectiveness"... …

Based on the current and long-term, taking into account the regional and overall situation, General Secretary Xi Jinping further systematically clarified the theoretical and practical issues of developing new productive forces, leading the way to promote high-quality development and solidly advance Chinese-style modernization.

Dialectics to promote high-quality development - "It is advisable to take a broad view"

“When we carried out water environment management in Guyuan, Ningxia, local people supported our work by sending tea and meals.”

"What are your main methods of water control? What problems are you solving?"

At the joint meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping interjected after hearing the grassroots frontline stories told by Huang Miansong, a member of Beijing's first ecological and environmental protection group.

The Xihaigu area where Guyuan is located is "the most barren in the world". Whether working at the local level or at the central level, Comrade Xi Jinping has always cared about Xihaigu and devoted a lot of effort to the development of this land.

Huang Miansong told the General Secretary that with the joint efforts of everyone, Guyuan's ecological environment quality has improved year by year. During this year's Spring Festival, it attracted 428,000 tourists from all over the world, with tourism revenue reaching 215 million yuan, and the value of ecological products has been continuously realized.

“The Central Committee of the Party for Environmental Protection has always attached great importance to it, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has witnessed rapid development and tremendous changes.” General Secretary Xi Jinping recalled the city of Beijing when he was a child. “Sandstorms often blew. Wear a mask in spring and take off a layer of dust. I went out for a day and there was a layer of dirt on the ground at home.”

Ten years ago, the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Informal Leaders' Meeting was held in Beijing. The beautiful blue sky was refreshing.

"The weather was very good those days. Some people asked at that time, this is 'APEC Blue'. Will it last? I answered them that this is not a temporary blue sky. In a few years, it will be permanent blue." Talking about this detail of that year. , General Secretary Xi Jinping’s tone became very firm.

As time flies, "APEC Blue" has gradually become the norm in people's lives.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's ecological and environmental protection has undergone historic, transitional and overall changes. The great changes in the new era are written in the beautiful pictures of bluer skies, greener mountains and clearer water.

Talking about the hard-earned achievements and precious experience, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "It is advisable to take a broad view. Don't just criticize and point fingers, but really take action and solve one point at a time." "As long as we see that we are As you move forward, you must maintain your composure.”

The environmental resources sector where Member Huang Miansong belongs is a new sector added by the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

General Secretary Xi Jinping came to this sector for the first time and had high hopes for the committee members to perform their duties: "I hope that the members of the environmental resources community will make new contributions in strengthening ecological environmental protection and supporting high-quality development with high-level protection."

“Supporting high-quality development with high-level protection” reflects General Secretary Xi Jinping’s superb wisdom in using dialectics to promote high-quality development.

On the new journey, it is urgent and important to comprehensively promote the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature with the construction of Beautiful China, properly handle the relationship between development and protection, and promote high-level protection with high-quality development.

Member Hu Songqin, also from the environmental resources community, expressed her concerns about new pollutants in her speech: "China's ecological and environmental protection work is changing from the treatment of sensory indicators such as 'haze' and 'black odor' to long-term, Development of new pollutant treatment stages for hidden hazards.”

“The management of new pollutants is a very timely mention, which means that we must have a sense of governance so that we will not fall behind in this aspect.” The general secretary pointed out the importance of dialectically viewing and handling new and old problems in an overall manner, “With new pollutants We cannot rest on the old problems before they are solved, we must tackle them simultaneously. People who do not think about the long-term will always have immediate worries. Environmental protection has a long way to go, and we must continue to do a good job."

From “supporting high-quality development with high-level protection” to “coordinating high-quality development and high-level security”; from “consolidating the ecological foundation for high-quality development” to “expanding the path to realize the value of ecological products”; from “enhancing the consistency between ecological and environmental protection policies and macro policy orientations” to “steadily improving the level of people's livelihood security during development” … When making overall plans and making decisions, what is tested is the strong determination and foresight in governing the country.

In the Jiangsu delegation, representative Wu Huifang, secretary of the Party Committee of Yonglian Village, Nanfeng Town, Zhangjiagang City, brought his thoughts and practices on exploring and promoting high-quality development in rural areas and improving people's livelihood security.

This 25-year veteran of the army took off his military uniform in 2005 and went to work in Yonglian Village through independent employment. Since then, building a happy village of common prosperity has become his new "position."

This work lasted 19 years.

"Last year, the total industrial and agricultural income of Yonglian Village was 161.6 billion yuan, the village collective operating income was 335 million yuan, and the per capita net income of villagers was 73,000 yuan. After the village enterprises developed, we clarified the property rights and allowed the villagers to hold 25% of the equity. Last year, the per capita secondary distribution of villagers was 17,000 yuan," he reported to the general secretary

"This income situation is still very impressive." General Secretary Xi Jinping said happily, "You are the pioneers in taking the road of rural revitalization of common prosperity. You must blaze this path. We must continue to promote common prosperity and follow the path of Chinese-style modernization."

