1. Xi on corruption

Xi Jinping delivers important speech at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection emphasizing:

Deeply promote the Party’s self-revolution and resolutely win the tough and protracted battle against corruption

Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qiding and Xue Xiang attended the meeting. Li Xi presided over the meeting

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 8 – Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered an important speech at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China on the morning of the 8th. He emphasized that after ten years of unremitting and powerful anti-corruption in the new era, the anti-corruption struggle had achieved an overwhelming victory and had been comprehensively consolidated, but the situation remained grim and complex. We must have a clear understanding of the new situations and new trends in the anti-corruption struggle, as well as the soil and conditions where corruption problems arise, and with tenacity and persistence we must exert precise and sustained efforts to resolutely win the fight against corruption. The struggle is a tough one and protracted one.

Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, and Ding Xuexiang attended the meeting. Li Xi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, presided over the meeting.

Xi Jinping pointed out that 2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The Party Central Committee unswervingly promotes the Party's self-revolution, carries out in-depth education on the study and implementation of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics for a new era throughout the Party, persists in using the Party's innovative theory to focus on the soul, and strives to promote political supervision to be concrete, precise, and normalize, focus on rectifying prominent problems of formalism and bureaucracy, resolutely eliminate the bad apples among party members and cadres, strengthen the management and supervision of party members and cadres strictly and practically, promote the development of comprehensive and strict party governance, and promote the party's 20th anniversary Major decisions and arrangements are implemented to the letter, effectively leading the way to ensure the start of the new journey.

Xi Jinping emphasized that as the largest Marxist ruling party in the world, how can our party successfully break out of the historical cycle of the rise and fall of chaos and ensure that the party never deteriorates or becomes stale? This is a strategic issue before all comrades in the party. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the great practice of promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the party, we have continued to carry out practical exploration and theoretical thinking. Based on the first answer given by Comrade Mao Zedong that year, "Let the people supervise the government", we have given The second answer is to continuously promote the party’s self-revolution. In the ten years of practice and theoretical exploration of comprehensively and strictly governing the party in the new era, we have continuously deepened our understanding of the party's self-revolution, accumulated rich practical experience, and formed a series of important theoretical results, which systematically answered why our party must self-revolution. Revolution, why self-revolution is possible, how to promote self-revolution and other major issues.

Xi Jinping pointed out that nine issues need to be grasped in deepening the party's self-revolutionary practice, namely: adhering to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee as the fundamental guarantee; leading the great social revolution as the fundamental purpose; taking the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era as the fundamental guarantee; fundamentally following the strategic goal of jumping out of the historical cycle; taking solving the unique problems of the big party as the main direction; taking improving the comprehensive and strict party governance system as the effective way; taking forging strong organizations and building excellent teams as the important focus; and taking the correct strengthening of discipline in fighting corruption as an important starting point, and the combination of self-supervision and people's supervision as a powerful driving force. We must persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, being upright and innovating, constantly carrying out practical exploration and theoretical innovation, constantly deepening the understanding of the laws of the party's self-revolution, making the party's self-revolutionary ideas and measures more rigorous, and making every move more rigorous. The self-revolution on all fronts and in every link should be carried out concretely and in depth.

Xi Jinping emphasized that in the new journey of anti-corruption, we must continue to make efforts and advance in depth in eradicating the soil and conditions that cause corruption problems. The general requirement is to persist in promoting the policy of not being afraid of corruption, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, deepening the treatment of both symptoms and root causes, systematic treatment, constantly expanding the depth and breadth of the anti-corruption struggle, prescribing the right medicine, precise treatment, and taking multiple measures simultaneously to eliminate recurring old problems. Gradually reduce it to make it difficult for new problems to spread, and promote the normalization and long-term prevention and treatment of corruption problems.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the party’s centralized and unified leadership in the fight against corruption. Party committees at all levels must effectively strengthen leadership over the entire process of the anti-corruption struggle, resolutely support the investigation and handling of corruption cases, and work hard to rectify problems. As a dedicated agency, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission must take more initiative to assume its responsibilities, effectively assist the party committee in organizing and coordinating anti-corruption work, and integrate the entire anti-corruption chain. All functional departments must adhere to efficient coordination and consciously translate the Party Central Committee’s anti-corruption decision-making and deployment into concrete actions.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we must continue to maintain a high-pressure posture in punishing corruption. Facing the still severe and complex situation, we must never look back, relax or be merciful in our fight against corruption. We must always sound the charge. We must continue to keep an eye on the "seven problems", make severely punishing corruption involving political and business collusion a top priority, resolutely crack down on power-based profit-seeking behavior of capital, and resolutely prevent various interest groups and powerful groups from penetrating into the political field. We must deepen the rectification of corruption in areas where power is concentrated, capital intensive, and resource-rich such as finance, state-owned enterprises, energy, medicine, and infrastructure projects, and eliminate hidden risks. Punish the "corruption of flies and ants" to give the masses a greater sense of gain.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to deepen reforms to prevent the spread of corruption. The essence of corruption is the abuse of power. It is necessary to seize key powers such as policy setting, decision-making, approval and supervision, focus on key areas to deepen the reform of systems and mechanisms, accelerate the construction of governance mechanisms in emerging areas, improve power allocation and operation restriction mechanisms, further plug system loopholes, standardize discretion, and reduce rent-seeking opportunities. It is necessary to establish a linkage mechanism for early warning and punishment of corruption, strengthen the dynamic monitoring of hidden integrity risks, and strengthen the rapid handling of new types of corruption and hidden corruption.

