2. Opinions on Xi thought

Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on Consolidating, Expanding, Learning and Implementing the Educational Achievements on the Theme of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

(February 23, 2024)

In order to consolidate and expand learning and implement the results of the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era (hereinafter referred to as the theme education), establish and improve the long-term mechanism of learning to build the soul, learning to increase wisdom, learning to correct the style, and learning to promote work, and promote The majority of party members and cadres have a deeper understanding of the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, more consciously strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidences”, achieve “two safeguards”, and always adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Firm believers and loyal practitioners, with the approval of the Party Central Committee, hereby put forward the following opinions.

1. Adhere to learning to build the soul, and continue to do a good job in deepening and transforming the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

Ideologically, we must rectify our roots, consolidate our roots and cultivate our talents, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, forge loyalty to the party, stand firmly on the people’s stand, and consciously maintain a high degree of political stance, political direction, political principles, and political path with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. to further consolidate the ideological foundation for unity and unity of the whole party.

1. Establish and improve the “first issue” system. Party committees (party groups) at all levels hold standing committee meetings (party group meetings) or party committee (party group) theoretical study center group study meetings. They must conscientiously study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches, and implement them in light of reality. . The party committee (party group) plans major strategies, studies major issues, formulates major policies, and deploys major tasks. It must benchmark against the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions, accurately grasp the political direction, understand work requirements, and clarify ideas and measures. .

2. Improve the theoretical learning system. Establish a reading class system for the leadership team. Party committees (party groups) at all levels, combined with the study of the theoretical study center group, hold a reading class for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era every year. Members of the leadership team are organized to sit down, calm down, read the original works, learn the original texts, and understand the principles. Carry out collective learning and discussion exchanges. Improve the system of special party courses. Members of the leadership teams of party committees (party groups) at all levels will give at least one special party class every year to grassroots units such as the field, department, or party branch where they are responsible, focusing on their experiences in learning and applying the party’s innovative theories. The secretary of the grassroots party organization teaches party lessons well in line with reality. We must ensure regular study and education for party members and cadres, focus on theoretical study of young party members, implement systems such as “three meetings and one lesson” and themed party days, and use platforms such as “Learning to Strengthen the Country” and the Communist Party Member Network to adopt classroom lectures and policy interpretations , case teaching, on-site experience and other methods to promote the party’s innovative theory learning to be in-depth and practical.

3. Strengthen party spirit education. Strengthen the study and education of the Party Constitution, guide Party members and cadres to consciously study the Party Constitution, abide by the Party Constitution, implement the Party Constitution, safeguard the Party Constitution, and consciously use the Party Constitution to regulate their words and deeds. By reviewing the oath to join the party and celebrating a “political birthday”, we can make good use of red resources and party education and training institutions nearby, learn from advanced models and role models around us, carry out party history study and education in a regular and long-term manner, carry out education on the party’s purpose, revolution Traditional education and patriotic education guide party members and cadres to build a solid foundation of faith, replenish spiritual calcium, stabilize the rudder of thought, and remain loyal to the party, the people, and Marxism.

2. Persist in increasing wisdom through learning, and constantly understand the rules, clarify directions, learn methods, and increase wisdom from the party’s innovative theory

Learn and thoroughly understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, grasp the worldview and methodology of this thought, and make good use of the positions, viewpoints, and methods that run through it, especially the “six must-persistences,” Acquire skills, strive to improve political ability, thinking ability, and practical ability, and shoulder the political responsibilities entrusted by the party and the people.

4. Strengthen political education and training for party members and cadres. Carry out training rotations at different levels, categories and fields, educate and guide party members and cadres to have the “greatest power of the country” in mind, adhere to and strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee as the highest principle, and be good at thinking from the standpoint of the party and the people and the overall situation of the work of the party and the country. Problems, making decisions, and doing things, constantly enhance political acumen, resolutely prevent “low-level red” and “high-level black”, and be politically sensible and honest people. Highlight the political training of “key minorities”, implement the plan to improve the political capabilities of “top leaders”, and continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution.