Governing the country should be based on the interests of the people.

Facing the deputies of the National People's Congress present, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "We must adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, steadily improve people's livelihood security during development, and guide and encourage the masses to create a happy life with their own hands."

Boosting the energy of officers to start a business - "If you see it right, work hard and bring up the energy in all aspects."

Representative Sun Jingnan from Jiangsu is a welder at CRRC Nanjing Puzhen Rolling Stock Co., Ltd.

Facing General Secretary Xi Jinping, her words were simple and powerful: "The word 'craftsman' of a craftsman means that he is 'careful' about himself in the professional field. Only after hard work can he achieve breakthroughs."

Choose one thing for the rest of your life.

After more than 30 years in the industry, Sun Jingnan regards welding as an art and has grown from an apprentice to a well-known technical expert at CRRC and a well-known "Oriental female welding goddess" in the eyes of foreign experts.

"You are a craftsman of a great country." The General Secretary cast an approving look at Sun Jingnan. "A craftsman of a great country is the cornerstone and pillar of the building of our Chinese nation. After the founding of New China, we started from scratch, introduced, digested, absorbed and then developed. , work hard through self-reliance, and build an independent manufacturing foundation.”

The general secretary said affectionately: "I am extremely proud of this thought. Take transportation as an example, our country's automobile production and sales are now the largest in the world, new energy vehicles are the best, the highway mileage is also the longest, and the high-speed rail – we have gone out; urban rail transit has also gone out; ships have also gone out; we have also built large airplanes, and the "three pearls" of the shipbuilding industry have been built... They are all moving forward step by step, and we continue to make domestic products. Modernization means taking the lead in the world, then continuing to make breakthroughs.”

"The most important thing here is the craftsman. It's not enough to just design the drawings well. In the end, it must be implemented in the hands of welders. Without the world's top level, it is impossible to make the best equipment. Therefore, we must truly improve vocational education, we must establish the spirit of craftsman and train front-line craftsmen from major countries in batches. This is the backbone. Without diamonds, we cannot take on the porcelain work." The general secretary's sincere words resonated with the audience.

Respect craftsmen and value their "craftsmanship" even more.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We have done a good job in promoting the spirit of craftsmanship, but it is far from enough. We must give them corresponding political status, social status and remuneration, and establish a corresponding incentive mechanism."

In July 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply to senior experts from the National Museum of China has inspired Representative Song Yan, deputy director of the Nanjing General Museum, to this day. During her speech, she told the story of cultural and museum workers in Nanjing protecting cultural heritage, inheriting Chinese civilization, and stimulating cultural power.

"The museums in Nanjing are still very interesting. They are the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, as well as the Ming and Qing dynasties. There are still many things. Museums are very important. I have loved going to museums since I was a child. I have seen almost all the museums in Beijing when I was a child. "General Secretary Xi Jinping said cordially to Song Yan.

The cultural context is long and accumulates the heritage of a nation. General Secretary Xi Jinping expressed his sentiments and hoped that the general public, especially young people, would have more in-depth contact with museums to further enhance their sense of history. "We must do a good job in the museum business. Museum construction must be more complete and systematic, and at the same time, the educational function of the museum must be fully utilized."

Promoting Chinese-style modernization is an expedition full of glory and dreams, and a common cause for all Chinese people.

At the joint meeting of the CPPCC, Xia Xianpeng, a member of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, told the General Secretary that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the mainland’s huge market advantages as solid support and the pragmatic measures for cross-strait integrated development as policy support, in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation Given the opportunity, cross-Strait industrial and supply chain cooperation has achieved considerable development.

Member Tian Hongqi suggested accelerating the construction of a cross-strait integrated development demonstration zone, continuing to deepen cross-strait exchanges and integration in various fields, promoting both sides of the strait to jointly promote Chinese culture, and promoting spiritual harmony between compatriots on both sides of the strait.

General Secretary Xi Jinping hopes that the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee will further find its correct position, give full play to its advantages, and take active actions in the overall work against Taiwan, better unite all patriotic forces at home and abroad and on the island and beyond, continue to strengthen the forces against "independence" and promote reunification, and jointly advance The process of peaceful reunification of the motherland.

The spring breeze is strong and everything is renewed.

Looking forward to the new journey, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s words are inspiring: “To continue to consolidate and enhance the positive trend of economic recovery and boost the confidence of the whole society in development, party members and cadres must first strengthen their confidence and work hard. We must seize all favorable opportunities and take advantage of all favorable conditions, work hard when you are sure, and bring up the energy in all aspects."

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 11)