1. Xi on culture

Xi Jinping issues important instructions on publicizing ideological and cultural work

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 8 – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently issued important instructions on the propaganda of ideological and cultural work. He pointed out that the propaganda of ideological and cultural work is related to the future and destiny of the Party, the long-term stability of the country, and the nation. Cohesion and centripetal force are extremely important tasks. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has made systematic plans and arrangements for propaganda, ideological and cultural work from an overall and strategic perspective, and has promoted historic achievements in ideological and cultural propaganda in the new era. The situation in the ideological field has undergone overall and fundamental changes. The cultural confidence of the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country has been significantly enhanced, and their spiritual outlook has become more high-spirited.

 Xi Jinping emphasized that in the new era and new journey, the world's major changes unseen in a century are accelerating. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical period. Strategic opportunities and risks and challenges coexist. Propaganda, ideological and cultural work is facing new situations and new tasks, and we must have a new look and new actions. . We must adhere to the guidance of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focus on the primary political task of arming the whole party with the party's innovative theories and educating the people, and continue to promote cultural prosperity around the new historical starting point. , build a culturally powerful country and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation as a new cultural mission, strengthen cultural confidence, uphold openness and inclusiveness, adhere to integrity and innovation, strive to strengthen the party’s leadership in publicity, ideological and cultural work, and strive to build a society with strong cohesion and leadership socialist ideology, strive to cultivate and practice the core socialist values, strive to enhance the dissemination, guidance, influence and credibility of news and public opinion, strive to continue the Chinese context, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China’s excellent traditional culture, and strive to promote cultural undertakings and The cultural industry prospers and develops, focusing on strengthening international communication capabilities, promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, fully stimulating the cultural innovation and creativity vitality of the entire nation, continuously consolidating the common ideological foundation for the unity and struggle of the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups, and continuously improving the country’s cultural soft power and China’s Cultural influence provides a strong ideological guarantee, strong spiritual power, and favorable cultural conditions for comprehensively building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Xi Jinping emphasized that party committees (party groups) at all levels should take the promotion of ideological and cultural work well as a major political responsibility on their shoulders and ensure that the Party Central Committee’s decisions and arrangements on cultural construction are implemented. Propaganda and cultural departments at all levels must strengthen their political responsibilities, be brave in reform and innovation, dare to be good at struggle, and constantly create new situations in publicity, ideological and cultural work in the new era.

 The meeting pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions are high-level, incisive and profound, and have a strong political, ideological and guiding nature. They point out the direction for further promoting ideological and cultural work and must be studied and understood in depth and resolutely implemented.

The meeting held that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the most fundamental reason why publicity, ideological and cultural work has achieved historic achievements is that General Secretary Xi Jinping has been at the helm and has the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s new thoughts, new perspectives, and new judgments on cultural construction in the new era are very rich in connotation and extremely profound in discussion. They are a theoretical summary of the practical experience of party leadership in cultural construction in the new era. They enrich and develop Marxist cultural theory and constitute Xi Jinping’s The cultural chapter of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era formed Xi Jinping Thought on Culture.

The meeting proposed that Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts not only have innovations and breakthroughs in cultural theoretical perspectives, but also have deployment requirements in the layout of cultural work. As our party's understanding of the laws of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics has reached a new height, it shows that our party's historical confidence and cultural confidence have reached a new height, and it has shown great power in the construction of socialist culture in our country. Promoting ideological and cultural work in the new era and shouldering new cultural missions provide powerful ideological weapons and scientific action guidelines. Xi Jinping’s cultural thought is an ever-expanding and open ideological system that will surely be continuously enriched and developed with the deepening of practice. We must deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", continue to strengthen the study, research and interpretation of Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, and consciously implement them Implemented into all aspects and the entire process of publicity, ideological and cultural work.

The meeting emphasized that we must focus on studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts and the strategic deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on cultural construction, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission to promote ideological and cultural work in the new era and new journey, and promote the implementation of various tasks to achieve results. Persevere in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to focus our hearts and minds, and work hard to truly learn, understand, believe and apply, and deepen internalization and transformation. Consolidate and strengthen the mainstream ideological and public opinion in the new era, strengthen positive publicity with a focus on strong confidence, and improve the ability to guide public opinion. Extensively practice the core socialist values ​​and improve the construction of innovative spiritual civilization. Promote the prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, and promote the protection and inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture. Strengthen and improve external publicity work and enhance the spread and influence of Chinese civilization. We must resolutely and effectively prevent and resolve ideological risks, and dare to show our swords and fight. Strengthen the party's overall leadership over propaganda, ideological and cultural work, implement political responsibilities, be brave in reform and innovation, strengthen legal protection, build a strong team of cadres and talents, and provide a strong political guarantee for shouldering new cultural missions. It is necessary to implement the requirements of various tasks with the spirit of nailing, constantly enhance work capabilities and skills, improve work quality and efficiency, and show new atmosphere and new achievements in the struggle and practice of building a socialist cultural power and building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Li Shulei, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Central Propaganda Department, made work arrangements.

Responsible comrades from the Cyberspace Administration of China, People’s Daily, China Central Radio and Television, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Propaganda Department of Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and Propaganda Department of Sichuan Provincial Party Committee made exchange speeches.

Tie Ning and Chen Yiqin attended the meeting.

Members of the Central Propaganda, Ideological and Cultural Work Leading Group, all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and cities under separate state planning, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, units of the Central Propaganda and Culture System, relevant departments of central and state agencies, relevant people's organizations, financial institutions managed by the central government, some enterprises, and universities , Responsible comrades from relevant departments of the Central Military Commission attended the meeting.