1. Xi on Yangtze River Delta

Xi Jinping presides over symposium on further promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, emphasizing:

Promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to achieve new major breakthroughs and better play a leading and exemplary role in Chinese-style modernization

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, November 30 – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, chaired a symposium on further promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in Shanghai on the morning of the 30th and delivered an important speech. He emphasized that further promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, further enhancing innovation capabilities, industrial competitiveness, and development capabilities, and taking the lead in forming a new pattern of higher-level reform and opening up, will be crucial for our country to build a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and use Chinese-style modernization. It is of great significance to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation. It is necessary to fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, closely adhere to the two key words of integration and high quality, establish a global vision and strategic thinking, unswervingly deepen reforms, expand high-level opening up, coordinate scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, and coordinate leading the way and promoting each other’s strengths, coordinating hardware connectivity and mechanism coordination, coordinating ecological environmental protection and economic development, taking the lead in promoting common prosperity, actively exploring in building a modern civilization for the Chinese nation, and promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to achieve new and significant achievements, make breakthroughs, be at the forefront of Chinese-style modernization, and better play the role of pioneering, leading and demonstrating, and radiating and driving.

Li Qiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, and Cai Qi, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, attended the symposium.

Xi Jinping specially held this symposium during his investigation in Shanghai. At the symposium, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Zheng Shajie, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Secretary Chen Jining, Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee Secretary Nobunaga Xing, Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Secretary Yi Lianhong, and Anhui Provincial Party Committee Secretary Han Jun made speeches on promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. Report work status and put forward opinions and suggestions.

After listening to everyone’s speeches, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech. He pointed out that in the five years since the Yangtze River Delta integrated development strategy was proposed and implemented, the planning policy system has been formed and continuously improved, the strong and active growth pole functions have been continuously consolidated and improved, the establishment of a modern industrial system has been accelerated, major breakthroughs have been made in coordinated regional development, and reform and opening up have taken great strides. With new steps, joint protection and joint governance of the ecological environment have been solidly advanced. The overall strength and comprehensive competitiveness of the Yangtze River Delta region continue to rank among the best in the country. It is an important window that demonstrates the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and an important platform for China to participate in international competition and cooperation. It shows that it has won strategic initiative to build a new development pattern and promote high-level opening up to the outside world. At the same time, we must also see that there are many deep-seated problems in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta that need to be further solved. The quality, efficiency and radiating role of development still need to be improved. The integration of key areas and key regions still needs efforts. The level of division of labor and collaboration in the industrial chain and supply chain needs to be improved. The leading and leading role in establishing a national unified market needs to be further improved, reform and opening up needs to be further expanded in depth, and there are still many shortcomings in the governance and development of very large and megacities. Promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is a big article. We must persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, work one term after another, and continue to write a new chapter in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Yangtze River Delta region must strengthen cross-regional collaboration in scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. Vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the in-depth integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, spawn new industries, new business formats and new models, expand new development space, cultivate new development momentum, better connect the Yangtze River Economic Belt and radiate the whole country. It is necessary to integrate scientific and technological innovation forces and superior resources across regions and departments to achieve strong alliances and create a source of scientific and technological innovation. It is necessary to participate in international scientific and technological cooperation with more open thinking and measures to create a more globally competitive innovation ecosystem.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Yangtze River Delta region must speed up the improvement of integrated development systems and mechanisms. Regional divisions and administrative barriers must be broken through institutional mechanisms to provide institutional guarantees for integrated development. It is necessary to enhance the awareness of integration, adhere to the idea of ​​​​a game of chess, intensify the innovation of systems and mechanisms, achieve greater breakthroughs in key areas and regions, strengthen the systematic integration and coordination of various reform measures, and promote integration to a deeper level and wider areas. expand. It is necessary to gradually promote the connection of basic public service systems, policy coordination, and standard convergence, and promote the convenient sharing of public services in various fields in a classified manner. It is necessary to strengthen the cross-regional connection of various transportation network infrastructure standards and improve the level of infrastructure interconnection. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of the ecological green integrated development demonstration zone in the Yangtze River Delta, improve the land and space planning system of the demonstration zone, strengthen cross-regional coordination and organic connection of planning, land, and project construction, and accelerate the transition from regional project coordination to regional integration system innovation. It is necessary to promote cross-regional co-construction and sharing, orderly promote cross-regional transfer of industries and rational allocation of production factors, so that the Yangtze River Delta can truly become a regional development community.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Yangtze River Delta region must actively promote high-level coordinated opening up. Promote high-level opening-up with a focus on institutional opening-up, strengthen mutual learning and replication of reform experiences, and strive to become a powerful engine that smoothes our country’s economic cycles and a strategic hub that connects domestic and international dual cycles. It is necessary to speed up the construction of Shanghai’s “five centers”, accelerate the comprehensive reform pilot of Pudong New Area, further enhance the radiation level of Hongqiao International Open Hub, vigorously implement the free trade pilot zone improvement strategy, and promote the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone Lingang New Area to a higher level of opening. It is necessary to promote the deep integration of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the joint construction of high-quality development of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, and promote the “going out” of the Yangtze River Delta’s superior production capacity, high-quality equipment, applicable technologies and standards. We must take the lead in implementing policies and measures that encourage, support, and guide the healthy development of the private economy, further optimize the development environment for private enterprises, and promote the healthy and high-quality development of the private economy.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Yangtze River Delta region must strengthen joint protection and joint management of the ecological environment. Strengthen the seamless connection of ecological protection red lines in three provinces and one city, promote the joint protection of important ecological barriers and ecological corridors, strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of air, water, and soil pollution, carry out in-depth joint protection and joint treatment of cross-border water bodies, and strengthen regional policies for energy conservation, emission reduction, and carbon reduction. Collaborate to build a regional green manufacturing system. It is necessary to comprehensively promote cleaner production, promote energy conservation, carbon reduction and efficiency improvement in key areas and key industries, strengthen and improve green and low-carbon industries, establish and improve green industrial systems, and accelerate the formation of sustainable production and lifestyles. It is necessary to establish a cross-regional emission rights trading system and actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. It is necessary to plan and build a new energy system and coordinate the promotion of mutual power supply between provinces and cities. It is necessary to continue to promote the “ten-year fishing ban” in the Yangtze River and strengthen joint law enforcement. It is necessary to improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products and broaden the path for transforming ecological advantages into economic advantages.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Yangtze River Delta region must strive to improve its security development capabilities. It is necessary to implement the overall national security concept, adhere to bottom-line thinking, coordinate development and security, focus on science and technology, industry, finance and other fields and major infrastructure related to national and regional security, strengthen risk prevention and control systems and capacity building, and consolidate the foundation for safe development. Base. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of the Yangtze River Delta’s complete industrial system and strong supporting capabilities, implement chain strengthening and chain replenishment actions in important areas and key links related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, strengthen industrial cooperation with the central and western regions, and strive to improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial and supply chains. It is necessary to steadily expand institutional opening up in the financial sector, improve cross-border investment and financing facilitation, strengthen risk prevention and control throughout the process, and better safeguard national financial security. We must attach great importance to the security of external cooperation and guide the rational and orderly cross-border layout of industrial chains. We must adhere to the people’s construction of people’s cities, improve the level of modern urban governance, accelerate the construction of resilient cities, improve the urban safety prevention system, strengthen the basic urban operation guarantee system, and improve disaster prevention, reduction, and relief capabilities.