5. Do a good job in training party members and cadres on their ability to perform their duties. Adhere to what you do and learn, organize party members and cadres to connect their job responsibilities and work practices, and conscientiously study and understand the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and important instructions in this region, department, and field. Adhere to comprehensive systematic learning and integrated learning, and continuously improve strategic thinking, dialectical thinking, systematic thinking, innovative thinking, historical thinking, rule of law thinking, and bottom-line thinking capabilities. Strengthen practical training and professional training, continuously enhance the ability of party members and cadres to promote high-quality development, serve the masses, and prevent and resolve risks, strengthen the development of fighting spirit and fighting ability, and strive to enhance the ability to prevent risks, face challenges, and resist oppression. We should provide general education training and professional knowledge training that match job responsibilities, and help party members and cadres fill in gaps in knowledge, make up for shortcomings in quality, and strengthen weaknesses in abilities.

3. Adhere to correcting work style through learning and promote the whole party to solve outstanding problems in the party style in a self-revolutionary spirit

We must thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the Party’s self-revolution, identify gaps in the party style requirements, investigate the root causes of the party spirit requirements, clarify measures in accordance with the party discipline requirements, deepen the implementation of the eight central regulations and the spirit of their implementation rules, and promote pragmatism We must adhere to the spirit of cleanliness, promote a style of integrity, cultivate a style of frugality, and use a thorough self-revolutionary spirit to clean up political dust, purify political souls, and correct behavioral deviations.

6. Practice the party’s mass line. Adhere to putting the people at the highest position in our hearts, adhere to the original aspiration and mission, cultivate a deep sense of service to the people, always maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people, consciously integrate the people-centered development thinking into all work, and solidly promote common prosperity , so that the results of modernization can benefit all people more and more equitably. Party and government leadership groups at all levels and departments and units involved in the field of people’s livelihood should combine their own actual conditions to establish a list of people’s livelihood matters and promote the resolution of outstanding issues that the masses have strongly expressed. Adhere to and develop the “Maple Bridge Experience” in the new era, implement practices such as “whistle blowing in the streets and villages, department reporting”, “I do what the people call me”, and “handle complaints as soon as they are received”, respond to the reasonable demands of the people in a timely manner, and effectively do good things well , do practical things and handle difficult things well. Learn and apply the experience of the “Ten Million Project”, persist in adapting measures to local conditions, implement classified policies, proceed step by step, and achieve results over time, and strive to do practical things that are tangible and accessible to the masses.

7. Implement the “four down to the grassroots” system. The provincial party committee (party group) made overall arrangements to clarify the work content, time frequency and disciplinary style requirements for leading cadres at the county level and above to “go to the grassroots level four times”. Municipal and county-level party committees (party groups) should implement the policies based on actual conditions and make overall plans to avoid duplication. Promote the party’s line, principles and policies at the grassroots level, and clearly explain the party’s innovative theories and major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee through party lectures, visits and discussions. Investigate and study at the grassroots level, make good use of the five-character formula of “deep, practical, detailed, accurate, and effective”, focus on adopting the “four non-two direct” approach, organize members of the leadership team to conduct research, promote the transformation and application of research results, and promote the analysis of typical cases Based on the survey, party committees (party groups) at all levels identify at least one positive and one negative case from representative and influential events that occurred in the region, department, and system every year for review and analysis, dissect the sparrow, and draw inferences about other cases. . To receive letters and calls at the grassroots level, we organize leading cadres to visit places and units where there are many conflicts, complex situations, and concentrated letters and calls, and implement the responsibility system for leading cadres to handle cases, solve the problems of the masses, and resolve the backlog of letters and calls. Working on-site at the grassroots level, keeping a close eye on development needs, enterprise expectations, and people’s concerns, organizing leading cadres to go deep into the grassroots and the masses, conduct on-site research, on-site coordination, and promote the solution of problems on the front line, the resolution of conflicts on the front line, and the implementation of work One line. Improve the working mechanism for young cadres to work at the grassroots level and to be down-to-earth.

