1. Xi meets Uruguayan president

Xi Jinping meets Uruguay’s President Lacalle Pou

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, November 22 (Reporter Yang Yijun) – On the afternoon of November 22, President Xi Jinping held talks at the Great Hall of the People with President Lacalle Pou of Uruguay, who was in China for a state visit. The two heads of state announced that they would upgrade China-Uruguay relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Xi Jinping pointed out that 2023 marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Uruguay and the fifth anniversary of Uruguay joining the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 35 years ago, the two countries have always adhered to mutual respect, equal treatment, and win-win cooperation, and exchanges and cooperation in various fields have flourished. Especially in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, the two countries have helped each other and fought the epidemic together, and the China-Uruguay strategic partnership has been sublimated. China is willing to work with Uruguay to take the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership as a new starting point and new coordinate to enhance the level of bilateral relations, enrich the connotation of cooperation between the two countries, and build China-Uruguay relations into a country of unity and cooperation with different sizes, systems and cultures. model to better serve the development of their respective countries and enhance the well-being of the two peoples.

Xi Jinping introduced the connotation of Chinese-style modernization and expressed that China is willing to strengthen exchanges on state governance and administration with Uruguay, enhance political mutual trust, share development opportunities, and promote the modernization of their respective countries and the modernization of the world. The two sides should intensify friendly exchanges and cooperation between legislative bodies, political parties, and local governments, take the signing of the “Belt and Road” cooperation plan as an opportunity, strengthen the docking of development strategies, cultivate new momentum for cooperation in service trade, digital economy, clean energy and other fields, and promote the development of the China-Uruguay Communist Party. The construction of “One Belt and One Road” has entered a new stage of high-quality development. We welcome more Uruguayan high-quality agricultural and animal husbandry products and high value-added products to enter the Chinese market, encourage Chinese enterprises to invest and start business in Uruguay, and hope that Uruguay will continue to provide a good business environment for Chinese enterprises. The two sides should promote cultural, sports and other people-to-people exchanges and create more convenient conditions for personnel exchanges between the two countries. China is willing to provide more scholarships to Uruguay.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Ukraine have similar concepts on many international and regional issues, and have broad consensus and common interests. The two sides can further strengthen coordination and cooperation in multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization to make the world more peaceful, prosperous, and just. Make joint efforts. China attaches great importance to the development of China-Latin America relations, appreciates that Uruguay has always actively participated in the overall cooperation between China and Latin America, supports the Southern Common Market and other regional organizations to close political dialogue and economic and trade cooperation with China, and hopes that Uruguay will continue to promote China-Latin America and China-South Africa cooperation.

Lacalle Pou said that he was pleased to lead an important cabinet and economic and trade delegation to visit China on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Uruguay and China 35 years ago, the development of relations between the two countries has always adhered to the principles of equality, respect, mutual benefit and win-win. Political mutual trust between the two parties is solid. It is a strong consensus of all walks of life and the entire people of Uruguay to continuously deepen Uruguay-China relations. The Uruguayan government recognizes that there is only one China in the world and that peaceful reunification is China’s internal affair and must be decided by the Chinese people themselves. Both Ukraine and China firmly defend multilateralism, safeguard free trade, and are committed to promoting world peace and stability. Uruguay-China relations have gone beyond the economic and trade field and have shown a good trend of multi-dimensional and high-level development. Uruguay actively supports the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” and agrees with the global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping. It hopes to strengthen cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, science and technology, sports, tourism and welcomes more Chinese companies to invest in Uruguay. Support the establishment of more Confucius Institutes in Ukraine to promote personnel exchanges and cultural exchanges between the two countries. Uruguay looks forward to accelerating free trade cooperation with China and at the same time pushing the Southern Common Market towards this goal. Uruguay is willing to play an active role in promoting the development of Latin America-China relations and the construction of the Latin America-China Forum.

After the talks, the two heads of state jointly witnessed the signing of the “Belt and Road” cooperation plan and a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of trade and investment, digital economy, green development, agriculture, health, education, culture, technological innovation, and customs inspection and quarantine.

Before the talks, Xi Jinping held a welcome ceremony for Lacalle Pou in the North Hall of the Great Hall of the People.

A 21-gun salute was fired in Tiananmen Square, and soldiers lined up to pay tribute. The two heads of state ascended the reviewing stand, and the military band played the national anthems of China and Ukraine. Accompanied by Xi Jinping, Lacalle Pou inspected the honor guard of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and watched the procession.

That night, Xi Jinping held a welcome banquet for Lacalle Pou in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People.

Wang Yi participated in the above activities.

During Lacalle Pou’s visit to China, the two sides issued the “Joint Statement between the People’s Republic of China and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay on the Establishment of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.”