Xi Jinping pointed out that to further promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, we must uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership. It is necessary to give full play to the overall coordination function of the central leading group for coordinated regional development and adhere to the strategic leadership function of the planning outline. The three provinces and one city must conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, strengthen organizational leadership and investigation and research, strengthen coordination and consultation and supervision and inspection, promote the resolution of major problems, promote the implementation of major reforms, and promote the implementation of key tasks. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of a team of high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, and encourage cadres to boldly explore and take on their responsibilities. It is necessary to implement the second batch of thematic education, deepen the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, promote the integrated promotion of dare not, cannot, and do not want to corrupt, strengthen the political and organizational functions of party organizations at all levels, and implement strict discipline, practical style, and Honest conduct ensures that all work is carried out.

Li Qiang said in his speech that it is necessary to conscientiously study, understand and thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, place the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in the overall national development situation, position and think about it, and put it into planning and leading the high-quality development of the country. Give full play to the role of economic growth pole, development power source, and reform experimental field to better support and serve Chinese-style modernization. It is necessary to further smooth the economic cycle, realize the rational flow and efficient allocation of resource factors, promote the construction of a unified national market, and guide the rational layout of industry and economy. It is necessary to proactively align with high-standard international economic and trade rules, expand institutional opening, create a high-level opening door to the outside world, and enhance the attraction of international commodities and resource elements. We should give full play to our advantages, highlight our characteristics, deepen cooperation, empower each other, turn each region’s own advantages into regional advantages, and work together to enhance the overall effectiveness of regional development.

Li Ganjie, He Lifeng, Wu Zhenglong, Mu Hong, and Jiang Xinzhi attended the symposium, as well as responsible comrades from relevant departments of central and state agencies, relevant localities, and relevant enterprises.