8. Conduct regular political physical examinations of the leadership team. The leadership team at or above the county level responds to the outstanding issues in the region, department, and field pointed out by General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions and instructions, the feedback from superiors on inspections, audit inspections, special inspections, etc., as well as the major events that occur in the region, department, and unit and typical cases, we must organize members of the leadership team to put themselves, their responsibilities, and their work into consideration, conduct in-depth inspection and analysis, find the root causes, and make rectifications. We should regard adhering to the “three musts” as an important part of the comparative inspection of the democratic life meeting and the organizational life meeting, and urge the majority of party members and cadres to carry forward the fine style of hard work, diligence and frugality, and consciously develop the habit of living a tight life. We regard the analysis of negative typical cases as an important part of the democratic life meeting, and organize members of the leadership team to contact individuals to conduct investigation and reflection, so as to use the cases as lessons and promote changes.

9. Carry out discipline education in a solid manner. Adhere to the combination of regular discipline education and centralized discipline education, encourage party members and cadres to conscientiously study the party’s discipline and rules, especially political discipline and political rules, build a solid ideological defense line, and adhere to the red line of discipline. Focusing on studying and implementing the newly revised disciplinary regulations, organize and carry out centralized disciplinary education, and strive to solve the problems of some party members and cadres who are not paying attention to, do not understand, and do not master party rules and disciplines. By carrying out special studies, warning education, etc., we guide party members and cadres, especially newly promoted cadres, young cadres, and cadres in key positions, to learn discipline, know discipline, understand discipline, and observe discipline. Unaware of the rules of speech and conduct.

10. Persevere in correcting formalism and bureaucracy. Party committees (party groups) at all levels must continue to correct problems such as poor implementation of the Party Central Committee’s decisions and deployments, self-centeredness, and superficiality, and continue to deepen “half-way projects,” “image projects,” “face projects,” and statistical falsification. As well as rectification and rectification of poor governance at the grassroots level, we will continue to solve outstanding problems such as simplification of implementation policies, “one size fits all”, and overweighting at all levels, and continue to strengthen the rectification of formalism to supervise and inspect the implementation of policies to reduce burdens on the grassroots level. We should pay close attention to the problems of “new image projects” with hidden forms and clever names and increase the burden on grassroots and other stubborn problems, and rectify them in a timely manner, regularly publicly report verified typical problems, and strictly pursue accountability in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws. We will consolidate the foundation at the grassroots level, deepen party building to lead grassroots governance, take effective measures to solve outstanding problems such as “small horses and big carts”, and empower and reduce the burden on the grassroots. The special working mechanism for rectifying formalism at the central level to reduce the burden on the grassroots should play a leading and overall coordination role, carry out special inspections on outstanding issues, focus on key areas to increase rectification efforts, regularly verify and report typical problems, and promote rectification forms with greater intensity Doctrine has achieved practical results in reducing burdens at the grassroots level.

4. Adhere to promoting learning and practice, and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee to the letter

Adhere to the integration of learning, thinking and application, and the unity of knowledge, belief and action, correct the orientation of work, enhance the motivation to work, form a joint force of work, face difficulties, dare to fight, muster the spirit of doing business and start a business, and form a good situation of paying close attention to implementation. Gather powerful forces to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

11. Establish and practice a correct view of political performance. Party committees (party groups) at all levels must organize party members and cadres to deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on establishing and implementing a correct view of political achievements, and solve the problem of “for whom political achievements are established, what kind of political achievements are established, and on what basis” question. It is necessary to establish and practice a correct view of performance as an important part of party spirit analysis, make good use of the list of major problems with deviations in the view of performance of local leadership groups and leading cadres, and organize leadership groups and leading cadres to conduct in-depth investigations from the aspects of purpose awareness, work style, discipline and rules, etc. Analyze. Guide localities and departments to improve assessment and evaluation methods, and correct practices such as excessive fragmentation, fragmentation, and mechanical rigidity of assessment indicators. Incorporate the establishment and implementation of a correct view of political performance into an important part of inspections, cadre assessments and inspections, and audit and rectification supervision, so as to promptly discover and correct deviations and misalignment of the view of political performance. Give full play to the exemplary and warning role of good and bad examples, educate and guide party members and cadres to create achievements that can stand the test of practice, the people, and history.

