1. Xi gives speech to friendship groups

Xi Jinping attends, delivers speech at joint welcome banquet hosted by US friendship groups

Xinhua News Agency, San Francisco, November 15 (Reporters Sun Hao, Zheng Kaijun, Su Liang) – On the evening of November 15, local time, President Xi Jinping attended a welcome banquet jointly organized by American friendship groups in San Francisco, USA.

Amid warm applause, Xi Jinping delivered an important speech.

Xi Jinping first expressed his heartfelt thanks to the friendly groups who organized this event, and expressed his sincere greetings to the American friends who have long been committed to the development of Sino-US relations! Best wishes to the friendly American people!

Xi Jinping pointed out that the foundation of Sino-US relations is laid by the people. During World War II, the two countries fought together for peace and justice. The Chinese people have not forgotten the Flying Tigers, and the American people have not forgotten the Chinese people who risked their lives to rescue American soldiers. The friendship between the Chinese and American people forged in blood and fire will surely be passed down from generation to generation.

The door to Sino-US relations is opened by the people. The two countries had been isolated and opposed for 22 years. It was their common interests that allowed China and the United States to transcend their differences, and it was the people’s wishes that allowed the two countries to break the ice. The hope of Sino-US relations lies in the people, the foundation lies in the people, the future lies in the youth, and the vitality lies in the localities. More American governors and congressmen are welcome to visit China, and American people from all walks of life are welcome to visit China.

The story of Sino-US relations is written by the people. Although the two countries have different histories, cultures, social systems and development paths, their people are kind, friendly, hard-working and pragmatic. They both love their motherland, their families and their lives, and both have a good impression and interest in each other. It is the two-way rush between people that has brought China-US relations back to the right track from the low point time and time again. I believe that once the door to Sino-US relations is opened, it will never be closed again.

The future of Sino-US relations is created by the people. The more difficult times are, the more necessary it is to tighten the bonds between people and enhance people-to-people communication, and the more necessary it is for more people to stand up and advocate for Sino-US relations. We must build more bridges and pave more roads for people-to-people exchanges. China will launch more measures with the United States to facilitate personnel exchanges and promote people-to-people and cultural exchanges. We hope that the people of the two countries will move more, have more exchanges and exchanges, and jointly continue to write the story of friendship between the Chinese and American peoples in the new era!

Xi Jinping pointed out that we are in an era full of challenges and changes, but also in an era full of hope. The future of the world requires cooperation between China and the United States. China and the United States should deal well with each other, demonstrate the pattern of major powers, assume the responsibilities of major powers, and play the role of major powers.

Mutual respect is the basic etiquette for people to deal with each other, and it is also the minimum principle for China and the United States to get along. China respects the development path and democratic system of the United States, and is also proud of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. China and the United States have different paths, but both are choices made by the people and should be respected.

Peaceful coexistence is the basic norm of international relations, and it is the bottom line that China and the United States must adhere to. To regard China, which insists on peaceful development, as a threat and engage in a zero-sum game in which you lose and I win, and you rise and I decline, is to go astray. China never bets on the United States, never interferes in the internal affairs of the United States, has no intention to challenge or replace the United States, and is happy to see a confident, open, developing and prosperous United States. Similarly, the United States should not bet on China to lose or interfere in China’s internal affairs. It should welcome a peaceful, stable and prosperous China.

Win-win cooperation is the trend of the times and the foundation of China-US relations. China is committed to high-quality development, and the United States is also working to revitalize the economy. There is unlimited space for cooperation between the two sides, and they can achieve mutual success and win-win results. Both sides should promote dialogue and cooperation between the two countries in the fields of diplomacy, economy and trade, humanities, education, science and technology, agriculture, military, law enforcement, counter-narcotics, artificial intelligence and other fields. In order to expand exchanges between the people of China and the United States, especially the young generation, China is willing to invite 50,000 American teenagers to come to China for exchange and study in the next five years.

Xi Jinping emphasized that after a century of exploration and continuous struggle, China has found a development path that suits itself and is comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. We are committed to uniting and working hard to enable more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to move towards modernization together. We are committed to common prosperity and allowing every Chinese to live a better life. We are committed to all-round development so that people’s material and spiritual worlds are equally rich. We are committed to sustainable development and harmonious coexistence between people and nature. We are committed to peaceful development and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Over the past 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China has never initiated any wars or conflicts, and has never occupied an inch of land from other countries. It is the only major country that has written peace and development into its constitution and the ruling party’s party constitution, making it a national will. China adheres to dialogue rather than confrontation, partnership rather than alliance, and pursues a win-win strategy of openness and cooperation. China does not pursue modernization in isolation. It is willing to work with other countries to achieve world modernization featuring peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation, and common prosperity!

Xi Jinping pointed out that in the long river of history, great waves wash away the sand, and the most valuable things always settle down in the end. No matter how the situation changes, the historical logic of peaceful coexistence between China and the United States will not change, the fundamental desire of the Chinese and American people for exchanges and cooperation will not change, and the general expectations of people around the world for the stable development of Sino-U.S. relations will not change. To succeed, any great cause must find its foundation among the people, gather strength from the people, and be completed by the people. Sino-US friendship is such a great cause. Let us bring together the strength of the two peoples, continue Sino-US friendship, advance Sino-US relations, and make greater contributions to promoting world peace and development!

The audience responded to President Xi Jinping’s important speech with more than ten long and warm applause.

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo delivered a speech on behalf of the U.S. government and warmly welcomed President Xi Jinping’s visit. Raimondo said that President Biden held an open, candid and fruitful meeting with President Xi Jinping today. As President Biden pointed out, the United States welcomes a stable and prosperous China. Economic and trade cooperation with China has created a large number of job opportunities for the United States, and American companies have a strong interest in the Chinese market. The United States is committed to developing long-term and stable relations with China, strengthening communication and dialogue, avoiding misunderstandings and misjudgments, managing differences responsibly, and creating a future of common prosperity for both countries.

Greenberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, Gusberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the U.S.-China Business Council, and Orlins, Chairman of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, delivered speeches respectively. They said that President Xi Jinping held an important meeting with President Biden in San Francisco and delivered an important speech to the American people, which was of extraordinary historical significance. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, China’s economy has continued to develop rapidly and has successfully lifted nearly 100 million people out of poverty. China has become a truly influential world power. The United States and China have differences in history, culture, systems and other aspects, but they are interdependent on each other, especially the deep friendship between the peoples. This is the source of vitality for the long-term and stable development of U.S.-China relations. As two important major countries in the world, maintaining dialogue and cooperation between the United States and China is vital to both countries and the world. They will continue to work to promote mutual understanding between the two peoples and contribute to the improvement and development of U.S.-China relations.

Before the banquet began, Xi Jinping met with representatives from the U.S. business community and all walks of life, as well as representatives from the Flying Tigers, descendants of General Stilwell, and friendly people from Guling, Iowa, and Washington State. He had cordial conversations with them and took photos with them. , thanked them for their contribution to promoting friendship and understanding between the Chinese and American people, and expressed that the Chinese people will never forget their old friends and believe that the friendship between the Chinese and American people and the relations between the two countries will continue to be inherited and developed.

The welcome banquet was jointly held by the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, the National Committee on U.S.-China Business, the Asia Society, the Council on Foreign Relations, the American Chamber of Commerce and other friendly groups. About 400 people including representatives of the U.S. government, members of friendly groups and other people from all walks of life attended.

Cai Qi and Wang Yi participated in the above activities.