Xi Jinping emphasized the need to further improve anti-corruption laws and regulations. We will improve the basic laws and regulations around the integrated promotion of those who dare not, cannot, and do not want to corrupt, and improve and strengthen supporting systems for the supervision of “top leaders” and leadership teams. We will continue to advance national anti-corruption legislation, revise the Supervision Law in keeping with the times, and use the opportunity to study and implement the newly revised disciplinary regulations to launch a centralized disciplinary education throughout the party. Strengthening supervision and inspection of the implementation of key laws and regulations will ensure integrated compliance and implementation.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it was necessary to increase the punishment of bribery. We must seriously investigate and punish those bribers who always drag officials into trouble and harm one party, and report typical cases to set the record straight and serve as a warning to others. And we must Increase efforts to recover and correct illegitimate benefits obtained from bribery.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we must persist in purifying our political ecology. We must adhere to both stimulating the turbulent and promoting the "qing", strictly enforcing political disciplines and rules, taking intra-party political life seriously, breaking "hidden rules" and establishing "explicit rules"; we must resolutely prevent "small circles", "worshiping docks" and "building antennas", effectively cracking down on all kinds of political crooks and strictly preventing the principle of commodity exchange from being brought into the Party. We must persist in rectifying unhealthy tendencies in the selection and employment of people, promote the formation of a clear and comradely relationship, have well-behaved relationships between superiors and subordinates, and promote a clear political ecology.

Xi Jinping pointed out that it was necessary to strengthen the construction of a culture of integrity in the new era. We must carry out in-depth education on party spirit, style, and discipline, inherit the party's glorious traditions and fine styles, inspire Communist Party members to pursue their lofty ideals, and regard abuse of power for personal gain and corruption as a great shame. We should pay attention to family education and family tradition, and urge leading cadres to strictly manage relatives and children. That calls for actively promoting the concept of integrity and examples of integrity, and creating a good trend of advocating integrity and rejecting corruption.

Xi Jinping emphasized that disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies are an important force in promoting the Party's self-revolution. They shoulder special political responsibilities and glorious missions and must always be absolutely loyal, absolutely reliable, and absolutely pure. It is necessary to consolidate and expand the results of education rectification and further build political loyalty. We must work with the Party Central Committee at all times and under any circumstances to strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards" We must take practical actions to obey the party's command and fulfill our responsibilities for the party. We must adhere to principles, be brave enough to draw swords, dare to fight well, assume responsibilities with due diligence, unswervingly correct our conduct, eliminate discipline and fight corruption, and promote the comprehensive and in-depth development of strict party governance. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the team of disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres, eliminate bad apples on a regular basis, resolutely prevent and control "darkness under the light", strive to set an example for self-revolution, and set a benchmark for compliance with regulations and disciplines, so as to create a disciplinary inspection and supervision team that reassures the Party Central Committee and satisfies the people. Iron Army.

Li Xi pointed out when presiding over the meeting that the important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping summarized the new progress and new results in comprehensively and strictly governing the party, profoundly expounded the important thought of the party's self-revolution, and scientifically answered why our party should self-revolution and why. It clearly puts forward the practical requirements of the "nine steps" and makes strategic arrangements for continuous efforts and in-depth advancement of the anti-corruption struggle. The speech is far-sighted, broad in vision, profound in thought, and rich in connotation. It is the fundamental guideline for deepening the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, building party style and clean government, and fighting against corruption in the new era and new journey. We must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the party’s self-revolution, firmly support the “two establishments” and resolutely achieve the “two safeguards”, and deeply promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and the party’s self-revolution. Self-revolution provides a strong guarantee for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

Members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, members of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, relevant leading comrades of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, State Councilors, President of the Supreme People's Court, Chief Prosecutor of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, relevant leading comrades of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and members of the Central Military Commission attended the meeting.

Members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, principal responsible comrades from various departments of central and state agencies and people's organizations, and principal responsible comrades from relevant military units attended the meeting. The meeting was held in the form of a video and telephone conference, with branch venues set up in each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and relevant military units.

The third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China opened in Beijing on January 8. The Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection presided over the meeting. On the afternoon of the 8th, Li Xi, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, delivered a work report entitled “In-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on the Party's self-revolution, and in-depth promotion of high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work in the new journey.”