1. Xi attends women’s congress

13th National Congress of Chinese Women opens in Beijing; Xi Jinping and other Party, state leaders attend meeting, offer congratulations

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 23 – The 13th National Congress of Chinese Women opened on the morning of the 23rd at the Great Hall of the People. Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Li Xi and other party and state leaders attended the meeting to congratulate. Ding Xuexiang delivered a speech on behalf of the Party Central Committee.

The atmosphere in the Great Hall of the People was solemn and warm. The emblem of the “Thirteenth National Congress of Chinese Women” hangs above the rostrum, and in the center of the background is the bright emblem of the All-China Women’s Federation, with 10 red flags on both sides. Hanging on the balcony on the second floor is the slogan “Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, mobilize and lead women of all ethnic groups and all walks of life to unite for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Fight!” giant banner.

Nearly 1,800 representatives of the 13th National Congress of Chinese Women from all walks of life and 90 specially invited representatives from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region attended the conference, shouldering the great trust of hundreds of millions of women.

At 10 a.m., Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, entered the venue, and the audience burst into warm applause.

Shen Yueyue, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and executive chairman of the presidium of the conference, announced the opening of the conference. Everyone stood up and sang the national anthem.

On behalf of the Party Central Committee, Ding Xuexiang delivered a speech entitled “Composing a splendid chapter of “Half the Sky” in the new era for the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation”, expressing warm congratulations on the convening of the conference and extending cordial greetings to women and women workers across the country. I would like to extend my best wishes to our female compatriots and overseas female compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan.

Ding Xuexiang said in his speech that since the 12th National Women’s Congress of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, hundreds of millions of women have worked hard on the main battlefield of poverty alleviation, climbed to the top at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation, and fought against the epidemic. Going retrograde at critical junctures, taking the initiative in families and communities, silently guarding the front line of safety construction, and daring to fight in the competitive arena, the role of “half the sky” is fully demonstrated, and women’s development progresses in all directions. Women’s federations at all levels strive to strengthen women’s ideological and political leadership, unite and mobilize women to make contributions in the new era, innovate and promote the construction of family tutoring and family tradition, provide rights protection and care services with heart and soul, actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation, and continue to deepen the reform of women’s federations, political and The advanced nature and mass character have been continuously enhanced, which has played an important role in consolidating the mass foundation of the party’s governance.

Ding Xuexiang said that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew up a grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the construction of a powerful country and the great cause of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization, and clarified the central task of the party in the new era and new journey. The majority of women must work together with the Party and forge ahead with the Party, build a solid foundation of women’s beliefs while practicing new ideas, demonstrate women’s responsibilities in forging ahead on a new journey, demonstrate women’s unique role in leading new trends, and create women’s achievements in advancing to a new realm. Live a brilliant life, write a more splendid chapter of “Half the Sky” on the new journey with a stronger historical consciousness and a more high-spirited spiritual outlook. Women’s federation organizations at all levels must unswervingly follow the path of socialist mass development with Chinese characteristics, conscientiously perform their functions of leadership, service, and contact, and pool the power and wisdom of women for the party’s cause.

Xu Liuping, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and First Secretary of the Secretariat of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, represented the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chinese Writers Association, the China Science and Technology Association, and the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese , the All-China Taiwan Compatriots Association, and the China Disabled Persons’ Federation sent congratulatory messages to the conference. The congratulatory message pointed out that on the new journey, mass organizations must uphold and strengthen the party’s overall leadership, persist in using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and unswervingly follow the path of mass group development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The great struggle has opened up a new world for the development of mass organizations.

On behalf of the 12th Executive Committee of the All-China Women’s Federation, Huang Xiaowei, executive chairman of the presidium of the conference, delivered a report entitled “Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Mobilizing and Leading Women to Unite and Struggle for the Construction of a Strong Country and National Rejuvenation.” The report is divided into five parts: Chinese women and women’s federation organizations who are determined to fight for the party; using Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to guide the new voyage of Chinese women’s cause; bravely shouldering the mission of women for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation; in the new era Promote the high-quality development of the Women’s Federation work on the way to the exam; forge a Women’s Federation organization that adapts to the requirements of Chinese-style modernization.

The conference submitted a draft of the “Constitution of the All-China Women’s Federation (Amendment)” in the form of a written report to the representatives for their review.

Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee and relevant leading comrades of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the State Council, the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and the Central Military Commission attended the meeting.

Relevant departments of the central and state organs, various people’s organizations, relevant military units and responsible comrades in Beijing, leaders of the central committees of democratic parties, leaders of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and representatives of non-partisan persons, some ministerial-level female leading cadres in Beijing and veteran leaders of the All-China Women’s Federation, the capital Women representatives from all walks of life attended the opening ceremony.