2. Politburo study session

Xi Jinping emphasizes need to build strong sense of Chinese nation’s community and promote high-quality development of Party’s ethnic work in the new era at 9th CPC Central Committee Politburo ninth collective study session

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 28th – ​​The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held its ninth collective study session on the afternoon of October 27th on building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. Presiding over the study, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, emphasized that to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation is to guide people of all ethnic groups to firmly establish the concept of a community that shares weal and woe, honor and disgrace, life and death, and destiny. It is necessary to fully implement the deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Party, accurately grasp the new stage characteristics of the Party’s ethnic work, regard the building of a strong sense of the Chinese nation’s community as the main line of the Party’s ethnic work and all work in ethnic areas, and constantly strengthen and improve the Party’s ethnic work. work, solidly promote the cause of ethnic unity and progress, and promote the high-quality development of the party’s ethnic work in the new era.

Comrade Wang Yanzhong, director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, explained this issue and put forward work suggestions. Comrades from the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee listened carefully to the explanation and held discussions.

Xi Jinping delivered an important speech after listening to the explanation and discussion. He pointed out that since ancient times, people of all ethnic groups in our country have jointly created the dazzling Chinese civilization and forged the great Chinese nation. Our party has always attached great importance to ethnic issues and ethnic work, and correctly handled ethnic relations. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has emphasized the concepts of the big family of the Chinese nation, the community of the Chinese nation, building a strong sense of the Chinese nation’s community, and promoting the construction of the Chinese nation’s community. It has clearly proposed that building a strong sense of the Chinese nation’s community should be the party’s national work in the new era. As the main line of all work in ethnic areas, we further expanded the correct path to solve ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics, formed the Party’s important thoughts on strengthening and improving ethnic work, opened up a new realm of adapting Marxist ethnic theory to the times, and the Party China’s ethnic work has achieved new historic achievements.

Xi Jinping emphasized that after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, people of all ethnic groups across the country have embarked on a new journey to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization. The party’s ethnic work is facing new situations and tasks. To build a modern and powerful socialist country in an all-round way, no nation can be left behind. We must vigorously promote the common unity and struggle of all ethnic groups and gather great strength for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation; we must comprehensively realize the common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups and allow people of all ethnic groups to share the great glory of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Xi Jinping pointed out that to solidify the consciousness of the Chinese nation’s community, it is necessary to build a scientific and complete theoretical system of the Chinese nation’s community. Based on the long history of the Chinese nation, we must combine Marxist national theory with China’s specific reality and China’s excellent traditional culture, follow the historical logic and theoretical logic of the development of the Chinese nation, and scientifically reveal the principles, academic theories, and principles of the formation and development of the Chinese nation. philosophy. It is necessary to optimize the subject setting, strengthen discipline construction, identify the correct research direction, deepen the research on major basic issues of the Chinese nation community, and accelerate the formation of China’s independent historical material system, discourse system, and theoretical system of the Chinese nation community. Pay attention to stimulating the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of experts and scholars, strengthen the training of young experts and scholars, provide them with good directions, build platforms, create opportunities, encourage them to study with concentration, accumulate experience, and launch research based on Chinese history, interpret Chinese practices, and answer Chinese questions. Original theoretical results.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we must focus on building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation and continue to build a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation. We must conform to the general development trend of the Chinese nation from history to the future, from tradition to modernity, and from diversity to unity, deeply understand and grasp the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, and constantly build a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation at a new historical starting point to forge a solid foundation. The sense of community of the Chinese nation has laid a solid spiritual and cultural foundation. We must strengthen education on the Party’s theory, lines, principles, and policies for people of all ethnic groups, strengthen publicity and education on the history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, the history of socialist development, and the history of the development of the Chinese nation. We must unite our hearts and souls with common ideals and beliefs, and deeply cultivate and practice the core socialist values. Deeply implement the red gene inheritance project, vigorously promote the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, continuously enhance the sense of identity and pride in the Chinese nation, and inspire people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions in the new era. of spirit. Implement the inheritance and development project of China’s excellent traditional culture, study and excavate the excellent genes and contemporary value of Chinese traditional culture, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China’s excellent traditional culture, prosper and develop advanced socialist culture, build and apply the characteristics of Chinese culture and the Chinese nation spirit and the expression system of China’s national image, constantly enhancing the Chinese cultural identity of people of all ethnic groups. Comprehensively promote and popularize the national common spoken and written language, comprehensively promote the use of nationally compiled teaching materials, and promote the connection of souls and destiny through language communication.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to promote extensive exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups and promote Chinese-style modernization through the great unity of the Chinese nation. The process of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation must be a process of extensive exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups. It must be a process of unity, struggle and common prosperity and development of all ethnic groups. We must hold high the banner of the great unity of the Chinese nation and regard promoting all ethnic groups to work together to comprehensively build a modern socialist country as an important task of the party’s ethnic work in the new journey. It is necessary to promote the mobility and integration of the population of all ethnic groups, build an inter-embedded social structure and community environment, create social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live together, learn together, build and share, and work together to enjoy each other, and continue to deepen the creation of ethnic unity and progress. We should take improving people’s livelihood and rallying people’s hearts as the starting point and goal of the economic and social development of ethnic minority areas, promote the integration of ethnic minority areas into the new development pattern, achieve high-quality development, continuously improve the ability and level of public service guarantees, and promote development results to benefit people of all ethnic groups equitably. Uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, improve the system of ethnic policies and laws and regulations, and promote the modernization of the ethnic affairs governance system and governance capabilities.

Xi Jinping emphasized the need to tell the story of the Chinese nation well and vigorously promote the consciousness of the Chinese nation’s community. It is necessary to vigorously publicize the history of the Chinese nation, the theory of the Chinese nation’s community, the historic achievements of the party’s national work in the new era, and the beautiful vision of the Chinese nation working together with people from all over the world to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Innovate the communication methods of ethnic-related propaganda, enrich the communication content, broaden the communication channels, tell the story of the Chinese nation community, make it clear that the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system are reliable guarantees for the common development and progress of all ethnic groups in our country, and make it clear that the Chinese nation has a strong A community with a shared future that has a strong sense of identity and cohesion, and clearly illustrates the obvious superiority of the correct path to solving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics. Actively promote exchanges and interactions between Chinese and foreign academic circles and civil society groups.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is the common task of the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and promote the high-quality development of the Party’s ethnic work in the new era. Party committees and governments at all levels must adhere to the correct path of solving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics, conscientiously implement the Party’s various principles and policies on ethnic work, and promptly study and solve major issues related to ethnic work in their regions and units. Leading cadres at all levels must thoroughly study and implement the Party’s important thoughts on strengthening and improving ethnic work, improve their ability to do a good job in ethnic work, and make due contributions to promoting ethnic unity and progress.