12. Promote high-quality development. Adhere to high-quality development as the last word in the new era, educate and guide leading groups and leading cadres at all levels to implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, and prevent the occurrence of greed for big money, blind and reckless actions, slickness, falsification of data, depletion of benefits, waste of people and money, etc. question. Party committees (party groups) at all levels must combine their responsibilities, focus on the entry points to integrate into and serve the new development pattern, make good use of the key move of reform and opening up, plan and make good use of work starting points with strong traction and leverage, and focus on developing new We must improve quality productivity, effectively enhance economic vitality, prevent and resolve risks in key areas, break through bottlenecks that affect and restrict high-quality development, and promote the economy to achieve effective qualitative improvements and reasonable quantitative growth.

13. Encourage cadres to take on their responsibilities. We should clearly establish the employment orientation of emphasizing hard work, performance and responsibility, conscientiously implement the “three distinctions”, continue to promote accurate and standardized accountability, and strengthen the incentive and protection of cadres who dare to take on responsibilities and perform good deeds. Continue to promote the promotion and promotion of leading cadres, and promote the formation of a good situation in which the capable are promoted, the outstanding are rewarded, the mediocre are demoted, and the inferior are eliminated. Timely select and publicize and commend advanced models among party members and cadres, and increase care and concern for grassroots cadres, especially cadres in areas with difficult conditions.

14. Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Strictly enforce the daily education and management of party members so that the majority of party members can see it at ordinary times, stand up at critical moments, and be brave at critical moments. Deepen activities such as post-based contributions and suggestions, and organize party members to play their roles in promoting reform and development, maintaining security and stability, promoting comprehensive rural revitalization, and strengthening grassroots governance. When major natural disasters, major public security incidents and other emergencies occur, the party organization must organize in-service party members, village (community) party members, mobile party members, new employment group party members, etc. to transform into emergency response forces on the spot, charging forward and bravely struggle. Party organizations at all levels must strengthen ideological guidance and public opinion guidance in cyberspace, organize and guide party members to actively speak out and show their swords in cyberspace, let positive energy form a large flow, and let the party flag fly high in cyberspace.

15. Regularly carry out rectification of outstanding problems. Adhering to the combination of problem orientation and goal orientation, with a sense of responsibility of “always worrying”, focusing on the issues that the Party Central Committee attaches great importance to, the masses have strongly responded to, and the most prominent issues that require the most attention in the work, seek truth from facts and carry out rectification inward. Actively look for problems that are “manifested at the grassroots level and rooted at the top”, and make overall coordination, link up and down, and work together to solve them.

Party committees (party groups) at all levels should regard the consolidation and expansion of thematic education achievements as a major political task, shoulder the main responsibilities, clarify the responsible units and specific requirements for various tasks and measures, and implement them to the letter. The main responsible comrades must fulfill their duties as the first responsible person, personally deploy important work, personally intervene in major issues, personally coordinate important links, and personally promote key tasks. All departments of the central government and state agencies must take the lead and set an example, implement various tasks and measures with a nail-biting spirit, and be the first phalanx to implement the “two safeguards”. Leading organs and party members and leading cadres at all levels must adhere to higher standards and stricter requirements, do a good job in their own study and implementation, and do a good job in rectifying their own problems, leading by example and leading by example. Incorporate the situation of consolidating and expanding thematic education achievements into political supervision, as part of the annual assessment of the leadership team and leading cadres, and the performance review and assessment of the party organization secretary’s grass-roots party building. Through inspections, special inspections, supervision, “look back” and other methods, strengthen Assess the effectiveness. Apply effective practices such as review and deduction of theme education exploration, unannounced visits and spot checks, policy responses, and joint answers to the same questions into the research planning, supervision, guidance, and implementation of daily work to promote high-quality development in all aspects of work.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 28